Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Erkni's Avatar
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    Hitting a wall at level 60

    While I appreciate the exp buffs we get spoiled with, grinding for exp after you stack a ton of exp buffs from dancing, statues, and poetry leveled me to 60 on both of my skills way too fast. I've just scratched the surface of Kur Mountains, but I'm appropriately leveled for Ilmari, though not at all properly geared. I'm using level 40-50 pieces of equipment, maybe even 1 or 2 pieces still stuck at 30s.

    I also need councils. Level 50-60 skills get expensive, especially unlocking level 60-70. I've been using Kur Tower to farm for gear and sell it to empty out vendors of their weekly councils. Is it intended in the design of PG that this is where we slow down and have to make money, and maybe work on some crafting skills?

    To summarize:
    • Where's the best place to get properly geared for Illmari?
    • Any general advice for making councils at this level to get through the steep prices for skills and level unlocks?
    • Should I be getting more into crafting? I've noticed my Priest trainer loves beer and I need to get to 'like family' with him to learn anything. Making me wonder if I should get into brewing,
    • I feel pressure from having my levels locked and feel the need to make councils ASAP. Is it OK and expected to not immediately buy your level unlocks, or am I doing something inefficiently?

    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by Erkni; 04-02-2019 at 06:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    It might a good point to just stop and smell the roses for a bit. Take a look at what you are lacking and what you need to bring yourself up to par. The game was never really designed for speed leveling. I took the track of picking a crafting skill (leatherworking) and leveling it along side of me leveling my first pair of combat skills. Like I would get my combat skill to 30, then I would level Leatherworking from 20-30 and make myself new gear. This always ensured I at least had proper on-level gear at all times. Then of course from there I expanded out the crafting and took on industry to help me finance all the skill unlocks and training.

    Also know that you do not have to do this all on your own. You can always find someone to help you craft what you need. There are a lot of folks around that will craft whatever you want for free, provided that you supply the materials. We have an outstanding community here...all you have to do is ask!

    There is no need to feel pressure or rushed to unlock skills. There is no "race to the top" in Project: Gorgon. You will get there when you get there. If you want to pause and flesh out a few side skills to help you get where you want to be...then do it! Your combat skills aren't going anywhere, they will be waiting for you when you are ready to continue the climb.
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  3. #3
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    On making councils check out:

    On Crafting
    Fill work orders is a good way to make money, Leatherworking I think is the easiest to get started on.

    Brewing is kind of difficult and takes a lot of inputs. You get to make your own buff potions basically, which is nice. But it is one of the harder crafting options.
    Also, I've got a decent level of brewing levels and even then gifting my beer to NPC is disappointing, I would drink it all myself for the alcohol tolerance but you can't drink ones for other races so I end up gifting. So you could try brewing and see if you like it, but for me it isn't a good method to build favor with NPC. The hard liquors don't disappoint me as much on using for favor.

    I would think Priest enabled gear is easier route for favor leveling Gloria.

    On getting your Level Unlocks:

    Your main combat skills should probably be unlocked when you can afford to do it. If you miss some xp cause you reach the cap, it is not the end of the world. You will still be fighting monsters long after you reach the highest possible cap anyway, so I wouldn't stress about missing some xp. You could try something new, a new combat skill or focus on crafting till you can afford the unlock, if you really can't stand the idea of missing some xp.

    On where to get properly geared:
    Sorry, I never know how to answer this. Hopefully someone else can field this question.

  4. #4
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    TBH surveying will make you more money in a few hours than hunting over 5. I surveyed about 6000 times since staretd 2 months or so ago. I easily can make 1mil a week. I sometimes take a break to mine or ddailies but money is easy to come by.

  5. #5
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    Take your time, there are hundreds of combos and thousands of things to do in the game

  6. #6
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    My first run through I got to level 50 and hit a wall, switched combat skills and went back through from the beginning, got to 70 and unlocked a fair amount of things but couldn't caft/find gear so I did the sane thing and switched to a new set of combat skills and started over. Part of this was because my second set was an animal form so I had skipped some stuff. By the time I hit 70 in that I had no problem getting gear and was far along in many crafts. It was the least efficient route, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

    That being said I've also seen people rush through, do group content to get gear from drops and speed through to 70 with skills and nice gear and then make money off of animal skins and high level gear drops.

    As people have said, take it slow and do what seems enjoyable. Find a way to make money that isn't just a grind, but is something you want to do. Maybe find a buddy to explore the sewers with you to get some 60 gear or pick up treasure cartography and gear up without combat/crafting.

    Efficiency is cool but like so is running wildly into a den of manticores with no armor on and getting death xp only to realize you're the most beautiful person in the world.

    Edit: also industry quests are a great way to work on crafting and get some coin. Higher level LW crafts get 10-16k and there are blacksmithing and flower arrangement quests worth ~30k.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erkni View Post
    While I appreciate the exp buffs we get spoiled with, grinding for exp after you stack a ton of exp buffs from dancing, statues, and poetry leveled me to 60 on both of my skills way too fast. I've just scratched the surface of Kur Mountains, but I'm appropriately leveled for Ilmari, though not at all properly geared. I'm using level 40-50 pieces of equipment, maybe even 1 or 2 pieces still stuck at 30s.

    I also need councils. Level 50-60 skills get expensive, especially unlocking level 60-70. I've been using Kur Tower to farm for gear and sell it to empty out vendors of their weekly councils. Is it intended in the design of PG that this is where we slow down and have to make money, and maybe work on some crafting skills?
    The casino makes money farming a joke compared to how things were before it was implemented (for one there are more vendors, and for another you can travel much faster - which is a huge time saver). Nobody ran the daily dungeons. There was no free 10-15k plus maybe 10k in loot payout. We walked uphill both ways to the dungeon and sometimes we walked back to the vendor encumbered (after entering the light).

    How to make money?

    1. Find something people like to buy for a fair price and sell it (do this for everything you can). No seriously..... if you are not actively working on cheese sell your stomachs. Saving them for later means they don't exist. That inventory space costs you money. Sell old gear that was well rolled that you outleveled via comissions. Sell milk. Sell mushrooms. Sell paintings to Coth. Offer to sell odd things in chat - people will tell you what is valuable by what they want to buy.
    2. Sell all your skins to the skinning vendors and wipe them out weekly.
    3. Run the mushroom, goblin and maybe even the full crypt for cash solo. As you get stronger move up to yeti, kur tower, wolf cave and then maybe winter nexus first floor. Wipe out all your vendors and slowly faction up new ones as you need more.
    4. Do the daily everyday unless it is Dark Chapel and you don't have a fire resist potion.
    5. Survey! (Loggy is the survey king and sells a million gems)
    6. Instead of selling rare books/scrolls to vendors learn the prices and open a player stall for a few days (then stop so the costs dont add up). People often vendor items for 500 when there is a work order for that item for 5-10k!
    7. Level up foraging/fishing and make food instead of buying it. Eat what you need and sell the leftovers to the many inkeepers.
    8. Industry is something you wanted to do the first day but probably have skipped for a long time. Find friends/guildmates to help with work orders and rake in hundreds of thousand per month (some alts may be required and you need 1-4 months depending on how often you play to reach industry 35-50 where the big rewards are located).
    9. Use the player work order board but beware of low price 'scamming'.
    10. Save money instead of spending it. This includes giving away items as faction bribes to npcs you dont need right now or soon (like the lvl 50 trainer for your current profession is an obvious exception). Dont buy every skill your class has.... because you cant use them all at once. Use the ones you need and skip the ones you dont (but dont be cheap - buy powers that will help you level up faster/kill faster/ perform better vs higher tier content).

    Look... you could buy brewing, but that will empty your wallet. Can you sift barley? No. Can you make barrels? probably not. Can you mine for bars for barrels? probably not. Are you an animal and have trouble getting wood? Any one of these could be a huge deal breaker for brewing.

    There's a ton of shiny new attractions that look like you can get into for a quarter.... but will take 500$ to really make valuable long term. Brewing and flower arrangement are super cool but those are for end game players who have time and money (not you). I mean you can brew if you want but it will be a huge money sink and will be super slow (because it is slow for everyone).

    How to get better gear?
    1. Run daily dungeons and get gold lvl 50 items
    2. Learn transmutation (this will cost money but will make you money in the end - via turning items into phlog when your inventory is full)
    3. Reroll your armor so all the mods give your build more damage/healing/watever. Make every modifier count.
    4. Join a guild and have someone make you armor (research what you need and bring all the parts... dont be that guy saying what does that need. Offer money to pay for any missing parts).
    5. Find someone in that guild you joined who can rip off augments. Pay npcs to apply them to your gear (so now that yellow has 6 treasure effects instead of 5). Much much later you will learn to do this yourself - because it is stupidly expensive (~300k + cost of destroyed items not sold)

    Once you get here then you will have an easy time running the sewers with a friend. Trying that area with low lvl random modifier gear will get you killed often.
    Last edited by Golliathe; 04-03-2019 at 03:29 AM.

  8. #8
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    I approve the above message. You have many options some easy some hard. Take your time... a simple 50c stomach is 1-2k, Winterprize l was selling for 200c, not knowing until 2 weeks later they sell between 1500-3k, but I did not mind because it was a learning experience.

  9. #9
    Banned spider91301's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erkni View Post
    While I appreciate the exp buffs we get spoiled with, grinding for exp after you stack a ton of exp buffs from dancing, statues, and poetry leveled me to 60 on both of my skills way too fast. I've just scratched the surface of Kur Mountains, but I'm appropriately leveled for Ilmari, though not at all properly geared. I'm using level 40-50 pieces of equipment, maybe even 1 or 2 pieces still stuck at 30s.

    I also need councils. Level 50-60 skills get expensive, especially unlocking level 60-70. I've been using Kur Tower to farm for gear and sell it to empty out vendors of their weekly councils. Is it intended in the design of PG that this is where we slow down and have to make money, and maybe work on some crafting skills?

    To summarize:
    • Where's the best place to get properly geared for Illmari?
    • Any general advice for making councils at this level to get through the steep prices for skills and level unlocks?
    • Should I be getting more into crafting? I've noticed my Priest trainer loves beer and I need to get to 'like family' with him to learn anything. Making me wonder if I should get into brewing,
    • I feel pressure from having my levels locked and feel the need to make councils ASAP. Is it OK and expected to not immediately buy your level unlocks, or am I doing something inefficiently?

    Thanks for any help.
    In all honestly imma just say this get unlazy and grind like hell like godam its not physically impossible to get 100k I only grind cash when I need it when I was 60 it only took like 8 hours of grinding to get it 2 hours a day and not buying shit from the playershops the key to staying rich/actually having cash is ironically not spending it especially with the cnts raising stomachs to 3-4k don't be cash cows for them boycott their shops don't buy cheese or stomachs from them, also grascot a dandelion, goblin pasties and one of those rat digest potions is all you need in gk aka level 70 end game dungeon

    Ps: I serously need a anti suger coating title when I say crap ingame and on forums

    Psv2: Ways to make money fast kill death visages in rahu at night they spawn in bulk at night they drop scrolls that sell for 3-6k a pop buy a skull extractor go to rahu buy a pass from the cat by the inn go down the hill past the sushi teacher all the way down the hill where the prick ass mages don't spawn and genocide the fks for skulls and tradem to the wandering skeleton thats the necromancers pet 2 for 1 potion then sell the potion also even the cats occasionally drop some nice sell fodder scrolls
    Last edited by spider91301; 04-04-2019 at 08:22 PM.

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