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My question is, what skill besides unarmed can give you a meaningful amount of percent based mitigation? There may be an animal version I'm forgetting but that's still kind of besides the point because :
What If you don't want to use unarmed to tank? Also what will you do when Citan realizes how overpowered the unarmed mods are compared to regular "tanking" skills? ( I am 99.9999% sure unarmed was never meant to be the "tank" skill in this game.)
In the thread I basically hijacked for a few days discussing group combat( quite a while ago), I didn't really talk about or include unarmed mitigation because I honestly assumed it would have been nerfed by this point already. Combat that is balanced around that much % mitigation isn't really balanced at all...Unless that list is hugely expanded to include stuff like ...I dunno, how about shield...you know, the one skill it would actually make sense for.
As far as mob criticals I don't know what he was thinking, combat was already way to fast and furious for a tab-target game prior to that. One of my biggest complaints with combat in PG is that it is approaching action-combat scales of damage, but this isn't an action combat game....being 1 shotted is only acceptable when a player can actually dodge that with skill reliably. My 2nd biggest gripe is still the forced dps checks of how mobs respawn in groups....But it doesn't feel like they have any intention of reverting that which is mainly why I haven't been around. The only other complaint I have is that the same rules that apply to players do not apply to mobs( forced immunity to effects for 60 secs after being hit with one, chain stuns etc).....can players now crit with any skill or is it still only mentalism/archery? cause that's another example if not.
I hate to say anything bad about this game because I love Citan( and srand) and I also love most of his ideas...and when new actual content is added I'll most likely be around for a bit again( I'd still be around now though if the combat was engaging and enjoyable). Because ignoring the few things I have grown to dislike about combat, the game has a ton of potential still...it's also why I still check the forums at least once a week.
It's just.... I ask myself why they would use those systems in my head and the only reply I get back is "because fuck you, that's why"...That's not to say that's their actual reasoning...it's just all I can come up with for it unless they actually explain it.
It's not as if the combat is so brutal that i can't handle it, I for sure can ...but it's not much fun for me. I like a challenge, but there is a difference between that and it being totally out of your hands with the random-number-generator. Critcal mob hits do the same thing as evasion did, take things out of our hands and turn it into random stuff that's almost unavoidable. And as I said above I still feel as if the combat got way too fast paced before even including criticals to the mix.
I should also clarify that i mean combat balanced for groups, solo content ( outdoors) has always been fine in my opinion.
Side question: can bears rage attack critical? because lol if it can.