There are quite a few people experiencing the same situation i.e. where do I go from here now that I have (a) level 70 skills, but am under geared?
My advice is to take the plunge and join Gazluk Keep (GK)) runs. With a few hours of grouping, you will have level 70 gear and be able to tackle /explore the Gazluk caves.
Most groups will take 1 or 2 fresh level 70s if the group has 6 people. (A group with 2 veteran players can carry 4 fresh l70s).
When joining a GK run, just let the organiser know that you are undergeared and ask whether a portal to GK is available (to avoid dying from the cold debuff in Gazluk).
This approach is even easier if you are in an established guild. If you are not in a guild at the moment, consider joining one.
Gearing up:
Run GK or gather the materials and ask in guild /chat if someone will craft you some gear (excellent approach if you solo a lot)
Consider leather winter or evasion sets if you want gear crafted
Run GK to obtain l70 loot, gather the gems, etc. and ask in guild /chat for someone to extract for you. Use the NPC to fit it
Make or buy the best you can. You will need it and it makes a huge difference to survivability.
Many people under-estimate just how important food quality is in PG
Modification /Transmutation:
Maximum damage & healing require that your mods match the skills /spells that you are using. It is a huge part of current end-game. Sometimes you can have 10+ mods impacting one spell
If not matched, you die a lot, if matched you can 3 - 5 shot-kill most mobs (1 or 2 shot kill in max-crafted & augmented gear)
Level transmutation & learn to 'phlog' your loot drops
Attaining level 70 skills and gears allows you to change your emphasis from grinding favour and money to buy skills and spells to one of maximising your gear.
The good thing about PG is that once you have done so, you can repeat it circa another 20 times