Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #61
    Junior Member Swanzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamageIncorp View Post
    Tired of seeing all the complaining. Leave archery alone please. You guys complain til you get your way.
    I'm tired of seeing all this archery should be the most powerful skill in the game because they have to make arrows boo freaking hoo. Its ranged, does the most damage, has many different damage types, its an offhand weapon which can be combined with many other skills and you can drop at any time with no repercussions.

  2.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #62
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Okay, folks - this isn't the right thread to snipe at each other about archery.

    Let's bring the discussion back to the dev blog and try to keep things civil.

  3. #63
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Alright, why on earth would you tie Pound to Slag to rage? Can Hammer skill have just one good ability that isn't tied to something? Do you know why Hammer skill was hit the hardest out of all the skills? Because everything in Hammer skill is tied to a condition or buff from another ability. Already now we got Leaping Smash getting disrupted by others and Seismic Impact or Rib Shatter bonus damage fails then you go use Pound to Slag and since Rage can be changed fast in a group you fail there to hit on bonus, multiple fails in seconds. Here we had a nerfed epic ability that needed some love and what happened! Does Cosmic Strike have a condition? How about Heavy Shot or Fire Breath yeah didn't think so.

  4. #64
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Cosmic strike is conditional to the target becoming vulnerable, which is much less controllable than a rage meter, because it's a random effect, save two mods in the game, one of which is another conditional attack, the other has a 1 minute timer.

    Pound to slag is the only epic attack in the game with a mod to make it an aoe.

    Not at all bashing hammer. I love the skill, and look forward to the changes it will have in the next patch.

    The point is, most every skill has a gimmic, or conditional status to make it more powerful. I believe this adds a lot of dynamic and creativity during combat.

    I love the fact that I can be rewarded with better damage output by being more aware of the combat situation. If this changes, and there exists a build with zero synergy or circumstantial damage, and that build is also top dps, then there would be a balance issue.

    I believe this is why wolf is being addressed. Theres no gimmick of a full moon. It's a quest that results in permanent buffs until the next full moon.

    To me the full moon is comparable to hopology for staff, buckle artistry for hammer, calligraphy/mediation for sword/unarmed, the lore skill for elemental damage, and the list goes on for most combat skills. It's more of an enhancement opportunity that you can take or leave.

    Combat skills almost all have gimmicks. If a vanilla build with no real synergy existed, and started out dpsing all other builds, I would imagine that skill ends up in a dev blog for rebalancing.

    When hammer accidentally got the short straw of a systemic damage recalculation, a ton of fingers pointed at wolf in protest. That was really unfortunate from our player base, and I hope wasn't the catalyst for the new wolf nerf.

    The more we demand damage recalculation and adjustments to level 70 content, the less time we allow the developers to create new maps, new levels, and new skills.

    Personally, I also think a lot of the "balance" issues should be sidelined until we have level 80+ content. Why? Because the new levels will introduce new balancing issues, and id rather us get to that point instead of pointing fingers at skills we don't main.

    Citan and srand are bending over backwards for the concensus of this community, which is a blessing we are all lucky to have. Let's focus on game content suggestions and quality of life suggestions over which skill hits the hardest!
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 04-08-2019 at 08:38 PM.

  5.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #65
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    We do everything that we can to warn everyone that permanent means permanent in Project: Gorgon. If we declare something permanent, please understand that it's permanent. There's no ifs, ands, or buts.

  6. #66
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    How about increase the severity of the warning? I mean how about like when you delete a character you get a second window got to type name in if it's permanent it should make a person think twice about getting it. I don't think there's enough info on the consequences of getting beside a red this is permanent.

  7. #67
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    I think the warning is fine ....You need t type the name of your char to delete it anyway , so that is a second tier instead of just delete...

  8. #68
    Junior Member Swanzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorCat View Post
    Cosmic strike is conditional to the target becoming vulnerable, which is much less controllable than a rage meter, because it's a random effect, save two mods in the game, one of which is another conditional attack, the other has a 1 minute timer.

    Pound to slag is the only epic attack in the game with a mod to make it an aoe.

    Not at all bashing hammer. I love the skill, and look forward to the changes it will have in the next patch.

    The point is, most every skill has a gimmic, or conditional status to make it more powerful. I believe this adds a lot of dynamic and creativity during combat.

    I love the fact that I can be rewarded with better damage output by being more aware of the combat situation. If this changes, and there exists a build with zero synergy or circumstantial damage, and that build is also top dps, then there would be a balance issue.

    I believe this is why wolf is being addressed. Theres no gimmick of a full moon. It's a quest that results in permanent buffs until the next full moon.

    To me the full moon is comparable to hopology for staff, buckle artistry for hammer, calligraphy/mediation for sword/unarmed, the lore skill for elemental damage, and the list goes on for most combat skills. It's more of an enhancement opportunity that you can take or leave.

    Combat skills almost all have gimmicks. If a vanilla build with no real synergy existed, and started out dpsing all other builds, I would imagine that skill ends up in a dev blog for rebalancing.

    When hammer accidentally got the short straw of a systemic damage recalculation, a ton of fingers pointed at wolf in protest. That was really unfortunate from our player base, and I hope wasn't the catalyst for the new wolf nerf.

    The more we demand damage recalculation and adjustments to level 70 content, the less time we allow the developers to create new maps, new levels, and new skills.

    Personally, I also think a lot of the "balance" issues should be sidelined until we have level 80+ content. Why? Because the new levels will introduce new balancing issues, and id rather us get to that point instead of pointing fingers at skills we don't main.

    Citan and srand are bending over backwards for the concensus of this community, which is a blessing we are all lucky to have. Let's focus on game content suggestions and quality of life suggestions over which skill hits the hardest!
    Wolf has already been nerfed badly in the previous patch and they announced another nerf and asked for feedback. Do they want feedback or not you cant have it both ways.

  9. #69
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swanzo View Post
    Wolf has already been nerfed badly in the previous patch and they announced another nerf and asked for feedback. Do they want feedback or not you cant have it both ways.
    Feedback looks constructive, offering solutions, and even damage number comparisons. "I main wolf, and have a fully modded level 70 build. Wolf used to be able to do x amount of damage, and the same attack now does y amount of damage after the nerf. I am no longer able to survive taking on two mobs in rahu sewers where previously I could survive 4 at a time"

    Complaining looks like:
    "hammer sucks now, what about wolf? I've never played wolf, but they've been op since forever! It's not fair, and I want my blanket!"

    Suggestions fill into the same two buckets. My request was to focus on quality of life and content suggestions, because when an entire skill needs to get recalculated due to complaints, it takes away time from development that, in my opinion, is better spent on NEW content instead of OLD content. Especially when we're talking about content that will be outdated as soon as level 80 is released.

  10. #70
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swanzo View Post
    Wolf has already been nerfed badly in the previous patch and they announced another nerf and asked for feedback. Do they want feedback or not you cant have it both ways.
    I peronally didn't felt this nerf that badly. Sure, I can't 1-shot 5+ mobs in Gazluk anymore, but I think this is fair. And, even though it migth be unpopular opinion, I'm glad Skulk is getign nerfed even more. Last nerf wasn't aimed directly at Lycan - after all it was result of dmage forumal changing, so it affected every skill. Some got hit by it harder, some less.

    I saw some people sayign werewolf got 'unplayable' after last patch. I find it a bit strange, since, like I said, I didn't noticed much change. In fact, my Wolf/unarmed build got more fun, since I actually have reason to use other skills than Skulk+barrgae, and maybe Bite to finish off stragglers. Thsi migth ebbecause I invested a lot into Trama dmage, so mayeb I ddin't get affected by this change that much.

    In my opinion, Skulk shoudl be nefed even more, and 'power budged' it was takign up should be shifted to other skills. Citan already mentioned that Trauma builds will be getting stronger, which makes me happy. Overall. I reserve my judgment for those change suntill I get to see numbers, and, more importantly, get to play with them. Because untill that happens, there is no way to tell if Lycan will be stronger, or weaker.
    Last edited by cr00cy; 04-09-2019 at 01:29 PM.

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