Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Akhenatom's Avatar
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    Exploration of maps...

    Is there any plan to improve the exploration of maps of this game? Or better to have a holding that is exploration, besides grind insane ??

  2. #2
    Senior Member Greyfyn's Avatar
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    While I'm not sure I understand the underlying question here, why explore the maps?

    Sure, you clear the fog, but Cartography doesn't currently grant you any thing and it is extremely likely that the maps will be refogged at launch. Therefore I suspect that cartography is one skill that might need to be "redone."

    So unless you have some sort of obsessive need to complete the maps, just let them be. Don't drive yourself crazy.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Akhenatom's Avatar
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    That's right, so I asked if there is any development plan ... The way it is there is no reason to explore maps, unless it's behind a specific npc; and this takes you to another grind to get his favor if it's good for your character !!!
    And so I would like to know what the DEV's are thinking for the future, as I have not found any future plans for the game ...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Greyfyn's Avatar
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    Well the answer you received on the steam forum remains correct. There is no published development plan. The Dev Blogs give a general direction.

    And that's about it.

    I'd suggest play for today. Planning for a future that no one can guarantee until it's actually in a patch.... nah. If you're concerned you're wasting your time--yeah, I think that's the point of playing any game. Basically you're messing around with virtual fiction here. If the fiction that you're accomplishing something here in game isn't motivating enough, I'm not sure the panoply of additional possible futures will help with that. Some players really enjoy trying to do some creative augury with the bits of information we do have. If you're not one of those, getting stuck on knowing the future plan of the game probably isn't much fun.

    While that all might seem obtuse, the point is that we won't know what's going to happen until it happens. And that will have to suffice.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Akhenatom's Avatar
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    I understand....
    But I hope you have more than events with potions and dancing, as I said in the steam !!!
    An improved exploration and reward system so it would be great ...
    An engineer-like class for making constructs; I find this class very interesting for the PG !!!
    Montarias, I think I'm not the only one who would like this ... ^^
    But let's experiment and find out what's going to happen ...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akhenatom View Post
    An engineer-like class for making constructs; I find this class very interesting for the PG !!!
    Always the contrarian... I think this sounds like Minecraft. There's already a few other MMO's experimenting with letting players "build" things in sandbox, and I personally hope PG never goes that direction. The structures we do have are rarely populated enough to be useful (except Serbule inn....before casino). Letting people add additional structures would increase the ghost-town feel that many locations already have.

    As for the OP in regards to maps.... if you like knowing where things are, then do cartography. If not, don't. All it takes is hitting the auto-run key and making sure you are traveling in a semi-straight line so you can easily zip back and forth (or up and down)

  7. #7
    Junior Member Akhenatom's Avatar
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    I expressed myself badly. What I wanted to say is that an engineer class would do cool things like automations, mines terrerstres, mini combat towers, explosive ammunition, machines to improve other specialties in general, as well as use for combat as well ...
    And about explorations something more exciting to explore than getting map open. Random events would be cool. It could be like these druid events !!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akhenatom View Post
    I expressed myself badly. What I wanted to say is that an engineer class would do cool things like automations, mines terrerstres, mini combat towers, explosive ammunition, machines to improve other specialties in general, as well as use for combat as well ...
    And about explorations something more exciting to explore than getting map open. Random events would be cool. It could be like these druid events !!!
    We have some things similar to what you are asking for already in the game. I would suggest you give the skills in the wiki a good looking over. The level rewards for Cartography have not been implemented yet. You will get them for what you have already earned when they are released. Random events have been going on for a while now, and there is more to it than "potions and dancing" already. We get more and more tools for the live event system with every update, and the coming update will be no different. I guess you have not noticed the treasure hunts and Hogan's Tough Guy Academy. The great Spider Lord invasion of Serbule last weekend? Twice? There was no dancing there....only death!
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  9. #9
    Junior Member Akhenatom's Avatar
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    Good. But it speaks of something without the participation of GM's ... That happens for some fact that changed in the territory in question, and that caused an imbalance ....
    An invasion of globins, or even their absence in the usual places, because of their high mortality rate. So they decide to go somewhere else where they will be less threatened !!!
    Such things, for example ....

  10. #10
    Senior Member Greyfyn's Avatar
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    Hugs back.

    Hey, so some of that engineer stuff sounds like it would go great with the dwarves. I know I'll be excited when they show up. Good stuff.

    As for this last comment, I'm with you on that front. It would be really great if there were lore-related events. Stories. Plot. Reasons for doing things that aren't just "rewards." Yeah, that's a classic mmo thing. Hopefully there will be a point when all the loose threads get stitched together and we know what's really going on with Alharth (which is just one part of this world where we play). There is lore all over the game. But piecing it together at this point as a player ain't easy.

    One player who really has a hint about what is going on there, is BetaNotus. He's made some serious attempts at perceiving the lore connections to things, some of which can be found on the wiki, which he also leads. But if you have particular questions for Beta, one place to ask them might be on the Gorgon's Head discord, where there's a special wiki channel: https://discord.gg/6psRuMC

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