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My problem with the new zone, which is a product of it being new to an existing world, is that I get nothing in the way of xp for endurance, or any weapons skills until AFTER I can favor the npcs.
With the rarity in drop items, and the constant deaths, I am going to be completely bored with this zone before I can actually get my favor up to train.
This would not be an issue to newer players as they can come to the new zone, early, and start to work on favor before their xp meters stop.
The power drain is ridiculous. What it essentially means is, as a trained high level warrior I can shoot 3 arrows before I an winded, 4 wheezing and 5 I basically pass out from exertion (then of course, die). What happens is, I get attacked by a troll, hit hi with 3-4 shots, he evades 2 of them, I am out of power. Now while I scramble to regen he heals fully, and now there is no way I can kill him because my power bar is at the bottom.
Sounds like this world needs a major fitness program.