Hi everyone,
I have followed Project Gorgon for about 2 years (i think), played more then 40 hours (i know that for this game is not that much) and researched for more thant that. I have always admire the game for the many paths you can take and many stuff you can do. Said that, i would like to point some issues I have.
The first one, and the most problematic for me is: what are the developers doing? Not that they arent doing a lot of thing (even more if you consider the size of the team), but i dont quite get what are the intentions. I dont know if i missed some note about what are the next steps of the development, but im seaching for more than 2 hours now, so at least is not something easy to find. I say is the most problematic for me because i feel like my other problems are not being given atention, and that is for me the most crucial thing in any game.
The second problem would be the customization. I know that the game is in alpha and all, but is just weird when you have more 50 skills and just 9 types of hair to pick. The armors are the same. In my hole 40 hours of playing i think that i only used two skins of armour! In most MMO i would already changed more than 20 times. Again, is not a problem of not having, because is in alpha and that is expected, is a problem of prioritizing the development.
The third problem for me is the grind. I know the hard grind is a choice that the game is going for (or a least i think) but i feel is just too much. You have to practice a skill for a eternity just to gain one level. And worse thant that is that for most skills (from what i saw) you need other skills/itens to level up, and this skills/itens require even more grind and other skills. I gave up on some skills i would really like to try just because of this. In MMO i really like to make "lore" for my character and follow it, but its impossible, since I have to level everything up to level the skills I want.
Basically, thats my issues with the game in the moment. There are a whole lot of good things that i could say about the game, but this post is not for that. I would like to point out the i have not played for some time and could be wrong about it all, so i would apreciate any corrections. I would also like to apologize for any errors in the writting, since im not a native american and it has being a lot of time since I have writed anything in english.
Thank you for reading any comment you post!![]()