Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    Let's Get Ready To RUMBLE!

    Hello everyone! I just hit level 100 gourmand and want to throw a party!
    There'll be games and contests and feats to keep the bards busy, I'm sure!
    There'll be food and drink you get the mood started, and feel free to bring
    out your musical instruments ... even if you still need practice! (we'll ask
    for the usual courtesies of no aoe's and such, so as to disrupt others...
    thank you in advance!

    After that, we'll start the games off with "Let's Make a Squeal! You'll be able
    to recognize your handsome host I'm sure. I'll be the pig with the top hat!
    (feel free to let your inner pig out if you want! (but that won't help you win)
    Contestants will be chosen out of the audience, by successfully being first
    (and sometimes 2nd) to answer PG trivia questions! After that, the game
    will continue as much like the game show on t.v. (whatever that is!).
    Players will be able to win valuable prizes! Or, they could get
    zonked! And we'll have to wait and see if the final winner will choose the
    correct curtain for a prize of 100,000 councils!

    Afterwards, we'll move from the party room, out to the arena, for a little
    pvp fun! And I'm stating in advance, there could be 'issues' with this, so
    final rulings will be based on my decisions, as fairly as I can determine, but
    hopefully no issues will arise. We'll start out with some 'hit point/armor'
    determined free for all's. This means that if you have 300/300 (hit points/
    armor) or below, you can qualify for this event. It will be last man standing
    who wins! We'll do a 500/500 round also, and finally an 'open' event.
    Winners will receive 50k for 300, 125k for the 500 and 250k for the open
    event! The winner of the open free for all will also receive a 'Tough Guy'
    title, being provided by one of our favorite admins, Rumm... Jackn...

    Next, I want to try some tag team matches... 5 man teams will compete
    against each other... one at a time... As one member of the team goes
    down, the next member will jump in and attempt to vanquish the killer
    of their friend! And so on, until finally only 1 team is standing. That team
    will receive 500,000 councils to divide amongst themselves! This will be
    a 'Ladder event' so I'll need you to have someone from your team to get
    with me an hour or so before hand (although if you can catch my attention
    you can let me know anytime, up until the single events start... I'll be too
    busy watching the matches after that!) Afterwards, if you guys want to
    have some grudge matches, that'll be up to you

    Finally, we'll wind down with statues and cauldrons to help kick things back
    into normalcy!

    So, When and Where you ask? When = Sunday, December 1st!
    Where = Red Wing Casino
    Time = 6pm server time (/status to get that time in-game)

    Thank you all for you attention, and hope to see you there!

  2. #2
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Masterful work on maxing Gourmand!

    Can I be on your team in the 5v5?

  3. #3
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    unfortunately, I am too stuffed from all the gourmand to partake in any brawling, so I'll be watching the spectacle from my judges perch! Feel free to join me for a snack before hand though.. we can 5 v something to snuffle I'm sure! And thanks! Glad to be 'done'.. I can feel sanity slowly returning!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Oh boy, this sounds like the closest thing the game has had to "Serious" PvP. While I don't think two weeks is enough time for anyone to make a dedicated PvP set, it's still fun to think of what a meta PvP set would be. I don't really know if anyone's going to take it very seriously but there sure are a lot of ridiculous things that could happen, especially if there isn't a rule set.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    it's all just about having fun! not meant to be a 'serious' pvp thing, but, maybe someone will pick up on it! It gets a little interesting, pvp'ing in the casino arena, because of the timers... if you enter the ring too soon after the npc vs npc fight, you'll get booted out (and disqualified, unless that is my fault) and the fights can only run a few minutes (fights I watched were about 1m20s, with 8m50s between(that is when players will have to get the job done!)), before the next npc vs npc fight starts, and everyone gets booted out! This will mean that the 5m tag team event will get a restpid, I'm thinking, or maybe they won't need that long to finish each other off either hehe. Anyways, it should be interesting to watch, and I plan on recording it for youtube, and maybe a streamer or 2 will find it interesting enough to show also? Maybe afterwards there can be some grudge matches too! Just for glory and all that! The time limitations and the spectating area is why I think the casino arena will make this more fun than the serbule pvp dungeon, but we'll see.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    Been thinking about it, and have decided, might be easier overall, to have the 2 teams all be able to jump into the fray together, rather than
    a 'tag team' type event. That 'might' hopefully eliminate the 'timer' factor. And just for clarification, this part of the pvp would have the last
    representative(s) of a team in the ring, determining the winner.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    And our big winners were... *drum roll please!*
    Yaffy won 250,000 and the tough guy title!
    Chartok won both the 300 AND 500 matches, for 175,000!
    Team Yaffy: Celerity, Chartok, Teloch, Kaskrim and Yaffy himself, took home the 500,000 councils!

    In the Let's Make a Squeal! game, the big winner was Professor Cat, winning the Big Squeal of the day, which was 100,000 councils!
    Other big winners were Seya who won bags of coins, meal and snacks, and 10 vervadium.. his package worth a little over 85,000!
    Coglin won buff statues/pumpkins in a cut throat game where players had to choose other players to eliminate! (hopefully the buffs
    win friends back!
    Other winners were Tamiq, Space, Rasputan, Djorm, BlamBlom, and Buckeye!

    I want to thank all those who were able to make it out, and the whole community in general! You guys really are the best people
    in any MMO I've played! Thank you all!

    *I recorded the event and will see what I can edit and get posted if any are interested, in the next couple days!*

  8. #8
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manwar View Post
    And our big winners were... *drum roll please!*
    Yaffy won 250,000 and the tough guy title!
    Chartok won both the 300 AND 500 matches, for 175,000!
    Team Yaffy: Celerity, Chartok, Teloch, Kaskrim and Yaffy himself, took home the 500,000 councils!

    In the Let's Make a Squeal! game, the big winner was Professor Cat, winning the Big Squeal of the day, which was 100,000 councils!
    Other big winners were Seya who won bags of coins, meal and snacks, and 10 vervadium.. his package worth a little over 85,000!
    Coglin won buff statues/pumpkins in a cut throat game where players had to choose other players to eliminate! (hopefully the buffs
    win friends back!
    Other winners were Tamiq, Space, Rasputan, Djorm, BlamBlom, and Buckeye!

    I want to thank all those who were able to make it out, and the whole community in general! You guys really are the best people
    in any MMO I've played! Thank you all!

    *I recorded the event and will see what I can edit and get posted if any are interested, in the next couple days!*
    Thank you very much for hosting the event! I had a lot of fun during it!
    It was fun thinking about possible PvP sets but I just went with my old Unarmed/Shield set in the end.

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