Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: FAQ Suggestions
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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    FAQ Suggestions

    We will be updating the FAQ section of the website with both website and in-game related questions soon. In the meantime, we wanted to ask the community what questions they think would be appropriate for that section. It may be helpful to think back to questions that you may have had when you first started playing or maybe you've seen recurring questions in chat - either way - we would love to hear your suggestions!

  2. #2
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Well few questions ideas from me:
    1) How do i drop gear out of inventory (i see this pop up often)?
    2) How often in-combat regenaration procs (seriusly, to thsi point i nevber found any info about it in-game. ISt alwasy describet as "every few seconds")?
    3) Can i increase my inventory size(i see it pop up in chat from time to time)?
    4) Why my weapon do not have dmg stat(well anyone woudl figure this out eventualy, but it was something that confused me a bit when i started. aslo see it pop up in chat from tiem to time)?
    5) Is there auto-attack(simialr to above, i remeber spendign quite soem tiem lookign for a way to auto-attack, before realizing there is no such thing here)?

    Well thats it from me for now.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    6) How can I pay/donate for the game?
    7) Can I only use 6 abilities at a time of each combat skill I am using? How can I use more than 6?
    8) How many godlings?
    9) How do I get off this island?
    10) There is so much to learn: Where do I start?
    11) Is there PVP in this game?
    12) What makes this game special? Answer should highlight surreal elements of the game. i.e. cannibal pigs

  4. #4
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    13. How do i get rid of Feeble Fever/[insert disease name here] ?
    14. How can i learn Fire Magic/Cooking/[we get it you don't need to put everything in brackets] ?
    15. I'm off the island but everything is hard! Where can i find something that i can kill?
    16. I'm still on the island. Where can i sell stuff?
    17. Why do some of the vendors not give me full price for items?
    18. Where can i store items and can i transfer items between different characters on my account?

  5. #5
    Member Extractum11's Avatar
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    19) How do I make my character always run?
    20) When do my vendors get more money?
    21) Some kind of basic explanation of the mods system, people keep asking what gear is the best.

  6.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #6
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    If you have answers for the questions that you've suggested - I'd love to see them.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    6) How can I pay/donate for the game?
    7) Can I only use 6 abilities at a time of each combat skill I am using? How can I use more than 6?
    8) How many godlings?
    9) How do I get off this island?
    10) There is so much to learn: Where do I start?
    11) Is there PVP in this game?
    12) What makes this game special? Answer should highlight surreal elements of the game. i.e. cannibal pigs
    6)Project: Gorgon is currently in Alpha and has successfully completed both a Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign. You can play for free now while it is in its testing phase, but once it is launched on Steam it will be buy-to-play for $40. If you wish to purchase an early access package which includes a Steam key, you may visit the Gorgon Shop to do so. If you'd simply like to donate to the development of a rare and fantastic indie MMO, create an account on this forum and visit the DONATE link. Project: Gorgon's small dev team will definitely appreciate any support you can give.
    7)You can use 6 abilities per combat skill you have equipped, for a total of 12 abilities. The left sidebar is meant for utility abilities such as First Aid, Armor Patching, and other abilities you acquire while leveling up skills. There exist ways to extend the number of sidebar slots, but not the combat ability slots. 6 abilities might seem like a difficult limitation, but it creates more strategy in gameplay that many players have come to appreciate.
    8)Players on the tutorial island might find themselves desperate to know the answer to the question. The answer can be found on the ground nearby, and it's decipherable using simple mathematics learned in elementary school. Give it some thought before asking in Global!
    9)There exist a couple of different ways to leave the tutorial island, but the most entertaining and quickest way is by using your head and making some friends in "high places". If this option doesn't sound fun for you, you could always leave using brute force...
    10)Start learning on the tutorial island. Most other questions you have can first by answered by the Project: Gorgon wiki and secondly by knowledgable helpful players in the help channel of in-game chat. Further curiosity can be satisfied by posting a thread to this forum in the Community Questions and Answers section.
    11)Project: Gorgon has a very few PVP features. The game is balanced with PVE in mind and Citan the developer has stated many times that he does not intend to make the focus of the game PVP. That said, there is a zone in-game where PVP is turned on, as well as a fun item you may drink to turn PVP on if you wish.
    12)Many features in Project: Gorgon simply can't be found in other MMO's today. The loot system is random. Each weapon and piece of armor you pick up will be statistically different. The combat system involves equipping 2 skills of your choice, and there is no limit to how many combat skills you can learn or master. The game features many different crafting skills as well. You also have unlimited access to all of these. Lastly, the game features rich lore, evolving relationships with NPCs, and a profoundly hilarious surrealist sense of humor. It is possible to become a cannibalistic pig, a druidic nature cop, and even a small dancing duck--just to name a few!
    Last edited by Hood; 01-19-2017 at 02:37 PM. Reason: missing info

  8. #8
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    13. How do i get rid of Feeble Fever/[insert disease name here] ?
    Visit Marna southwest of the well in Serbule to buy a cure. You may need to raise your favor with her to purchase it. Alternatively, use the Treat Disease skill by acquiring First Aid 15 or, if your First Aid is too low, asking in chat for a friendly player to cure you.
    14. How can i learn Fire Magic/Cooking/[we get it you don't need to put everything in brackets] ?
    Try talking to every NPC you meet! Many of the skills can be acquired from NPCs in Serbule (e.g. Fire Magic from Velkort and Cooking from Fainor). For more exotic skills, you may have to travel far and wide; remember Project:Gorgon is a game of exploration -- it's a big part of the fun! Also, you may have to befriend some NPCs to get them to share their knowledge with you. Try a little small talk to find out what they like.
    15. I'm off the island but everything is hard! Where can i find something that i can kill?
    Try the pigs to the East of town, or talk to Sir Coth at the north end of town -- he just might have a quest that points you in the right direction.
    16. I'm still on the island. Where can i sell stuff?
    Sorry, it's not possible. Look at it as a motivator to get off the island and explore the rest of the world!
    17. Why do some of the vendors not give me full price for items?
    Usually it's because you hit the vendor's cap. Each vendor will only pay a certain amount for a single item. This cap can be raised by increaasing favor with the vendor. In some cases, vendors may also offer sub-par prices for certain types of items (early on, this is most noticable on Therese).
    18. Where can i store items and can i transfer items between different characters on my account?
    There is a bank west of the well in Serbule. The banker, Hulon, will store items for you. There is also an 8 slot chest in the bank that you can use to transfer inventory between characters on your account. Several other NPCs will store items for you, especially as they begin to like you more from increased favor. Additionally, storage chests can be found in some locations throughout the world. Accessing them often involves solving a puzzle.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    #1 : Note, you can't drop gear on the ground while a container or NPC is open. That bites me alot, since you can have so many windows open!

  10. #10
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr00cy View Post
    1) How do i drop gear out of inventory (i see this pop up often)?
    2) How often in-combat regenaration procs (seriusly, to thsi point i nevber found any info about it in-game. ISt alwasy describet as "every few seconds")?
    3) Can i increase my inventory size(i see it pop up in chat from time to time)?
    4) Why my weapon do not have dmg stat(well anyone woudl figure this out eventualy, but it was something that confused me a bit when i started. aslo see it pop up in chat from tiem to time)?
    5) Is there auto-attack(simialr to above, i remeber spendign quite soem tiem lookign for a way to auto-attack, before realizing there is no such thing here)?
    1) Drag it below the inventory box. An area of the screen will pop open, allowing you to drop an item.
    2) Every 4 seconds. {Ed. Note: I'm taking this info from the wiki, not tested.} You can also regenerate in combat by using an ability marked as a Basic Attack to gain a Combat Refresh every 15 seconds. {Ed. Note: are all Combat Refreshes 15 seconds or do they vary?}
    3) There are various ways to increase inventory size, including leveling up your Endurance skill (by taking damage and then killing mobs). {Ed. Note: This could probably use a more thorough answer}
    4) Gear in Project:Gorgon is defined by its mods (effects that appear on each item). Most basic weapons have no implicit modifiers, but more advanced ones will often increase your base damage or have other effects. In addition, higher tier items (uncommon or better, any color but white) will have additional mods that often affect particular abilities. These mods are in lieu of what many other games pack into a simple "damage" statistic on a weapon, allowing for more interesting decisions regarding gear.
    5) No there is no auto attack, although using your Basic Attacks (which generally have low cooldowns) regularly is advised for most ability loadouts, in order to proc Combat Refreshes (see #2 ) .

    Quote Originally Posted by Extractum11 View Post
    19) How do I make my character always run?
    20) When do my vendors get more money?
    21) Some kind of basic explanation of the mods system, people keep asking what gear is the best.
    19) {Ed. Note maybe we don't need this one anymore since auto run is enabled by default with new patch?} Options --> Mouse and Movement Parameters --> Always Run Everywhere. Also NumLock, by default, is bound to Auto Move Forward, and, in your keybindings, you can bind a key to Toggle Run/Walk, if you like.
    20) When their favor rises to a new level. {Ed. Note some overlap with #17 }
    21) See #4

    {New question}22) How do i talk in help?
    {Answer}22) Type /c help [message]. Subsequently, you can use /c [message] to chat in the last channel you spoke in. Alternatively switch to the trade/help tab in the chat window (You may need to /join help first if you've left the channel somehow). You can see a list of chat commands like these by typing /help in the chat window.

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