Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Kuraku's Avatar
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    Oh wow, the mini dungeons sound very cool! I would love to see things like that in higher levels too in the endgame - it reminds me of maps from Path of Exile (Or Rifts from Diablo 3) and I'm extremely into that kind of gameplay loop. Can't wait to try them out!

  2. #12
    Junior Member Lyramis's Avatar
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    Oooh, War Cache! Just the idea of it makes me want it for higher levels as well, but level 50 is a perfect place to start. While I do enjoy grouping much more than soloing there are times when a solo challenge is very appealing. The tickets to trade in should be very helpful at level 50. Not sure if those would continue to be at higher levels though. I have a feeling that even when all levels are in game, level 70 will be the base crafted set of gear for leveling up to 90 or 100. So getting a few pieces in a mini dg probably wouldn't be a thing, but I could be wrong. I guess higher level mini dgs would need something like specific drops from difficult bosses in them for replay value. I would love to see them drop very specific gear, with a rather low drop chance, that levels as you level, especially weapons. Although, we do get people wanting to join GK runs that are completely unprepared for them as far as gear goes, especially if they haven't run Lab. As I think more about this stuff, I realize that I would have loved mini dgs as newbie! They would help get you ready for the lower level group dungeons.

    I can't wait for the Lycan changes (heavily-revised abilities and treasure). I have not enjoyed Lycan for a couple years now and am so excited to make a new build that isn't ruined because I didn't finish a rotation. Skulk and other bite modifiers + bite was indeed op but I didn't enjoy it at all. I hope @SassySusie, a true lycan at heart, will be happily surprised by the changes. I also hope it will remain a very strong class.

    @Citan I see that you are working on more outdoor areas which leads me to a question. Should we expect level 80+ unlocks before or after release? I find it fun to prepare for unlocks but not if all the prep (mostly council) is just going to be wiped :P

  3. #13
    Member DamageIncorp's Avatar
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    New outdoor areas sound amazing.
    For those of you who played Asherons Call...would be sweet to have an outdoor area like Viridian Rise.

  4. #14
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    I think this is an awesome step to freshen it up, The transmutation changes I welcome and I am super excited for the hammer change as I love the hammer skill. reat work guys and I look forard to my special title. Thank you for the excellent hard work

  5. #15
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    When you buy one of these packages, you receive a code via email. Then you log in to the game and visit a golem in Serbule, the "Account Package Manager". He's in the empty house next to Joe's shop.

    I only received an email saying my PayPal was confirmed, never got an email with a code

  6. #16
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loggy View Post
    When you buy one of these packages, you receive a code via email. Then you log in to the game and visit a golem in Serbule, the "Account Package Manager". He's in the empty house next to Joe's shop.

    I only received an email saying my PayPal was confirmed, never got an email with a code
    Log into your store account and check under 'downloads'. Your code should be available from there, or is one of those sections.
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  7. #17
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    Yeah , i see that is opens notepad with the code, Thanks

  8. #18
    Junior Member Scraps's Avatar
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    Lycan is OP on damage? That's news to me. Maybe I'm playing it wrong. I really loved the idea of playing a werewolf in this game but it has been rather underwhelming to me, at least pre-50. It takes me longer to kill stuff compared to my other pre-50 characters and I seem to be fairly squishy as well. It actually makes me dread leveling up my werewolf lately, which makes me very sad. I wish I felt OP!

  9. #19
    Member Loggy's Avatar
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    It might be your build, mods and such. Check with other ycan and what build they use

  10. #20
    Member SassySusie's Avatar
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    okay @Citan I know you like numbers and want to know certain situations etc.... so here goes

    I run an archer/BC as my alt I can go to kur and round up more than 8 wolves freeze them do heavy multi shot and one battle chem hit and they are all dead. On my lycan if I round up more than 3 then I am dead now take note please.. my lycan has had max enchanted fully modded gear for years now, my archer she is NOT in max enchanted (some of her gear is not even yellow gear) nor fully modded gear and can kill better than the lycan can.

    So now here is some numbers for you:

    Lycan: Sang Fangs 893, pack attack 930, Pouncing rend 868, Smell Fear 985, and Bite 988 now you think that is strong for a level 70 max enchanted fully modded character? Oh wait here is my archer numbers Now remember she is not fully modded not even fully geared!

    Archer: Mangling Shot 1522, Heavy Shot, 2002, Aimed shot 1054, Heavy Multishot 1306, and I change on the other arrow that I use depending on the situation...

    But anyhow please take a good look at those numbers and tell me Lycan is still too OP.

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