Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: Price controls
  1. #21
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Each item really has different issues. The volatile phlog price was likely not because people were buying and flipping it, but because it was only reasonable to farm ~2,000 a day at most and each piece of gear with poor RNG gobbled up ~800 phlog. The demand shot up real quick because everyone knew they could save months of work. Now the demand is less than what it was, until more demo players reach 70.
    Each time there is a long GK group, there is 1000s of phlog entering the game, and a year out from steam there is just not that much demand to reroll new sets of armor. If anyone knows they need phlog, for the love of god--just put up multiple small work orders. You WILL save money.

    I believe most people reading this thread have a vendor stall. The vendor stall owning crowd is very different than those who don't open one. My recommendation is to look at the player work order board and see who is buying a lot of what, figure out the player vendor price and under cut their profits to either shift the price down, or screw the rich.

    At times I feel in favor of barter-NPCs to dictate prices, but the hands off approach allowing the market and player population do it's thing is probably best. No one has the 'right' to get any skill/item. If the devs start putting their fingers into the economy now, they'll be doing it forever. However.. super-detailed-options, stall reviews ,etc on the player stalls would be an absolute game changer to the economy. It's really tricky to manage the economy with a transient population that hovers around 200 individuals. And let's face it, few people want to farm gems/stomachs, so the prices are high.

    One player with 40 million could disrupt the entire economy for any given item. The hardest item to 'wreck' would be aquamarines due to the barter, but it could still happen. The only proper regulation against this would be a player stall revamp, giving the sellers a level of control that is not seen in any other MMO.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbaums View Post

    At times I feel in favor of barter-NPCs to dictate prices, but the hands off approach allowing the market and player population do it's thing is probably best. No one has the 'right' to get any skill/item. If the devs start putting their fingers into the economy now, they'll be doing it forever. However.. super-detailed-options, stall reviews ,etc on the player stalls would be an absolute game changer to the economy. It's really tricky to manage the economy with a transient population that hovers around 200 individuals. And let's face it, few people want to farm gems/stomachs, so the prices are high.
    What I would like to see in the player stalls is the ability to see not only where the item is sold but competing prices. Perhaps this could be put in as a function of retail management. (level one lets you see one price, level 3 = two, etc.)

    Being able to search for items made shopping much less of a headache. But being able to just run to the shop with the cheapest price would be great for convenience and it would massively help reduce the greed issue. Let me be clear when I say that greed is the issue I'm trying to confront here.

    At any given moment if there are 200 people online - about half of them are too poor to run a shop. If that were not true then there would be no free stalls anywhere. The problem with low population is that it allows for any one person to exert a great deal of control on the market.

    At the end of the day a system friendly to everyone gets more people involved and creates a better linked environment. When 10 active people own half the game wealth it allows them to ruin the economy for 90% of the players.

    Using your gem example loggy... the gem resale thing worked for you and the guy who buys you out. But what about new players who want to buy a few of this gem and a few of that gem for quests? They get screwed. Do you really think it's ok for 3 people to make out well and the rest of the 99% of the population to fit the bill? That's bad math.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarlaxle View Post
    Ask anyone that has taken a basic course in economics about supply vs demand and equalibrium price. This is just no.....
    Real world economics dont apply to video game systems.

    1. No fake currency
    2. Infinite amount of money being created
    3. There is always more money being created than destroyed.
    4. Most games don't have taxes.
    5. There is a warped inflation concept in that npc goods/services are static but an item or drop can become common it can become devalued or worthless. As an example you can buy crab from fainor at x price and that will never change. But the prices of apples,phlog, lvl 70 yellow gear may go up or down on the player market.

    Fake economies need a different set or rules to keep them flowing smoothly.

    Since someone brought it up I don't think it would be a good idea to allow boycotts. Imagine if a guild or 3 decided to boycott Ranperre because he said something they didn't like on the forum (singling you out because I think most people like you - from what I can tell no one speaks ill of you). That could be a game ruining experience for him and no one should have that dictated to them.

    I want to return to the point though that most items in the player market section are priced beyond what low level players can pay. Largely speaking there is no player market for them.

    And that too is a game ruining experience - which most of you seem to be ok with.

    People get frustrated when they need to buy something basic and can't because someone decided to buy up all the apples or whatever and repriced them at 300 each. The result is that those struggling players go play a different game. A one sided player economy assists in that end.

    Do you like the game feeling at times like a ghost town? If yes then by all means lets keep the economy one sided.
    Last edited by Golliathe; 03-28-2019 at 09:23 AM.

  3. #23
    Junior Member s5669111's Avatar
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    Thank you for this thread. I was thinking about starting one like it after reading others whinge about greed.

    So, what you want to do is reverse engineer the NPC Sell Items ceiling because that’s the ONLY way you “make” councils.

    I’m a very proud gouger. It’s my favourite form of role play. If you don’t like my prices, don’t buy my goods, ever. I’m fine with that. I don’t need your councils.

    In the time you (greed whingers) are expending on this thread you could be in-game hunting for your special item. If you don’t think you should have to hunt for it then you need to deal with the market. Submit your bargain basement WO and see who supplies it. Maybe you should strike a up a special bond with them so you can save even more time next time you’re too lazy to hunt it for yourself.

    Not all of us gougers are pulling from other stalls, some of us actually go into the field to hunt for your GYC, stomach or ER. I don’t mind running around for DAYS farming your special item but I’m not going to do it for your fair market value.

    You want to put a price cap on all items, feel free, but be prepared for the market to dry up.

    There are many things that need fixing in-game but the economy isn’t one of them.

    And in regards to your new player scenario: Deal with it. Go out and get your own apple, Moonstone or grass. There have been HOURS when I've not been able to find Oak or a Clownfish because others are hunting them also. So, ya, my choice is continue looking or find something else to do IRL. Millions of people make this decision every minute.

  4. #24
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    @Golliathe, your knowledge of economics is as weak as as your previously displayed knowledge of mathematics.
    The laws of supply and demand work exactly as they should in game UNTIL you introduce outside influence like price controls.
    Might be time to put PG on the shelf and take some college courses.

  5.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #25
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    There are some interesting ideas here! But threads about this topic have a high danger of going negative - and this one has. I think we've gotten a lot of good feedback from this thread already, so I'm going to go ahead and lock it.

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