Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #41
    Junior Member Zeiss's Avatar
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    Druid/Archery k41i8nke

    I've seen a few people putting these two combat abilities together recently so I wanted to share mine.

    This is a single target build I put together very early on when you could pick up druid at any level. The idea was to create a build that I could solo with almost anywhere. Sure, it's an MMO, but at the time groups weren't always easy to find with a smaller player base and I really enjoyed exploring the game. Even in other MMO's I've played like EQ, I was accustomed to combat skills that were jacks of all trades, master of none. Rangers/Druids/Paladins. That's what I like about this build and have stuck with it for so long. Is it the best DPS? Nope. Is it tanky? Nope. Is it a healer? Kind of, but Nope. However, am I usually top DPS in groups? Yes. I can also tank with the best of them with mangle shot's stun, bramble and debuffs on Rotskin/Mangle/Heart thorn. And while I don't take advantage of all the healing abilities of Druid, regrowth, bramble, and Energize work for healing both solo and in groups. Pair those with Great Bacon and Combat refresh and healing is covered. Can even throw on a Snare arrow and crowd control hitting all the bases.

    +not power hungry - use lvl 3 brambleskin for 15 power cost and take advantage of the treasure mods not the DMG shield. Same with Blitz, but not necessary.
    +attacks for specific mobs i.e Fire for trolls, Stun for ghost, Rotskin for Eyes
    +Druid Events. yes that's a positive you haters.

    My set is lvl 80 Max Ench across the board with the exception of the Bow. I use Shamanic Infusion on the Hat(+60 armor) Chest (+85 armor) and Gloves (+60 armor)

    Druid Abilities
    Brambleskin, Heart Thorn, Rotskin, Cosmic Strike, Energize, Regrowth
    Archery Abilities
    Long Shot, Aimed Shot, Mangle Shot, Fire Arrow, Heavy Shot, Blitz Shot

  2. #42
    Member Clip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tannin View Post
    Hi guys,
    If 6 months is still an inconvenient amount of time even with this new feature please let me know. I can't pile things up indefinitely because storage isn't free but I'd like to give the best user experience possible.
    Have you considered logging the most recent access date for each build when it gets viewed, then deleting ones that aren't viewed for X months? That might let you extend your TTL for builds that people have posted to threads while still letting all other (probably unpublished) ones time out faster and save you storage?

  3. #43
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 02-25-2020 at 08:12 PM.

  4. #44
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 02-25-2020 at 06:11 PM.

  5. #45
    Member Delfofthebla's Avatar
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    Pretty cool stuff you got here Proffessorcat. Your Staff/Druid with a crossbow build makes me jealous as an animal player. I'm a sucker for abusing unconventional or alternate forms of stat boosts for a seemingly unrelated skillset in games.

  6. #46
    Junior Member Quallen's Avatar
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    DPS utility Sword/Shield - Looking for a versatile first build that solos well and brings plenty to the table for groups?

    http://www.gorgonexplorer.com/build-planner - k6yck33e


    Damage Rotation: Wind Strike -> Precision Pierce -> Finishing Blow & Finish it
    CC: Stunning Bash (stun), Many Cuts (AoE low armor stun)
    Debuff: Debilitating Blow (-25% dmg), Finishing Blow/Finish it (-25% rage attack damage)
    Self: 90% Stun resistance, Elemental Ward (100% ele resistance - 40% up time ), Fire Shield (thorns - 100% up time)
    Group: Shield Team +32 Physical Mitigation (restores 221 armor) 100% up time

    For solo play thorns is great for walking through lots of trash and with wind strike -> precision pierce you 2 shot any normal mob. You also deal a variety of damage types (Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, and Fire w/ lvl 70 GK Fire sword) so odds are you've got something that hits a given mob hard (on the flip side its harder to buff your damage since its spread out across various types.)

    Sword: Thrusting Blade, Debilitating Blow, Wind Strike, Precision Pierce, Finishing Blow, Many Cuts
    Shield: Finish It, Stunning Bash, Vigorous Defense*, Fire Shield*, Elemental Ward*, Shield Team

    *Reinforce & Take the Lead get swapped into the * abilities depending on situation


    Spoiler Spoiler:


    Q: Your build is only 6 mods, why not 7?
    A: This build really only needs 6 to fit in the damage mods we care about. Since sword is the bulk of our damage going 4/2 (sword/shield mods) on a few pieces where its advantageous isn't a problem. Take the money you'd spend on trying to craft max-enchanted gear and put it towards getting that next set of combat skills you've been eyeing to 80 =)

    Q:Why Many Cuts, it seems kinda weak?
    A: I tried a bunch of different stuff in its place but ultimately landed there. My damage rotation already seemed adequate so I was more looking for utility. Decapitate with the fear mod was useful but in a tough group fight (say an over pull) I found getting in several AoE stuns (armor < 1/3rd) over the course of a fight more useful than a single decap. YMMV

    Q: I'm low level/still leveling up, should I copy your build?
    A: Nope. I mean sure, focus on +sword dmg and then % precision pierce dmg mods since its your best attack but really you want to be using whatever you've got mods for on your gear. Trying to make a specific build happen is pretty tough until you get transmutation and can start re-rolling mods. Although joining groups for the casino daily will help a lot gearing up wise. Also keep in mind, this is my first build too so yeah there's that.

  7. #47
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Had some fun with Shamanic/Generic Mods.

    Anyone else thinking of Fairy builds?

  8. #48
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    I've redacted the original post of my Staff/Fire build, because I did not intend or expect it to spawn controversy. Sorry Space! You should have said this build was nothing like yours to throw off the would-bes! It's a build I've been theorizing for a long time, and was excited to start putting into action. For what it's worth, I've never had someone tell me they've copied any of my builds 100%, however I've had people tell me my builds have inspired theirs, and that's a cool thing.

    I'll leave my Staff/Druid Speed Farming build in it's place (which has the exact same Staff abilities/Mods as the fire build I had posted)

    I have previously shared variations of this build a few times in this thread, and as they keep falling out of Gorgon Explorer, I did not bother making another ID.

    This build is tried and true, and eats wolves like you wouldn't believe!

    1. Open with your Crossbow skill to start with ranged, and add 40% to your incoming Epic attacks
    2. Smack the biggest mob with a Phoenix Strike - Making the target Vulnerable (You can change targets from the xbow shot, as the epic damage is applied to you, not the mob)
    3. IMMEDIATELY hit with Headcracker to stun the mob, ensuring the rest of your combo goes off
    4. Strategic Thrust - This attack does almost 2.5x damage on vulnerable targets if fully modded
    5. Cosmic Strike - This caps off the vulnerable stage, and also DUMPS their rage bar to empty, so when the mob comes out of the stun from headcracker, you aren't looking at a rage crit to the face. This also gets the bonus from vulnerable, and the +40% epic attack damage from the xbow shot.

    After this 5 skill opening combo goes off, watch for random vulnerability, and manage rage - there's a lot of rage reducing skills here. It's a good idea to pre-engage with Blocking stance, but make sure you don't double up with deflective spin, as it's better used as a heal/mitigation mid-battle.
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 04-01-2020 at 12:00 AM.

  9. #49
    Junior Member Space's Avatar
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    With the current build above, I can attest to it being the best solo build in the game with a few mod changes (another one i'm working on may beat it). As you may have seen, I've been using this build to solo almost every boss in the game, testing the limits (Zuke, Nature Elemental, Claudia, and i'm currently working on Ice Elemental). With the DPS route, I have been getting the most world boss kills currently. We'll see how it compares to other DPS builds with certain players on but I've taken it as far as I could, it can beat fire/ice.

    Hurts a bit to see it shared as we may be seeing more OP folks but that's what the game is about, finding these builds and breaking it as far as you can. Not sure about sharing the road-map but each to their own, once again, awesome stuff to see PC!
    Last edited by Space; 03-31-2020 at 12:44 PM.

  10. #50
    Junior Member CerealKiller321's Avatar
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    Hey fam,

    I was wondering if y'all could take a look at this build This is all theory. I am looking at indirect fire and just overall damage altogether.
    I would also like to create a support build possibly with mentalism/priest or with priest/warden but more emphasis on heals.

    Let me know what y'all think, please. And happy gaming.

    Gorgon Explorer ID:

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