Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Dangerous Weapon revamp

    What i think should be done to it. Dangerous weapon should come at a cost but apparently dedicating a lot of resources to achieve that was somehow wrong.

    So......Generic weapons and weapons up to lv 30 should stay just the way they are. Starting from lv 35 to lv 70 you will have a random chance of finding a normal weapon or a dangerous weapon which will have a random number on them based on the skill level being used , lv 35 will be +1 to +100, lv 40 +1 to +150, lv 50 +1 to +200, lv 60 +1 to +250 and lv 70 +1 to +300.

    Upon finding a dangerous weapon it will be labeled unusable until they can be activated with Blacksmithing for a 1 time fee of 3 slabs each, lv 35 weapons will be basic slabs, lv 40 good slabs, lv 50 expert slabs, lv 60 master slabs and lv 70 amazing. Once activated the weapon becomes attuned and the weapon can have a durability percentage but much slower than the hammer belts, should last a long long time but not forever.

    This method will give a chance for everyone to get dangerous weapons while keeping the randomness.

    This too complicated to be implemented? Then maybe we can get a Dangerous Weapon Dragon statue, when you use it you get a buff of x hours to find some dangerous weapons?

  2. #2
    Member DamageIncorp's Avatar
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    The initial implementation was indeed broken. However, the simple damage solution and the fact that it blows up 3 percent of the time. The probability of creating a plus 300 weapon is quite low, and the resource investment is considerable.
    The sample size of created weapons was quite low and so was the time to test them in game.
    I would like to see them in game for some extended play.
    Even if the concept isnt perfect for a level 40, i think it is a nice addition for higher level players who have the resource abundance to mitigate some of the risk involved in creation.

  3. #3
    Member DamageIncorp's Avatar
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    In fact, a plus 100 weapon is pretty rare.
    .97^100 = approximately 4.7 percent.
    A plus 300 weapon is so unlikely it is crazy to dedicate the resources. .97^300 = approximately .011 percent chance

  4. #4
    Banned spider91301's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INXS View Post
    What i think should be done to it. Dangerous weapon should come at a cost but apparently dedicating a lot of resources to achieve that was somehow wrong.

    So......Generic weapons and weapons up to lv 30 should stay just the way they are. Starting from lv 35 to lv 70 you will have a random chance of finding a normal weapon or a dangerous weapon which will have a random number on them based on the skill level being used , lv 35 will be +1 to +100, lv 40 +1 to +150, lv 50 +1 to +200, lv 60 +1 to +250 and lv 70 +1 to +300.

    Upon finding a dangerous weapon it will be labeled unusable until they can be activated with Blacksmithing for a 1 time fee of 3 slabs each, lv 35 weapons will be basic slabs, lv 40 good slabs, lv 50 expert slabs, lv 60 master slabs and lv 70 amazing. Once activated the weapon becomes attuned and the weapon can have a durability percentage but much slower than the hammer belts, should last a long long time but not forever.

    This method will give a chance for everyone to get dangerous weapons while keeping the randomness.

    This too complicated to be implemented? Then maybe we can get a Dangerous Weapon Dragon statue, when you use it you get a buff of x hours to find some dangerous weapons?
    It was to op I don't see it coming back in any form for at least 3-5 years not even trying to be a pessimistic d*** it needed more tweaking which it even after all the tweaking possible would still have flaws so best bet they would/could do is scrap it altogether and make a new idea which isn't necessarily a bad idea in the long run.
    Last edited by spider91301; 12-29-2018 at 07:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    I finally felt like I was on-par with my teammates' damage using my +300 enhanced mainhand knife and +150 enhanced offhand dirk. I was never overpowering them, but was matching or just below the archers, bards, swordsmen, etc. Now it's back to the shit pile and I just run my gimpy main skills again. Maybe fire will get some love eventually, but I'm hesitant to commit to anything else after this fiasco.
    Last edited by Daguin; 01-07-2019 at 10:53 AM.

  6.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #6
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    A fiasco?! Hmm, that sounds like I've done a bad job managing expectations.

    Look, I know nerfs are painful. I can respect that you're angry, but let's stop pretending this is a balanced and finished game. Stop comparing your skills to OBVIOUSLY overpowered skills. You know we're going to nerf those, right? Of course we are!

    There are a lot of nerfs coming.

    To repeat, a lot of nerfs are coming.

    A LOT OF NERFS ARE COMING. Does shouting help?

    I mean, I think it should go unsaid, because it should be REALLY obvious that a werewolf who can deal a bazillion damage a second, while also healing themselves completely every few seconds, is overpowered. We all know it.

    But we also know the game's framerate isn't very good, the UI is clunky, spawns are appearing underground in some cases and some video drivers have crashes and there's too little content in various level ranges and there's tons of confusing game systems and... on and on it goes.

    We're working pretty much nonstop, and scaling up as quickly as we can, but we can't fix everything at once. And high-level balance has had to take a back seat. That doesn't mean it's not happening.

    Bottom line: I am not planning to make every skill as powerful as the most overpowered skills in the game. I am planning to nerf overpowered skills and game systems. Because that's what a true beta is: a time to get the balance right.

    So we will be nerfing and buffing repeatedly, over and over. I will try to be respectful of your time investments whenever possible. That's the best I can do. Constructive feedback is appreciated, but calling a nerf to an extremely imbalanced game system a "fiasco" ... well, if that's a fiasco, expect a lot more fiascos to come, I guess.


    So why did I nerf this, when all those other things are overpowered too? Because, again, I want to be respectful of players' time. Most of the nerfs that will be coming are in-place nerfs: treasure mods or abilities will have their numbers lowered, but they'll otherwise keep working. In this case, when I became convinced I couldn't salvage the design, and it would need to be entirely replaced, I shut it down immediately so you wouldn't keep wasting time and resources with it.

    That doesn't mean I think it was the most overpowered thing in the game. It means I want to do right by my beta testers as much as I can, and letting you invest resources into it for another few months would have been cruel.


    I know nerfs suck. I wish I didn't have to. But I do. If this one pissed you off a lot, well, this isn't the last nerf by a long shot, so if you can't tolerate them and want to come back when the game is done, I completely respect that. But complaining about nerfs during a beta is just not understanding what a beta is.

    There will be a lot more nerfs, a lot more buffs, a lot more game systems, a lot more major revisions. If you approach the game with that understanding it can be a lot more fun than if you expect everything in-game to stay the way it is now. Because it won't!
    Last edited by Citan; 01-07-2019 at 02:54 PM.

  7.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #7
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    As for the replacement to this system, it won't be a recipe at all, I think. Right now I'm playing with a system where you hand your weapon to an NPC and they apply a random permanent buff... or debuff... to the item. Very simple and approachable for the target audience of level 40-ish players.

    We'll convert existing "do nothing" items to use positive buffs from the new system. But keep in mind the system is designed for level 40s, so the buffs are in that power range. (I don't think that should be too surprising to hear, either: the old recipes consumed garbage newbie metal, they were learned in the level 40 city, and had meager level 20 blacksmithing requirements... obviously the main audience was NOT people who can mine legendary metal out of Gazluk!)

    So don't expect the replacement buffs to be as amazing as a +300 weapon, but they will still be a noticeable and useful buff to your items. In addition, we'll return some of your lost resources where it seems appropriate (e.g. refunding the price of the recipes, maybe refunding the metal in some cases, etc.)
    Last edited by Citan; 01-07-2019 at 02:58 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    A fiasco?!

    It was a personal fiasco due to my own misunderstanding of game mechanics and balancing. I did not mean to apply that word to the game as a whole. Happy to hear more nerfs are in the works.... I think?

  9.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #9
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Sorry, I didn't mean to address that just to you. I just realized I haven't talked about beta nerfs on the forums recently and it's not as obvious as I think it is!

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