I am curious what are procedure to link my alpha/beta account witch steam account after i try demo
Demo is linked witch steam now so when i buy the game will game client give me option to link my beta acount?
I am curious what are procedure to link my alpha/beta account witch steam account after i try demo
Demo is linked witch steam now so when i buy the game will game client give me option to link my beta acount?
After you buy the game, you will need to contact support@projectgorgon.com and give them the name of your Demo character and the e-mail address tied to your alpha account. It helps if you can submit the e-mail from the e-mail account that is tied to the alpha account to speed along the process. This process is not instant and will require some Admin interaction to get done, but we can get you fixed up!
I should also note that your Demo character/account will be deleted in the process.
-ADMIN- Jackencola
-GUIDE- Rummencola
Buy game and send mail now waiting for replay, where done i will write here how long it took for future beta player in similar situation
I'm having more fun with this game than any 60 dollar game I've had in years. So, is the price point for graphics or depth and fun of game? I think it's worth 40 dollars easily because of the fun I'm having. But if I just focused on the fact that brain bug sticks out of the ground kind of funny then maybe I wouldn't think so. Guess it depends on perspective.
Done, Alpha/Beta Account successfully linked to steam, it took less that 48h for support![]()
Loved the demo (I downloaded it through steam); just finished it a few days ago.. bought the game right after (again through steam) my first skill hit 15'ish. I found the initial introduction within the demo to be 'odd and unfamiliar', but things quickly made sense and grew on me. The quests were fun (I thought) and interactive; and displayed some of the fun/more unique game mechanics (such as the teleporters, being set on fire, 'the alert in the cave freaked me out' but was fun and different.. even dying is kind of fun and different.
Only thing I'd change would be to make the starter island instanced (or maybe a different variety of instance) where anyone coming back in would not be within the same 'instance' as the starter people. Same island, just don't allow anyone who has left the island for the first time to be back within the same instance as the 'newbies'. The game is much more fun when you learn it all on your own, pick up fun new armor/weapons/etc; and don't get to see some end game players hanging around farming weird low level things. Just my thoughts anyway.
I hope the new changes to maps do not add a ceiling so you cannot get altitude in flight like what ruined flight in sun vale?