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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Malgord's Avatar
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    Need hunting/gear advice

    Advice needed...I'm 73 sword/74 shield and close to 55 endurance. However, all my gear is 40/40 stuff except for my sword(55) and I think my pants(50). I've ran the yeti cave and kur tower countless times. I spent several hours in Rahu but I can only single pull and maybe take an additional add. The orc warriors next to them are each like a mini-boss; 2 and i'm dead.

    Is there a place like Joeh in Serbule where I can buy used gear? or another dungeon so I can upgrade to 55-60 stuff and then go back and tackle Rahu?


  2. #2
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Why not farm some crafting mats and gems, and ask someone to make a set of 70/70 for you? You don't need yellow stuff, red pieces will get you started, and then you can join GK groups for the juicy loot.

  3. #3
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Or join Labyrinth/ Gazluk Keep runs?

  4. #4
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    I agree with Niph. Farm up mats, or just buy them and ask someone to craft you set of lv 70 gear. Preferably Winter set, it will make traveling in Kur and Gazluk much more managable.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    If you prefer soloing, there are also 3 soloable indoor caves in the Gazluk area, with the Tower View Cave probably the most accessible. Loot there is in the 60-65 range. It's not the level 70 gear you'd get from crafting or Gazluk Keep runs though.

    There's also a dev tweet promising new 50+ content around the end of this month, so when that gets released, you may have a few more options in the 50-60 range.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Malgord's Avatar
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    Wow...I asked for advice and got a few options. Thank you very much you guys.

    I've partied up 2-3 times since I started playing, so soloing is my thing. As far as mats go, i'm not even sure what I should be farming...I checked the wiki and became immediately confused. I'm gonna try the Tower view cave thing...never heard of it.

    If no luck there, i'll be back for some direction on where/what mats I need to farm.

    Once again...thank you...folks like yourselves give a glimpse on what a top-notch community this game has.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malgord View Post
    As far as mats go, i'm not even sure what I should be farming...I checked the wiki and became immediately confused.
    Yes, gear crafting gets a bit confusing if you are non-crafter. For a quick example:

    The recipe for amazing winter gloves says it takes 2 amazing leather rolls, 2 wool, 1 tuft of fur, 1 primary crystal and 1 auxiliary crystal. The first three mats are literally what you need (with 1 amazing animal skin + 1 amazing tanning powder = 1 amazing leather roll). "Primary crystal" and "auxiliary crystal" are not actual game items but placeholders for gems, like carnelian, peridot, onyx, etc. Which two gems you use when crafting controls the skill mods that will be on the crafted gear. In your case you'd most likely want to use carnelian (sword) + onyx (shield) to craft a sword/shield item. If you were using, say, azurite + garnet as the two crystals instead, you'd create a bard/druid item which would be fairly useless to you. You can also use rubywall crystals for generic mods not tied to a specific combat skill, e.g. increased power regen during combat.

    When crafting, the item quality is random and you may get anything from green to yellow. So, you might want to collect the materials for multiple pairs of gloves, just to improve your chances of getting a better quality item.

    "Amazing" is the level 70 tier of crafted gear. "Max-enchanted" makes the item have one more mod than it normally would have - e.g. if you create a blue item, that typically means 2 mods, but if it was made with the max-enchanted recipe, a blue item would have 3 mods instead. Lvl 70 max-enchanted recipes require glowy yellow crystals and vervadium which can be mined and bartered in Gazluk. You can also buy these from the player vendor stalls but that can get a bit expensive. I'd probably recommend being cheap and not bothering with max-enchanted for now.

  8. #8
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    To follow up on @Tagamogi post. If you ask someon to craft you gear, and have all mats, don't forget to specyfy which skill should be primary, and which secondary. It is important, because primary skill will be proritized when you get odd number of mods. So for example -green item will have only one mod, and more often thna not it will be for your primary skill.

    Few notes of maximizing your gear - like Tagamogi said, for now, you shouldn't bother with max enchanced gear. Hoever, you can add one bonus mod you your equipment via Agumentation. You ned to first extract mod from gear( it requires corresponding gem and peace of gear. both are consumed, and mod extracted is picked at random from all mods on this peace of gear that fit gem you used). If you dont have agumentation, or its too low lv, you can ask other players to extract mods for you, and then find NPC to install it.

    And of course ther eis also Transmutation - skill that I would sugget learnign, and maxing asap.

  9. #9
    Senior Member poulter's Avatar
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    Quick way to gear up:
    Run Manticores in Ilmari a few times to get level 55 gear. Note: You will need to group up, but Mants runs can be completed in 15 minutes with an experienced group
    Farm the 3 caves in Gazluk, but expect to die a lot. Make sure you carry fires, blankets, warmth potions, etc. in order to reach the caves.
    This will (eventually) give you a set of level 60 to 65 gear.


    Join a Gazluk Keep (GK) run, takes about 1.5 to 3 hours for a chest run and emerge with a full set of level 70 gear. Repeat until you are satisfied with the quality (e.g. gold)
    Just mention to the group former that you are level 70 skills, but under geared & most groups will let you join. Also, ask if a group portal to Gazluk is available.
    GK is a 'must do' at the moment if you want level 70 neck, ring, off-hand & most main-hand gear


    Grind, earn cash and buy your gear from NPC or Player stalls
    Last edited by poulter; 01-24-2019 at 12:50 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    I second the caves in Gazluk as a good option - you'll face some difficulty at first, but you'll get some good gear drops and there are chests hidden around which, if you can get to them, provide guaranteed loot every 24 hours.

    The crafting grind can take a while and is expensive. Another solid/though grindy option is to look into treasure cartography. It's a slow grind, but in the end gives you a safe way to find level 60 gear without having to invest materials into crafting and without the need to already be geared for combat.

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