Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Member Rick Sanchez's Avatar
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    Question Equipment Loadouts - Whats your gear?

    Since the game is amazing and allows building pretty much any combination of active skills Ive been searching for the best equipment for specific loadouts.

    Anyone have any suggestions for these loadouts that would make late game play better?

    1. All purpose - for those times your mid/lower level dungeon assisting and have no skill specific gear on. Something that does high power, health, armor regen capability.

    2. General purpose - tons of pockets build for mining/treasure hunting. - Since this is mostly about pockets is there anything out there that is other than pockets?

    3. Fire / Ice mage -

    4. Giant Bat / Psychology -

    6. Archery / Mentalism -

    If you have anything else for build types to add here Ill update this top level post with answers and builds.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Movement speed loadouts. This can look a whole lotta different ways.

    I think solid choices are always speed/pocket gear. Pants have a GENERIC mod that is +1 movement speed. Amulet of rugged traveler is +1, ring of jaunty traipsing is +1, and windswept boots are+2

    To get more speed than that you need to pair it with skills, and then mods for those skills as well. Most popular is battle chem (extra toes, haste concoction, and golem's haste concoction) and Shield (take the lead)

    Many animal forms have speed skills, or mods for speed skills.

    Druid has hunter's stride, which provides MOVEMENT speed as opposed to sprint speed. (movement speed applies to flying and swimming as opposed to just running)

    And priest has some good flying and swimming mods.

    Many other skills, like psychology and fire magic, can give mods that make skills improve your sprint speed.

    There's also shamanic infusion for feet that gives up to 1.5 sprint speed, and 1.5 fly speed.

    For other loadouts, Try different builds! I have hammer ment, spider druid, staff druid, priest druid (flying movement speed build), and fire priest. Lots more combinations I can't wait to try out. Hopefully someday we get more than 9 loadouts!

  3. #3
    Member Ashreon's Avatar
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    Speed (Druid/Fire)
    - Don't have BC yet, but I primarily use speed for Surveying and druid wins out with it's 2,5ms buff in-flight (especially over Kur oceans...)

    Gardening (Instruments/Fire)
    - A Loadout that I can use for gardening with almost no to few things on my sidebar which is used to plant seeds from.

    - Heals, although I will swap this out with Priest/BC or Druid/BC (haven't decided yet)

    - Deeps.. No really.. Just for that & it's hilarious as well and amazing in Gazluk. You legit don't need to have winter clothes for you to farm there so long as you use Cold Protection, Ring of Fire, Defensive Burst, Fire Breath & Give Warmth - give warmth can further be modded for 370+ dmg on your next fire attack, so win-win. You can also get yourself a 10/20% Cold Mitigation buff from meditation to slow it down to a more.. comfortable level (the heat loss).

    - Tanking/Pulling with lots of immunities here and great amount of mitigation to be had. 11/10 great for GK. Best part is you can have a physical immunity/dmg reduction up almost all the time thanks to staff.
    -- 100% dmg mitigation for 10 (30s cd - great once you have pulled to a save place and/or on a lot of mobs)
    -- 40% dmg reduction for 8s (16s cd - great while you pull)
    -- A mod giving pin 45% dmg mitigation for 4s (12s cd - great during a fight).
    -- Your Heed the Stick also provides a flat +15 dmg reduction with mods.
    - Shield will give you a lot of taunts to keep the pesky mobs on you.
    -- A 14+ direct dmg reduction from Shield Team
    -- Invulnerability to Fire/Lightning/Ice (Fire being a huge part of GK so even more cause to celebrate) for 10s (30s cd)
    -- A STUN! CC is the best kind of mitigation.
    Last edited by Ashreon; 10-16-2018 at 08:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    For pockets: Amulet of Rugged Traveler, Rat Belt, & Pocket Expander Potions are all crucial items for me personally, combined with a full pocket shirt/pants.

    For speed: Shamanically-infused Windstep Boots, Amulet of Rugged Traveler, Mutation Toes (BC), Haste Concoction (BC) [summoned golem program will continue to cast this randomly], and Flesh To Fuel (w/ mods) to boost my run speed for out-of-combat travel.

    You might also consider bird forms (if Druid) more efficient travel in certain zones with lots of mountainous terrain (ie: Kur & Gaz), since it eats up extra time going up/down hills. Duck is currently the fastest flying and swimming bird form.

    For "all purpose": I don't bother collecting various sets for this. If I want to powerlevel or run a new secondary skill, I will wear my main combat gear and choose lower level spells for one of my primary skills. You still benefit from having max level mods up for atleast one primary skill (especially AOE/DOT stuff). If you do want a generic all purpose you might consider full generic on leather or cloth armor, and going for all combat refresh mods (if possible).

    I currently use the following loadouts:
    Buffing (BC/FM)
    Fighting (BC/FM)
    Running (BC/FM)
    Last edited by Daguin; 10-16-2018 at 11:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Member Sasho's Avatar
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    1. All purpose - if you want high stats then the melee skills give a good bonus to health and armor. Of your list, Archery/Mentalism gives good self-support and decent damage.

    2. General purpose - get pockets on cloth armor and some speed skills like Battle Chemistry/Shield/Psych.

    I'll share my 3 main builds.

    1) Sword/Archery - made solely for fighting. Not a lot of inventory available for looting, but the purpose is to destroy late game mobs in bulk. I don't have pockets on this build because that requires I use armor with an innate lower +armor. For example, a GK Death Trooper chest piece has +210 base armor, while cloth (I forget exactly) is only around 100. If you're not a tank build then maybe you can get away with cloth, but keep in mind that if the goal is dealing more damage, then subsequently you'll get more agro and need more armor. I enjoy being able to solo in late game. Not bragging but just sharing the potential tank characters have (and there are other builds outside my own that do this too), I can solo every dungeon & boss except GK and Labs. I can still take on the mobs though, just not all the bosses.

    2) Dancing/Instrument - the silly, suicide build. Used for poetry events/gardening/drinking fuel oil. I have little-to-no health because the skill sets don't give big bonuses. So that, along with making sure I have no +health armor saves me driving 5+ oils per suicide. I also use this load-out for treating diseases and such.

    3) Speed build. I reserve 6 different load-outs for this, but not really any of them are for combat (I wouldn't even both trying to fight anything beyond Eltibule if I got caught off guard). It's simply for sprinting as fast as Gorgonly possible. A large majority of my time is spent just getting from one place to another, so being able to cut my travel time, for example, from the Serbule Well to the Eltibule portal down from a 2 minute jog to a 15 second sprint is priceless.

  6. #6
    Member Ashreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    1) Sword/Archery - made solely for fighting. Not a lot of inventory available for looting, but the purpose is to destroy late game mobs in bulk. I don't have pockets on this build because that requires I use armor with an innate lower +armor. For example, a GK Death Trooper chest piece has +210 base armor, while cloth (I forget exactly) is only around 100. If you're not a tank build then maybe you can get away with cloth, but keep in mind that if the goal is dealing more damage, then subsequently you'll get more agro and need more armor. I enjoy being able to solo in late game. Not bragging but just sharing the potential tank characters have (and there are other builds outside my own that do this too), I can solo every dungeon & boss except GK and Labs. I can still take on the mobs though, just not all the bosses.
    Can't really use cloth as a tank build if the purpose is to.. tank as cloth has -taunt% :P. Better to go with Leather especially the evasion kind.
    While Armor is nice, it's not really useful anymore, the crits mobs do and the fact that mobs rage attacks seems to bypass armor just means that mitigation is way better if you're looking for a tank build.
    I've seen myself and other tanks get killed in one critical rage hit, but once you do have a lot of mitigation going for ya, you'll be quite fine.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    3) Speed build. I reserve 6 different load-outs for this, but not really any of them are for combat (I wouldn't even both trying to fight anything beyond Eltibule if I got caught off guard). It's simply for sprinting as fast as Gorgonly possible. A large majority of my time is spent just getting from one place to another, so being able to cut my travel time, for example, from the Serbule Well to the Eltibule portal down from a 2 minute jog to a 15 second sprint is priceless.
    Ohh, I never thought about cycling through loadouts with different skills for maximizing speed buffs, great idea!

  8. #8
    Member Ashreon's Avatar
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    Wow I totally missed that it was for gear and not really for different builds.

    So I have an update.

    DPS gear - generally max-enchanted cloth gear with either pockets for max inventory capacity or 7 mods (in case of dungeon and transmutation/augmentation available).
    Tank gear - max-enchanted leather gear in which you have: leather helmet/bard helmet, leather gloves, evasion chest, evasion legs, and evasion boots, Zukelmux ring/Gazluk Officer Ring, HP necklace.
    - This outfit will net you 0-20% stun resistance, 0-10% knockback resistance, 0-10% slow resistance and 27,5% projectile evasion (I think it counts mages spells as a projectile too - haven't really tested) and/or give you 30-70hp extra (the values in ranges are whether or not you go for Zukelmux/Gazluk Officer Ring and leather helmet/bard helmet).
    You can reach 60% stun resistance & 76% knockback resistance if you have shield as one of your classes which can and probably will save your ass a few times over.
    Last edited by Ashreon; 10-20-2018 at 03:52 AM.

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