Broken weapons are something I really hate. I hope they find a way to remove them and do so. That stuff really isn't fun.
Broken weapons are something I really hate. I hope they find a way to remove them and do so. That stuff really isn't fun.
So what's really up here.
Are the claims of massive damage real, or just hype? Do we know? If people are talking about and using items that are causing gamebreaking damage, then they need to be turning in reports. Give the developers the data via the ! button or via pm in this forum, so that you're not spreading information about possible exploits.
The recipes for the dangerous weapons are currently not accessible. The weapons people created remain in game; having data on what damage players are doing with those weapons could be good information to share with the developers. If you know what you've done and how you're doing it, give the specifics. Let's deal with facts.
Complaining on the forums isn't helping anyone's perception of the game. If you see huge damage numbers flying around, document that and find out what's going on. Again, share that information via the ! button in game. Maybe someone has spent a lot of effort to achieve a specific effect. Meanwhile treat other players with respect--this is about information only. Improving the game requires data not rumors.
~( '.')~
So based on what you are saying @Greyfyn if it's for science then why have only a few people wielding it, reopen the recipe to the population then have dozens or more testing and reporting instead of a few, that is why not gather information faster on a larger scale if we going for the science thing not just a bs excuse. Rumors.... yeah...
No one said anything about doing it for science. Or full population testing. Or excuses for anything. Those are odd assumptions.
If there's a problem, report it.
The recipes or the effects don't need testing. The recipe was removed for now. Testing is not the issue. There's no type of limited player testing going on right now.
Players were allowed to keep the items that they had spent so much time on. They didn't cheat to get them, they just played the game.
However some of those players are claiming to have damage numbers that are way higher than the game should allow. That needs to be investigated. Not tested. If there's a possible exploit, it should be reported. Claiming to have huge damage numbers without saying how, or describing what is broken in quantifiable language, borders on exploit. Right? Isn't that the issue? So give the devs the data.
So yeah, until there's actual reports about exorbitant damage coming through the ! button channel, it's rumors.
If there's wrong stuff, report it.
Again, the point you should have gotten from my post is that you need to report issues via the ! button or via pm on the forum. Show the evidence.
As Greyfyn said, we could use more info. I don't know how people are converting a few hundred damage into the vaguely-reported "over 10k extra damage!!!!!" stuff. I really don't see how that's possible; the damage should only multiply to a couple thousand extra, and that's only with TOP-tier level 70 gear, AND only when using the heaviest-hitting attacks in the game.
Nobody I've asked will explain these mega numbers they're supposedly getting. I've seen people mention it in chat yet when asked about it moments later, they'll ignore me or even quickly log out. I've downloaded the characters of those people bragging in chat, and I still can't replicate it even with their exact characters. In other words, some of these people are trolling. But not necessarily all of them! So that's an open question.
Anyway, we'd already realized it was bugged and overpowered, which is why we disabled it in the hotfix. Remember how the hotfix patch notes said:
That is exactly what's going to happen in the next non-hotfix update, which is next week.- the "Dangerously Improve Weapon" recipes were enhancing the wrong attribute, leading to more damage than intended. These recipes have been temporarily disabled --they can't be purchased, and if you already have them, they do nothing. They will return in a future non-hotfix update. Items that were already enhanced with the earlier recipes will be updated at that time
If you have one of these weapons and can get HUGELY broken numbers (instead of just somewhat overpowered), please explain how it's done so I can confirm that my fix is going to address that scenario. Thanks.
Last edited by Citan; 10-11-2018 at 10:48 PM.
Yaffy said they normally do ~14k and with a +3xx weapon did 20k. While that's a lot I'm pretty sure other builds can exceed the 14k(maybe not in a single hit but certainly in a dps race)
I have probably the highest upgraded one(+444) and while it is quite OP it cost like a million councils to get, anyone with that kind of money was already in a position to powerlevel all their skills to 70 in short amounts of time and aquire an endgame build capable of soloing almost everything. Personally I've only levelled hammer and BC by using it, and plan to also get shield to 70 in the near future. Even if I level all those skills twice as fast as normal I'm not really recouping the investment by time they are nerfed if they're getting done next week.
@Citan I'm almost fully modded for hurl lightning and it takes the damage from 1.3k to 2.9k, I would assume whatever you're changing it to will no longer be affected by % increase damage mods if not, you should probably do so. It also makes what would be insignificant basic attacks hit for a few hundred(ie a +300 sword means you do 350 sword slash instead of 50) but it's 'relatively' balanced at 70, except for stacking high % damage mods which only hammer seems to really have
Last edited by NickzMagic; 10-11-2018 at 11:27 PM.
That's a lot of magic sand, parchment and ink to spend a million c on, ohh wait nm you went the other way getting it, to get that weapon to 440+, ain't going to cost a million, if you decided to spend your money that way it's on you,
I'm confused Citan, I thought a few patches ago, I think it was the AOE nerf / DoT buff patch, you had said that you would start taking combat metrics data because you hadn't before?