Yeah, it's reposted from Gorgon's Head Discord. Quickest place for info!
Yeah, it's reposted from Gorgon's Head Discord. Quickest place for info!
That's awesome thanks for the re post to the forum!
lol so basically maybe everyone moves to new city serb becomes obsolete and serbs lag migrates to new town, hopefully not!
I have to say that 25% Combat xp boost for a week or so is pretty good, but also kind of insane. Realisticly, a week (1-2 weekends alone) with 25% extra combat xp is way too much time to get the skills up to 40-45. You can easily get a couple of them 1-70 in that time if you grind hard enough even without an extra bonus.
Still, this is not a complaint, using the buffs and getting 50% or more combat exp from monsters is cool.
Still going to live in serb the new player hub in the casino town cant make me want to leave I have storage playershops and a workorder board for newbies to make cash because I'm to lazy to farm for low level mats like potatos this changes nothing inless they nerf serb storage wise and get rid of the other 2 things I mentioned I dont see anyone else leaving ether
This just gives me something to do and explore and after that back to hibernation till Halloween
Last edited by spider91301; 09-17-2018 at 12:02 AM.
Should we bump this thread (sticky would be easier), or make a new one for each update?
RIP bookshelves...we hardly knew ye.
Just like irl, rip bookshelf. Pretty neat idea
The bookshelf will still be useful to beast form players. That and most folks will just run to the bookshelf still out of pure habit.
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