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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #51
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    I wanted to add some thoughts on the Rahu sewers. I only explored the northern half of the dungeon so far, plus most of the SW quadrant, so it's likely I'm missing some important stuff still.

    Quick summary: The atmosphere is great but the difficulty seems high for a level 60 solo dungeon, and the loot seems lacking in a few spots.

    I'm going to wrap the rest in spoiler quotes because it's kind of long and contains some spoilers for people who haven't been there yet.

    Spoiler Spoiler:
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 02-27-2019 at 05:06 PM.

  2. #52
    Member Sasho's Avatar
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    Quick summary: The atmosphere is great but the difficulty seems high for a level 60 solo dungeon, and the loot seems lacking in a few spots.
    I heard this from a bunch of different people in game, but I strongly disagree.

    If you think the Sewers is hard, try soloing in Labyrinth in Ilmari which is another "level 60 dungeon." The Sewers is a joke by comparison, and the devs were quite fair in their labeling the Sewers a solo dungeon. Keep in mind too that the sewers also has the layout of a full dungeon and not a simple cave in Gazluk. A lot of the Gazluk caves don't have bosses or even unique elites, but the Sewers do, so I'd expect its design to be more complex (hence the keys and maze layout).

    As far as loot goes, I don't know what to say. I'm doing the 1000 kill task for the second time and I think in my 20+ hours in the Sewers I've come across 3-5 yellow items. I haven't farmed anywhere else really so I don't know if: the drop rate was lowered throughout the game, the Sewers just has a bad drop rate, or I'm just really unlucky. But outside of wanting yellows, the loot inside is quite good and diverse in its innate bonuses.

    Atmosphere: I like really it. It's not often my wife comes over and compliments how a room looks because she's one of those "good graphics = good game" people, so I know if she says "ooh! that looks pretty" then I trust the game has done a good job. My only criticism is how ridiculous it looks when vipers are spitting acid at me. It's kind of an eye soar that half my screen is blinded with green spit frantically spewing left and right. The mobs are really unique looking and I like the fact that I now have a place to level up anatomy in Rodents and Plants. Prior to this patch I thought I'd never get plant anatomy up to 50 for the synergy bonus, but now that is looking very positive.


    Side note: Has anyone else felt like Armor got nuked? I have about 800 armor and I feel like it's near useless and gets dissolved in 3 hits. I don't remember being so fragile before the patch, so I'm wondering if it's just me and the fact that I've only been in stronger dungeons lately.

    All in all I'm loving the patch.

  3. #53
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    Something the mobs do just CHEWS through armor. It makes mitigation coming from sources other than armor very important. That and the stuns are a blessing and a curse. It kind of seems designed to make sure people don't aoe like crazy.

    And I've found that the zone respawns faster when there are a ton of players inside vs when it is empty. It's great but I imagine if persists for end game group dungeons, it's going to get real ugly quick. More dedicated pulling spot/more safe rooms would be welcomed! But it's a really hard thing to perfect with 25 meter screaming.

  4. #54
    Member ErDrick's Avatar
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    Does not want us to run in and gather up 10 mobs and AE them, so gives them a stacking stun ability that will stun you for 10-12 consecutive seconds if you try that( and also nerfs AE damage vs multiple targets)...makes sense, I can understand the point of that.

    Puts 10 of those mobs in the same room, makes them social and also call for help in such a large radius that other mobs outside said room will probably also join the fun...wait what? This is where I'm lost.

    Removes utility ability that 2 skills had ( hookshot and spider pull) to safely singly pull one mob out at a time ....body pulling still works but not very well against ranged mobs that root you. I'm actually not sure if body pulling is intended to work or they just haven't figured out how to stop you from doing it yet. Logic tells me they don't want us doing it since they removed the skills that did it for you.

    Can I deal with it anyways? Sure, is it fun?...Not particularly.

    Negativity aside though, I like the layout of that dungeon.. I like the new mobs and the new skills. I especially like the new precognition skills, but they need to have a buff icon so you don't have to check persona every time you die to make sure it's still active. ( it also needs to last longer then 5 seconds, skill says 6 seconds but persona-general says it's 5...either way needs to be more like 10 or 15 ).

    I also don't think a solo level 60 in average gear( 2-3 mods, not optimized for specific builds) can survive this place.

    Also if I remember correctly, players are almost unanimously against mob evasion ( rats all have it) and mob critical hits. ...nothing like missing a 40 second cooldown ability randomly. Critical hits might be a little easier to stomach btw if there was a combat log so you at least knew why you died. I'm still of the opinion though that monster damage scales way too high for critical hits to be reasonable, though. It would be reasonable if their damage wasn't already extreme.

    Sorry i said negativity aside then added more negative stuff .. needs to be brought up though.
    Last edited by ErDrick; 02-28-2019 at 02:56 PM.

  5. #55
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErDrick View Post
    Also if I remember correctly, players are almost unanimously against mob evasion ( rats all have it) and mob critical hits..
    Mob evasion isn't so bad. Sure it can be annoying, but it affects different players differently. If you're built around big nukes then it's a pain, but if you're not it's not as big of an issue. Plus, if it would be a problem for your build, you can build accuracy, which is pretty easy to get. The new belt modifiers make it very easy to get +12 or +15 accuracy, which is all you really need for most enemies. It is kind of a huge pain in the ass though for ghosts if you miss your stun and have to wait 15+ seconds for it to come back though. That's pretty stupid especially considering how early you can bump into ghost enemies. By the sewers though you should have plenty of options.

    The real issue I have with evasion is that accuracy doesn't even work against some forms of evasion. For enemies that passively have evasion like the rats in the sewers it's fine, but if an enemy gains evasion through a buff or a debuff on the player, then accuracy doesn't do anything. This makes accuracy worthless in locations like Dark Chapel or certain enemies, and I've been bug reporting this problem for every patch for ages. It's gotten to the point where I'm not even sure if this is intentional or not. Outside of Ratkin this makes accuracy pointless to build past level 20 except for very specific cases (Ex. Projectile accuracy vs Gazluk Infiltrators only if you use ranged attacks). I really wish I could just get a slap to the face telling me "It's intentional" or "We know about it." so I can shut up about it since it bothers me so much.

    Mob critical hits though? I totally agree. Mitigation against it is very hard to get if not impossible for most skills, so it feels heavily limiting, especially as someone who loves playing tank. I don't mind the game being more difficult or having more variance in combat, but critical hits are a very poor way of doing so. I've already made a post about why they're bad mathematically, so I'll save making another giant wall of text.

    It might be a lot of work, but I'd much prefer if mobs had a list of different attacks with an equal chance of being randomly selected. This would make combat more random in a fun and interesting way. Even if it was just "Basic attack" and "Slightly stronger basic attack". It'd be much easier to balance (You'd have to be trying on purpose to make it as bad as critical hits right now) and less swingy. There's also a lot of opportunity to have some fun too, like maybe having one of the random attacks apply a stacking debuff, so an unlucky player has to play around being massively debuffed if the enemy decides to use it 10x in a row. It would certainly be more fun than just outright dying at least.
    Last edited by Yaffy; 02-28-2019 at 05:02 PM.

  6. #56
    Junior Member Fhen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErDrick View Post
    I also don't think a solo level 60 in average gear( 2-3 mods, not optimized for specific builds) can survive this place.
    That would be me.

    I can go in and do some stuff but not really sustain a proper crawl in any way. I'm in that bracket of players who has struggled to get decent modded gear for their level (around the 50-60) as I mostly solo and can play a fair bit but not dedicate my life to it. I was also surprised to see lots of stronger players go blasting past me often when I was in there hoovering up all the mobs with little thought for anyone else. I think I misinterpreted the "solo" part as the game doesn't do instancing right?

    I know there was a mention of helping getting equipment for the 50-55 range so maybe this will help. I could be going about the acquisition of items all wrong of course.

    Overall even though I have a skill at 70 and one in the 60's my gear clearly wasn't up to snuff which shows how important it is I guess. It wasn't solo friendly to me anyway but maybe it wasn't aimed at me.
    Last edited by Fhen; 03-01-2019 at 03:07 AM.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhen View Post
    I was also surprised to see lots of stronger players go blasting past me often [...] I think I misinterpreted the "solo" part as the game doesn't do instancing right?
    There is no instancing, but stronger players are in Rahu sewers only because they are capped in content, and it's new. In a released game, there doesn't seem be any particular reason a high level player would do that.

    The "solo" part means only few mobs are elite. With some balancing it can be tuned so you can crawl through it solo or in a duo, as intended.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Before I start my wall of text: In the sewers, has anyone else had mobs just poof on them as soon the mob died, without leaving a corpse? It only happened to me four times over several hours but it felt pretty weird.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    If you think the Sewers is hard, try soloing in Labyrinth in Ilmari which is another "level 60 dungeon." The Sewers is a joke by comparison, and the devs were quite fair in their labeling the Sewers a solo dungeon. Keep in mind too that the sewers also has the layout of a full dungeon and not a simple cave in Gazluk. A lot of the Gazluk caves don't have bosses or even unique elites, but the Sewers do, so I'd expect its design to be more complex (hence the keys and maze layout).
    The Labyrinth is designed to be a group dungeon, so I don't think it's a good comparison to the Sewers. I think better equivalents would be how the Goblin Dungeon feels around level 30, or how Kur Tower feels at 40ish. I haven't done those in a rather long time, so I picked on the Gazluk Caves instead. I think you are right that the Gazluk Caves may not be the best comparison since they are shorter and simpler. Thinking back on the Goblin Dungeon - yes, I die in there a lot, but I also tend to go in the early 20s and I'd expect to steamroll the starting section by 40. The nice thing about the Goblin Dungeon is that even if you die a lot, reaching individual chests makes a fun and rewarding mini goal. Kur Tower doesn't have chests but it always felt like the zombies are dropping lots of stuff, so as long as you can kill a few at a time, you are in pretty good shape and likely to get upgrades.

    In the Sewers, it feels like the easier mobs don't drop much that is worthwhile, while the harder mobs are ... hard. I spent another 4 hours or so with my cow there last night and I definitely had fun. I felt like I had a pretty good hang of the place by the time I finished and mostly stopped dying but I was 65 cow / 70 druid by then, with what I consider to be a very strong and tanky build and nice gear. If the main audience for the sewers is supposed to be 55-60 with, say, orange gear, I think it's too difficult for them without grouping.

    I don't think there's anything hugely wrong with the Sewer mobs - they just maybe hit a touch too hard, stun a bit too often, root for a little bit too long... I spent some time in the water area and thought those mobs were pretty reasonable. The poison slugs there possibly do a bit too much damage - I took a lot of damage from them since I didn't bother with poison resist - I figured since I outleveled and outgeared the place by 5-10 levels, I should be fine without it.

    My main problem were the ratkin:
    The ratkin stun seems a bit excessive. It felt like my main strategy consisted of loading up Toxic Flesh + Brambleskin and then standing about stunned while the ratkin melee hopefully killed themselves on my damage shield. Since I was pretty tanky, standing around wasn't normally too dangerous but I remember one lovely time when I was stunned and low on health and managed to heal myself just as the stun wore off. I was then immediately restunned and the ratkin killed me before the stun wore off and I could cast another heal. It was pretty frustrating, and I imagine this situation would come up pretty often for someone not tank-geared.

    I'm unclear why I was sometimes taking a lot of damage and sometimes not. I assume that's a function of the crits, but without a combat log, I don't know. It felt like my armor usually got shredded within the first couple seconds of me fighting multiple mobs, but then it was kind of variable whether I took corresponding health damage or not.

    For my last hour in the dungeon, I ran out of food and decided to try fighting with some sewers-obtained cave cheese and ratkin bleu, combined with a ratkin digestive. Surprisingly, that didn't feel notably more difficult than fighting with my level 40-50 food buffs. The digestive took care of my power needs, and I didn't notice a change in health regen. My theory is that damage is happening so fast that health regen doesn't make much of a difference anyway.

    I didn't think evasion was a problem here. The buff from the goblins is really nice but even when it wore off, I felt the ratkin were doable and much less difficult to hit than, say, the ranalon in the ranalon den. Of course, relying on damage shields as my primary dps source helped here, but it still didn't feel like the ranged ratkin were doing a ranalon-style chain evasion on me.

    The necro-shaman and ratkin blaster combo is pretty cruel. They both do large amounts of range damage and one roots you, so you can't do anything but stand there and get hit. If a third mob happens to wander by, too, the death trap is pretty much complete. I found it hard to get these fights right - I obviously tried to get them solo or at least pull the shaman and blaster back, but the long root meant that sometimes I couldn't avoid a fresh add coming my way.

    I found a ratkin respawn detection potion and used it: I think it helped me avoid some trash by encouraging me to move faster if a new mob was going to pop nearby but I'm not sure it actually helped me avoid death. Usually when I got dangerous adds in a fight, my current mob called for help or something had popped behind me, out of my sight range. ( Incidentally, many thanks to the devs for making the respawn spots so glaringly obvious even I can't miss them!)

    As far as loot goes, I don't know what to say. I'm doing the 1000 kill task for the second time and I think in my 20+ hours in the Sewers I've come across 3-5 yellow items. I haven't farmed anywhere else really so I don't know if: the drop rate was lowered throughout the game, the Sewers just has a bad drop rate, or I'm just really unlucky. But outside of wanting yellows, the loot inside is quite good and diverse in its innate bonuses.
    I like the base gear stats, it just feels like the gear drops are rare enough that I'm unlikely to get the base gear I want with a reasonable number of mods. I want to say I got maybe 3-4 purples in my time last night, and definitely no yellows. A fair number of oranges, at least.

    Side note: Has anyone else felt like Armor got nuked? I have about 800 armor and I feel like it's near useless and gets dissolved in 3 hits. I don't remember being so fragile before the patch, so I'm wondering if it's just me and the fact that I've only been in stronger dungeons lately.
    Well, the ratkin melee's info says they do heavy armor damage. I've been assuming that's why my armor's getting shredded. I don't think it's a problem outside the sewers, unless you noticed it there too?

    Totally unrelated to the above: Since I previously whined about the druid lore, I just want to say that I really enjoyed doing the Sewers quests on my druid, and I loved the rewards, especially for the treant quest. I was only objecting to them from the perspective of a non-druid who likes to read everything.
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 03-01-2019 at 04:39 PM.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    Side note: Has anyone else felt like Armor got nuked? I have about 800 armor and I feel like it's near useless and gets dissolved in 3 hits.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    It felt like my armor usually got shredded within the first couple seconds of me fighting multiple mobs, but then it was kind of variable whether I took corresponding health damage or not.
    The Ratkin miners have an attack which does high armor damage. I would estimate the raw damage value is around 250 damage to armor. If you fight multiple they will all start combat with this attack and delete your armor very quickly. It doesn't do any damage to your health, just armor. Mitigation does affect it, so you might not really notice unless you pull more than one.
    Last edited by Yaffy; 03-01-2019 at 05:18 PM.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    Before I start my wall of text: In the sewers, has anyone else had mobs just poof on them as soon the mob died, without leaving a corpse? It only happened to me four times over several hours but it felt pretty weird.
    I've seen that. I wrote it off as a fast respawn related bug when the zone is heavily populated. But it could be the corpse fell into the wall and being untargetable it just auto poof maybe. The mummy boss (Bhruti? ) under Gazluk by the super teleportation pad is known to do that when he dies by a wall.

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