Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    If anyone is smart, please steal this site and make a PG version (tree of savior build site http://www.tosbase.com/tools/skill-simulator/builds/)

    But I'm actually shocked someone -- Gruffon -- is using a UA build with just kicks. I might try something similar someday. I was thinking of trying to piece together a UA/Sword build kind of like an end game take on the starter combo.

  2. #12
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    This build changed or the gorgon explorer loadout expired, so I removed the post behind it.COLOR][/B] - k19g22nx
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 02-19-2020 at 10:03 AM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Animal handling and pig:
    Why on earth would this work?
    If you use a pet who can eat trauma damage I believe you can use unnatural wrath whenever its on cool down and heal the pet enough with pig to dominate. Not to mention pig's Frenzy works on the AH pets.

    In ~30 seconds (monster rage x2 and unnatural wrath x3) the pet will really surprise you with damage. Additionally, you can solo pull anything from 40 meters away with harlmessness. Just use it and wait 10 seconds. Even if the nay sayers dismiss the damage, pig still offers a lot of group support.

    Usually a build needs to be played through to really see how it feels/plays and tweaks are made at that point. So I need to mention this build entirely a theory at this point.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Some people have been curious about my Unarmed/Shield tank build so I wanted to share it.

    In my opinion, this is the best tanking set in the game currently. However, it has bad damage so I would not suggest this unless if you plan on playing in groups or like going very slow. Thankfully, the Fire Shield buff makes it significantly better for farming trash (Just swap Infuriating Bash for Fire Shield) but it's still quite slow at killing very tanky enemies. The taunt is probably a bit overdone too, as a 700% taunt multiplier isn't really needed after player damage has been nerfed a bunch. You won't find a better build for soaking up damage though.

    Also just for fun, this is my Spider/Unarmed build:

    The whole point of this build was to make an Infinite Legs build when the new Spider buffs came out. Its damage is quite high, and it focuses on constantly using Infinite Legs and poison DoTs to do damage. This build is basically just Spider though, as the unarmed is mostly just there for passive bonuses. Unfortunately, the damage formula change has significantly weakened the utility of Bruising Blow, which was the primary reason to use Unarmed over Druid. Druid's damage is higher now because of the extra poison, but Unarmed does give you a bit of survivability and a lot of armor regeneration which can let you off-tank a bit. Basically if you don't want to bother with Druid, you can go with this build to see the wonderful damage of Spider instead.

  5. #15
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    This build changed or the gorgon explorer loadout expired, so I removed the post behind it.COLOR][/B] - k19g22nx
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 02-19-2020 at 10:04 AM.

  6. #16
    Junior Member Chilton's Avatar
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    Being a noob I have no fear of ridicule

    I am a sword/shield, mostly due to sunken cost fallacy. This is my target build jueq8d5n

    My actual build in game is a lot worst..... jup4b8xr

  7. #17
    Member SausageJavelins's Avatar
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    Stumbled upon this thread and figured I'd toss in my 2 cents of a build:

    Some pieces have Shamanic Infusion and look worse than they are. My offhand is also only purple since its a Dirk (hard to find good ones, I guess) and is missing one of the Psych heal mods.

  8. #18
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Here is my 'general use' wolf/unarmed build:


    It's still a bit messy and unoptymized, since I didn't had much time to play since last Wolf changes. Mostly Crushign damge, with good amount of Trauma thrown in. I enjoy it very much for few reasons:

    1)It has good mix of suriavbility and damge. Only thing I really struggle are mumies in Gazluk (didnt tested it in Gazluk keep yet). Can solo Pask, as long as no adds show up (even then I can sometiem pull it off)

    2) It's flexiable. I can switch Headbutt, or one of kicks for other skills, like Hipthrow, or Cobra strike if I want more cc, or want to use different combos. I can switch Claw for Smell Fear if I want rage control. There is few good combos that I can use, depending on what i need/want (helaing, AOE for kicks, or Mamba strike).

    3) Seeing mobs bleed out brings smile to my face. See Red+ Sanguine Fangs is enough to bleed dry Onkora Rakkies in Rahu. Not sure why, but I find it very satysfying to see mob die with near full armor.

    Im currently working on Werewolf/AH build. Here is what I have in mind:

    Last edited by cr00cy; 06-15-2019 at 12:43 AM.

  9. #19
    Junior Member simplybob's Avatar
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    Fire/Staff Build

    Macnamara is currently aiming for this: jwupgewc It is about 95% done now so most of the important pieces are in place.. My outfit is winter gear and I added pockets to the shirt and pants, so it could be stronger. I also opted to include both the Flesh to Fuel sprint mods, which I feel makes a world of difference. Adding Armor to the pieces via Shamanic Infusion weighs heavy in the future of this build If I ever convince myself to do without pockets.
    Last edited by simplybob; 06-24-2019 at 03:05 PM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    Was not my intention to discourage others posting, if you can't see that from my post which only really made fun of me I'm quite surprised to be honest.

    Am also a little confused as this thread was started by Pro Puss, and without wanting to sound rude I have no clue who you are mopakarim5600 ?

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