Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
In-game, I am MadamGanja and my Guild, The Garden, is currently 4 members strong. It has an open door policy, meaning anyone is free to be invited and to leave at any point. Wanna solo? Fine. Wanna group up? That's cool too. You the silent type? Even though this guild is geared towards the chatty, you are absolutely welcome, same as anyone. The only rule is don't be a dick. Thankfully, this awesome community means that's pretty much a non-issue. Send me a tell in game if you'd like to be invited, or even if you just want to be friends lol.
Announcement - Upcoming Guild Event
What: The Garden's First Ever Scavenger Hunt
Grand Prize:10k councils +100 for each answer provided without GUI
When: Monday April 1st thru Sunday April 7th
Where: Submit answers on discord in the Scavenger Hunt channel
Who: Guild members only. Groups are fine but must include every member when signing up and remember the Prize will be split evenly.
Specifics: The Scavenger Hunt will consist of 50 clues. Search all of Alharth and screenshot your answers before submitting them on discord. Submissions can be done in bulk or as they're found. At the end of the day on Sunday, I'll check over the answers. In the event of a tie, I'll give 2/3 prize to the one with prettier screenshots and 1/3 to the other.
Clues will be posted within the next 2 days in Announcements channel on discord as well as in the guild recruitment thread on the forum and the front page of
If there are any questions feel free to ask in game, in discord, on the forum, via Twitter, etc...
I'll be releasing the clues 2 at a time every so often today and will just edit this post to update. Here are the first 2. Begin!
1. Beam me up, Scotty! I'm in control. Have a bowl of cereal while you ponder this clue.
2. Be sure to chase after this clue with extra TLC! Don't go down this in a barrel. I don't care if others have.
3. Get over here!!!!!! Animals only! I'm the bouncer.
4. I'm a hell of a lot deadlier than Tinkerbell! I'll cut you!
5. There are no smoking caterpillars atop here, but it'd be a lot cooler if there were. This is probably the single largest plant in the game.
6. Stop! Collabbuuuurrrrrate and listen. Yogi's back with a brand new invention. The only difference between These and Polar Bears is a Coke sponsorship.
7. You don't want to get into a beef with this gal! She'll own your ass! Lose a fight with her, and become like her.
8. Interesting view of the River Styx. I thought the Light would be more "Light-y".
9. Lose a fight with this guy, and you'll actually think much much much higher of yourself. This guy must have a hell of a time getting fitted for a baseball cap.
10. It's been sore and just blowing through town ever since Dorothy got away. Normally, when you see this, you should seek shelter in a low level floor like a basement or a bathroom or closet. Attacking it to kill it works too, apparently.
11.**Doctor Grant didn't know what he was getting into messing with biology like that. Chris Pratt would have no trouble getting this pic.
12. Place your bets. I've got 3 to 1 odds on the Orc from South Vyrnewl. Let's get ready to rrruuuuummmmmbbblleeee!
13. When trying to acquire that "Just got back from the Bahamas look", make sure you go to the salon or bed and not Here. This will not help you. It's funny. Animal hides are fine, but you skin one human.....
14. Where Aquaman gets his arm torn off by Pennywise. Who put the door at the bottom of the lake?!? Aren't you worried about Jason Voorhees?
15. The most inaccurately named establishment since Domino's. This place has everything but decent curtains.
16. Anatidaephobics may have trouble getting a pic of this. AFLAC has fallen on hard times.
17. "Well Johnson, looks like we've got another case of Mass Serial Suicides". Looks like Jimmy, here, killed himself, then his ghost, then his ghost's ghost. And now holy shit, it's jimmy with a skeleton!
18. Winter Is Coming! And so are these guys in every spelunker's worst nightmare! I suppose the element these guys are of is water, technically. Right?
19. This fish out of water is also a cyclopse! If you follow my blog, you'll know I once helped this guy out when he had a hangover from meth and shrooms.
20. Whoever heard of a Pig having a harem? I bet this creature would enjoy mudding if give the opportunity.
21. Hmmm, I would have thought Cause Of Death to be Syphilis with that harem. Use your own medical expertise to determine if Cause of Death was kosher.
22. I wonder if George Bluth is hiding from the Council in the attic. Normally when I hear the word "model" I think miniature. Not so in this case. And how come the basements above ground. That's just weird.
23. Charlotte's looking a little toasty. So an arachnophobic pyromaniac walks into a giant tarantula's nest....
24. My name suggests industrial revolution appliance, but you'd imagine something more medieval by looking at me. Who put their sword and shield here?!? People, we're never gonna make decent clothes if you keep putting your gear all over the crafting area!
25. Give This a key and you'll be granted entrance, but make sure it's the right one. A moonstone might help. I wonder if these are just gargoyles that play musical chairs when no one's looking.
26. Here's the Answer, here's the steeple, open the doors and see all the fucking spiders. Our father, who art in----- dammit, more spiders. Reverend, can we just call the exterminator please?
27. Now why would a cat pee on a shirt? That's just gross. Find the Culprit. Just because he has the word "old" in his name doesn't mean you should underestimate him. He's still rather boss.
28. Spielberg made this little fella look a lot scarier back in 1975. I've heard that when attacked by one of These, you should punch it in the nose.
29. There's no troll underneath This, but it kind of looks like there's deer antlers on the sides of it. Of all the ways to cross the river in Sun Vale, this is by far the most dry.
30. This amphibian would never be allowed in the guild. He would break the rule. Find him in a rapid. I heard he got expelled from school for picking on little kids.
31. Gilligan could have really used this Dead Ringer. Now how do I hitch a ride off this island again?
32. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Wait. Reverse that. He's not stupid. He's just named that way. Actually, to be fair, he isn't sentient so it's really a moot point. Stupid mannequins.
33. A lost sailor in need will look for this indeed. I guess BioShock was right. There is always one of These.
34. With hands like These, you'd think this was Easter Island. I guess the head is underground.....
35. Though this landmark has changed colors, it still accepts the same password to enter. Roses are red. This was once, too. Now it's closer to a shade of blue.
36. This Elven Craftsman once maintained a research lab and was nicknamed "Frisky Ferret". Ferrets prefer a warmer environment.
37. This Mantis with a penchant for gardening will make you lie at every turn. Despite his location, doing him a favor isn't a gamble.
38. This Rakshasan bard makes her own clothes and her mother could collapse a building with her voice. She is one hip lady. You'd think she's a drummer from her name. And you'd be right.
39. This Alchemist has been banned from the Keep by Sir Coth. He lives in a hut Southwest of the keep and still maintains a business relationship with Mushroom Jack.
40. He is the only Elf I've ever had request me obtain. Ranalons' Pickled Fish. But at least he offered to hang out and have sex. That was something. Despite his name and the skill he trains, this Elf is not a rapper.
41. This Sheep is a real Bastard. In fact, I know someone who will give you some metal slabs to kill it. You'll find this sheep between the bariness and the old hunting lodge.
42. Scooby, Shaggy, you two squeeze through that space next to the giant door. Velma, Daphne and I will lay the trap. They say this place is haunted. Take a picture of the entrance.
43. If you want to go from here to there, this little gem will make you appear out of thin air. Can you imagine if every time you drove to work, there was a 20% chance your car would be destroyed?
44. Here is a beast that's truly amazing. They can fight Underwater without losing their breath or fire. They're not even elite monsters. Run of the mill vermin are performing underwater tasks as if they were on land. Fascinating.
45. How did Johnny Appleseed make it to Serbule? There's so many of them! It's always useful to have these around if you want to make some of Redd's _____ Ale.
46. "Mmeehhh... What's up, Doc?" Daffy Duck would have you believe it is THIS season.
47. Roses are red, these are blue, submit a picture taken by you. Beware the gardener for whom This bell tolls.
48. Unicorns have a horn. So do these. Unicorns are friendlier. These have hides as thick as an elephant's, and will leave you with holes in your pockets.
49. This cursist bovine with expensive tastes will help you find seeds in grass. SHE looks rather fishy, so to speak. I don't trust this mammal. And as wolf or elf, she won't trust me enough to even talk.