Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Gorgon Explorer Build Share


    I love theory crafting combat builds. It's one of my favorite parts about ProGo. I'd love to see some of the builds other's have made! Feel free to share "Feats of strength" that your build is capable of, or explain why you chose some of the mods/skills that you did!

    If you haven't used Gorgon Explorer before, go to:
    1. Click on the "Build Planner" tab at the top.
    2. Expand the "Other Options" tab drop down
    3. Paste the build code into "Build ID"
    4. Click the Load button.

    Now let's see your builds! Be sure to fill out all 6 abilities before you share your build! Tell us what sidebar skills you use that are crucial to your build as well!
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 02-19-2020 at 10:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Would love to share my builds but the fear of nerfs is great.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INXS View Post
    Thank you for your fear mongering, however my intention was to encourage the sharing of ideas and community, not to discourage it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Infinite power - with regular food


    not 100% correct but close enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorCat View Post
    Here's my Fire Magic/Shield build! - Inspired by Rutting's build with the same skills! This build is a lot of fun, and great for farming items in lower level dungeons.
    Not that I want anything to get nerfed but who thought it was a good idea to make Molten Veins stronger than fire shield? Fire Magic does lots of damage and shield.... doesn't by comparison. Would it not make more sense to have the base damage higher on fire shield because it isn't a 'damage' class?

    Molten Veins is 211 base
    Fire shield is 120 base

    Why is this a thing? Reverse them and it would make so much more sense. Or is the general idea that shield doesn't get to have nice things? Thats kinda how it seems...
    Last edited by Golliathe; 04-03-2019 at 10:55 AM.

  5. #5
    Junior Member simplybob's Avatar
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    For Macnamara's Fire/Staff build, my starting point on gorgonexplorer was combining both of your builds, Professor Cat. Thanks for sharing on your stream and here.

    That said, I've been looking for a place that people share their GE builds and this is the first spot I've found. With such a great tool, how can we not take advantage of it. If the people we group with are better at what the do because we share, it only helps all of us.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    Infinite power - with regular food


    not 100% correct but close enough.
    kinda how it seems...
    Really cool build idea, especially for Fire, which is very high on the power consumption. I know it's the unpopular choice, but I love mentalism over Psychology. I like that you kept the basic on ment as well, which frees up more DPS on fire, and still gives a ranged basic. How do you use Pain Bubble in the rotation?

    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    Not that I want anything to get nerfed but who thought it was a good idea to make Molten Veins stronger than fire shield? Fire Magic does lots of damage and shield.... doesn't by comparison. Would it not make more sense to have the base damage higher on fire shield because it isn't a 'damage' class?

    Molten Veins is 211 base
    Fire shield is 120 base

    Why is this a thing? Reverse them and it would make so much more sense. Or is the general idea that shield doesn't get to have nice things? Thats kinda how it seems...
    I certainly can't speak from a development point, but I have spent a LOT of time with thorns, both before, and after the recent patch.

    The upkeep time is a big factor into the 3 versions of powerful thorns we have (Brambleskin, Fire shield, and Molten veins. Excluding toxic flesh and Phoenix strike).

    Brambleskin has the weakest top modded thorns, which currently lands at 303/hit, using only the mods for brambleskin, and not factoring in +indirect nature damage. This skill also has a 30 second cooldown/up time. This is the lowest maintenance version of thorns, and certainly has the best "non-Damage" mods, as it can gift power/health/armor heal, also granting temp stats to all 3 of the mentioned attributes.

    Fire shield has a 20 second cooldown, and has some great DOT fire mods for it as well. Direct thorns damage to a fully modded fire shield gives 312, but there are also mods that add a total of 240 fire damage over 10 seconds. Assuming this stacks (and the monster stays alive)fire shield would deal 552/hit! Once again, indirect fire damage bonus (gained from fire magic) stacks on top of the initial hit, bringing it closer to 500ish + the 240 DOT

    Molten veins total direct damage can hit 472, with a total of 170 fire damage over 10 seconds on top of it. Grand total of 642/hit. This skill has a 10 second cooldown, which equates out to more "down time" that you can get hit, without the thorns being applied to the attacker, as well as having the greatest power cost over any measure of time. It also takes a total of 6 mods to reach this number, where brambleskin only takes 2, and fire shield only takes 4. You will lose out on DPS for other firemagic skills if you fully mod this, and molten veins will only ever hit melee attackers.

    As with the other thorns skills, indirect fire damage will boost this up to comparable to fire shield, however the DOT from fire shield is stronger, and the cooldown/up time is longer.

    I see a fairly even benefit that makes all 3 of these comparable to a fully modded load-out. As for the base skill, there's clearly a damage advantage to molten veins, but it also has the "weakest" mods.

    Having played all 3 abilities at length since the update, I have to say I still enjoy Brambleskin the most, as it's the most set it and forget it style of playing. Fire shield is great if you mod for it, and lands somewhere in between molten veins and brambleskin. Molten veins I've found I don't have up as often as brambleskin unless I'm focusing on the thorns only side of it.

    Once again this is only one player's experience with the thorns skills, but to me they all seem fairly even from an end game point of view, and for my specific play style! I'd love to hear more insight about thorns, though!
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 04-03-2019 at 01:33 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplybob View Post
    For Macnamara's Fire/Staff build, my starting point on gorgonexplorer was combining both of your builds, Professor Cat. Thanks for sharing on your stream and here.

    That said, I've been looking for a place that people share their GE builds and this is the first spot I've found. With such a great tool, how can we not take advantage of it. If the people we group with are better at what the do because we share, it only helps all of us.
    I haven't put it to practice yet, as I'm still acquiring the gear for it, but here's my Hypotheical Fire/Staff VULNERABLE build, with molten veins added in (and hoping for phoenix strike-thorns love someday!)


    Should be significantly more DPS than my staff/druid build, but much much less tanky.

  8. #8
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Very true Prof, anyways this was a great built lots of synergy, the recent hammer nerf have diminished it's prowess but over all a fun build to play with. I have Fairy armor for chest, legs and feet for the eletrical % bonus also refresh rate and got a shocking masquerade for the +40 eletrical damage.

    THOR - God of Thunder: ju1pigmg

    This build focuses all on eletrical damage from Hammer and Mentalism it's got 1 stun 2 AoE knockbacks and doesn't use an epic attack but relies more on rapid fire to kill the target, not a tanky build you are a bit on the DPS side and bit squishy. Basic attack and Latent offer crushing damage.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Gruffon's Avatar
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    Here's my Bard/Unarmed set! ju1mt6h5

    The idea is to take as many hits as possible and then retaliate with boosted damage.

    Here's about 14 minutes of me fooling around with it in Rahu. I even fight Pask! Or try to, at least.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    Will almost quote INXS

    Would love to share my builds but the fear of ridicule is great.

    I often gear one skill say all BC mods and then just generic/endurance this way I can use that 1 set of gear with BC to raise the lvls of other skills.

    It makes me weaker for sure but I'm often just farming materials in lvl 50 or lower places, and having the generic mods helps far more than many mods for a skillset I'm not using.

    I do have a few builds I actually have dual mods on but there still missing plenty, compared to whats here so far anyway.

    My goto build for grp play is ment/shield a mix of range damage, a couple of stuns ,some boosted health waves and boosted shield team. It's passable at best.

    It's been interesting reading these and seeing what others who have stuck with something long enough to actually do it properly can achieve. Hopefully more will be added.

    Am especially pleased to see how the pesky raven does his thing, thanks for sharing.

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