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Cosmic strike is conditional to the target becoming vulnerable, which is much less controllable than a rage meter, because it's a random effect, save two mods in the game, one of which is another conditional attack, the other has a 1 minute timer.
Pound to slag is the only epic attack in the game with a mod to make it an aoe.
Not at all bashing hammer. I love the skill, and look forward to the changes it will have in the next patch.
The point is, most every skill has a gimmic, or conditional status to make it more powerful. I believe this adds a lot of dynamic and creativity during combat.
I love the fact that I can be rewarded with better damage output by being more aware of the combat situation. If this changes, and there exists a build with zero synergy or circumstantial damage, and that build is also top dps, then there would be a balance issue.
I believe this is why wolf is being addressed. Theres no gimmick of a full moon. It's a quest that results in permanent buffs until the next full moon.
To me the full moon is comparable to hopology for staff, buckle artistry for hammer, calligraphy/mediation for sword/unarmed, the lore skill for elemental damage, and the list goes on for most combat skills. It's more of an enhancement opportunity that you can take or leave.
Combat skills almost all have gimmicks. If a vanilla build with no real synergy existed, and started out dpsing all other builds, I would imagine that skill ends up in a dev blog for rebalancing.
When hammer accidentally got the short straw of a systemic damage recalculation, a ton of fingers pointed at wolf in protest. That was really unfortunate from our player base, and I hope wasn't the catalyst for the new wolf nerf.
The more we demand damage recalculation and adjustments to level 70 content, the less time we allow the developers to create new maps, new levels, and new skills.
Personally, I also think a lot of the "balance" issues should be sidelined until we have level 80+ content. Why? Because the new levels will introduce new balancing issues, and id rather us get to that point instead of pointing fingers at skills we don't main.
Citan and srand are bending over backwards for the concensus of this community, which is a blessing we are all lucky to have. Let's focus on game content suggestions and quality of life suggestions over which skill hits the hardest!