Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Senior Member Figger1's Avatar
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    should there be Yeti and Razorslash panthers in Red's camp and too many of them between Syndra and Red's camp. Also an area near orc camp there used to be many panthers and a few orc but now it is many orc and a few panthers. I am a bat and have to kill the defenses in Red's camp in order to talk to Red or Mittens, now I have to kill Yeti and razorslash panthers too.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Oxlazr's Avatar
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    Not specifically related to the patch, but it does bring to light an on-going issue with new skills -

    Will they ever have a higher base level? For example, the new top secret combat skill could viably start at 30 and require more experience to level beyond that point as a trade-off.

    Just seems like a way to let new skills be used from the get-go without having to worry about establishing lower level ranks for abilities.

  3. #23
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxlazr View Post
    Not specifically related to the patch, but it does bring to light an on-going issue with new skills -

    Will they ever have a higher base level? For example, the new top secret combat skill could viably start at 30 and require more experience to level beyond that point as a trade-off.

    Just seems like a way to let new skills be used from the get-go without having to worry about establishing lower level ranks for abilities.
    Actually... Warden DO start at lv 30. I didn't checked when I got it, but considering that the first ability that you recive as soon as you learn this skill require a lv 30 to use, I'd say that this is the case.

    And yes, i complelty agree that some secret/harder to get skills should start at a higher lv. Examples: Druid and BC.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Vish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Figger1 View Post
    should there be Yeti and Razorslash panthers in Red's camp and too many of them between Syndra and Red's camp. Also an area near orc camp there used to be many panthers and a few orc but now it is many orc and a few panthers. I am a bat and have to kill the defenses in Red's camp in order to talk to Red or Mittens, now I have to kill Yeti and razorslash panthers too.
    its because of emergency warden quest from Red

  5. #25
    Member Silkt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Figger1 View Post
    should there be Yeti and Razorslash panthers in Red's camp and too many of them between Syndra and Red's camp. Also an area near orc camp there used to be many panthers and a few orc but now it is many orc and a few panthers. I am a bat and have to kill the defenses in Red's camp in order to talk to Red or Mittens, now I have to kill Yeti and razorslash panthers too.
    I also think the Kur mob density increase as well as the overall placement increase is way over the top. All the previously safe fireplace areas in Kur should have a no spawn area around them the same as portals should have, this should also include mobs that have chased a target and then lose it should return to their spawn location not just remain hovering at the doorway causing deaths before you actually spawn in. Also have these mobs as chain stun is potential rage quit scenario, going through a portal to find yourself stunned and half dead or worse before you show on the screen is absolute crap.

    This game has so much pointless travel needed getting to and from storage or specific vendors that their should at least be a relatively safe transit path through the edges of zones that are not single entrance/exit areas.

  6. #26
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    I love the warden experience - the flavor of the quest and NPCs, the dailies, the skills. I recently leveled it to 80 (not incredibly focused on gear yet) and want to mostly address Warden.


    I like that it starts at lvl 30 - this has some interesting nuances in that you're in lvl 30 areas with only one skill available, you can't use it's lowest skills in combination with a lvl 1 skill, shorter path to 50+. I like the daily quests particularly the ones that change the zone - Illmari are by far my favorite for this reason.

    Sacred Grotto:

    Not sure it was intended that Rubi and Cassie don't accept gifts after the first favor level upgrade - this "talk to me once a day for 30+ days" mechanic is interesting. I'm not sure it adds much - I expected after 10 days I would open up gifting or something else to do with them, but it looks like I have 20 more days to see if it changes at the next tier.

    I object that I can't mushroom farm in the grotto which _clearly_ has water, but I understand it would probably crowd the cave so I'm fine to keep going to wolf cave.

    Combat Skills:

    Adding two AoE available to all animals was a huge boon - highly support this move and am very happy. AoE was something I know a lot of animal forms felt they missed out on so while this isn't BC more options are always welcome.

    The grapple style skill, apprehend, is a lot more fun than I expected - offers surprising utility (clearly I haven't spent enough time on spider).

    Coordinated Assault seems okay - a nice generic group boost with some nice speed mods to give animals another move buff. On the whole I feel like Warden is missing a support/utility skill or two to round it out. I don't see myself making use of 5 combat skills (counting privacy field as a combat skill since it has to be cast when CD pops for damage)

    It looks like the mods for CD on Stun Trap and Lethal Force are broken as well as the mods for extra traps on Stun Trap. Haven't tested the others (Conditioning Shock and Controlled Burn via Apprehend)

    Privacy Field - it's good, possibly too good. More at end.

    Daily Quests:

    Love these. I would love to see more of these and preferably not all kill 15 of x. That mechanic gets old quickly, but the fact that they cause different mobs to appear in areas is awesome!

    The currency for training requiring you do these is nice. It's actually one of the cheapest and easiest skills to skill up for, slows you down a _little_ but I was able to get through 70 on favor and dailies alone at the same pace I was leveling and wasn't until recently that I had to wait (I was being selective on my skills I chose).

    Privacy Field:

    I wanted to talk a little bit about my experience with privacy field. Note: this is my first time doing a thorns build so I don't know if it's normal.

    Context: Geared with lvl 70 purple leather crafted, some augmentation apply, no re-rolling, with a half attentive focus on privacy field. There was one specific mod I focused on which is the main hand weapon mod which requires purple rarity or higher: "Privacy Field also deals its damage when you are hit by ranged attacks, and damage is +x". I was nearing max foraging and decided I needed to pick up some lvls in pig, but didn't really have much interest in using it so figured I'd just power level it with warden. I started with 7 synergy lvls in pig so I was able to use warden right away without a need to lvl pig with another skill.

    I flew through goblin keep, basement, kur tower, and then yeti cave with no problem. Going from lvl 1-35 (effectively 8-42) in an hour and a half. Now I know I was power leveling and that by definition is quick, but I wouldn't expect this kind of performance on suboptimal 70 gear.

    Pig is a special case because I was able to use it's support skills to heal myself and just let mobs take dmg and I had bonus lvls so the xp requirements were lower. I repeated it with Deer where I had only 1 synergy lvl and no support skills. Deer took probably an hour longer, but I was also less focused.

    The real key to this performance was that the thorns also hits ranged attackers. When thorns only hits melee you have to be careful still, but with 100% of attackers taking damage I could just walk around and look popping skills just often enough to maintain xp.

    I've heard with optimal gear at 80 this skill is even more insane.

    I love the skill and perhaps this kind of performance is as intended, but wanted to share this experience. Perhaps it would be better if the ranged attacker mod got swapped out, or the skill got switched to something like armor dmg with a chance to stun. Alternatively the issue is part of a greater issue that high lvl gear can be used to over power low level skills when power leveling.

    I know power leveling isn't the ideal play style, but I think it's important for play testing - working on an 80 spring fairy set eventually, but my tool crafting has to catch up before I can comment on how this plays at end game.

  7.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #27
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    @Deldaron - thanks for the detailed feedback! I haven't made any substantive changes to the skill (or any other skill) for tomorrow's small update, but I did fix several loot effect bugs you mentioned.

    If other players have Warden feedback I'd love to hear it!

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