Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Don't forget about the Work Order Boards in Sun Vale and Eltibule (Hogan's Keep) ...those have the more advanced and higher value orders
Honestly, I just drank all my Willpower Gels (got some Death XP for having a stroke that way too)
That being said, if you favor up Flia she will buy inks you can craft with Alchemy and you may make a bit of a profit that way, though you'll have to farm mats (level 3 inks need fish scales and fire powder)
Don't forget about the Work Order Boards in Sun Vale and Eltibule (Hogan's Keep) ...those have the more advanced and higher value orders
Honestly, I just drank all my Willpower Gels (got some Death XP for having a stroke that way too)
That being said, if you favor up Flia she will buy inks you can craft with Alchemy and you may make a bit of a profit that way, though you'll have to farm mats (level 3 inks need fish scales and fire powder)
BC is worth it though
Everything I've seen and read about BC supports what you just said.
I think my Industry might be around level 10 right now.
I haven't got any of the ink recipes yet. I just haven't wanted to spend the cash on the recipe books. I've been getting all discovery exp once and then mostly grinding Willpower Gels and then, when I have the mats, turning some of them into Cranium Balms. Those have a value of 600 council but I can't easily find any NPCs to buy them at full value except the Baron Lady in Serb Hills. Of course, she only has 2400 per week so I'm selling them 4 at a time LOL. So far I've never had more then 2 stacks at a time so it's not hurting my inventory space much. Sure wish you could store them in Charles' stash! Also Making Gur-Hortas when I can, too. Lots of Beet growing and Parasol farming for me lately. Five more levels to go.... but it'll be worth it, as you say.
Main focus now is to get to 50 Alchemy so I can finally do BC. I'm at 45 now. And boy how wonderful it would be if I can find an NPC to buy my endless supply of Willpower Gels and Cranium Balms at full price and with some volume cash available (perhaps there's one I don't know about yet?). I digress...
Before I forget: One possible use for the willpower gels would be to turn them into enhanced pineal juice and gift them to Yagreet in Sun Vale. I'm not sure if it's the best way to level favor with her, but I always find myself running out of oils long before she will teach me the recipes I want.
Before I forget: One possible use for the willpower gels would be to turn them into enhanced pineal juice and gift them to Yagreet in Sun Vale. I'm not sure if it's the best way to level favor with her, but I always find myself running out of oils long before she will teach me the recipes I want.
Yeah I have been making some of those, too, and gifting them but not to Yagreet. I haven't been to Sun Vale yet. I have made a few Enhances Pinneal Juices but needing the additional beet and the milk slows that down a bit. I always figured from an experience point of view, if I have to grow another beet to do the recipe, I might as well just do another Willpower Gel since getting 2 Parasols are easier/cheaper to get than 3 brains and a milk. But it certainly makes sense if you need the oils for Favor.
I've got everything ready to do what should be my final 165 combines (according to my calculations) to get to 50 Alchemy. Then I need to figure out how to get rid of the several hundred Willpower Gels I'll have. That's about 30-35k council (if I can find someone who has a good supply of council) or maybe use some of them for Favor (not sure who would be best though. Will do some research on that - might be someone I haven't yet got to. Suggestions welcome.
The reason I mentioned Yagreet is that you probably want favor with her eventually.
She teaches the resuscitate ability and being able to rez someone is obviously a super-useful ability if you ever group. It requires a high first aid skill also, though, so you may not be interested in favor with Yagreet until you leveled up first aid some more first.
I'm not sure about the current prices of silver, so silver may or may not be a more cost-effective way to get favor with her. I tend to be a bit fixated on Yagreet favor since it felt like it took me forever to get favor with her at first and now I have two alts that I need to also get friendly with her and I'm just kind of dreading the idea.
It may not be the best of all possible uses for your gels, especially since you have to get milk, too. I'd be curious to see what other people suggest. One other idea that comes to my mind is that willpower gel is used in a quest, so you could also just try selling it to other players (assuming you can find an effective way of doing that ).
The reason I mentioned Yagreet is that you probably want favor with her eventually.
She teaches the resuscitate ability and being able to rez someone is obviously a super-useful ability if you ever group. It requires a high first aid skill also, though, so you may not be interested in favor with Yagreet until you leveled up first aid some more first.
I'm not sure about the current prices of silver, so silver may or may not be a more cost-effective way to get favor with her. I tend to be a bit fixated on Yagreet favor since it felt like it took me forever to get favor with her at first and now I have two alts that I need to also get friendly with her and I'm just kind of dreading the idea.
It may not be the best of all possible uses for your gels, especially since you have to get milk, too. I'd be curious to see what other people suggest. One other idea that comes to my mind is that willpower gel is used in a quest, so you could also just try selling it to other players (assuming you can find an effective way of doing that ).
Awesome, thanks for the tips. I was not aware of that ability. I think my First Aid is around level 27 or so, I'm really terrible about using it routinely. Sames with Armor Patch. I need to get on that. I figure with so many Willpower Gels at my disposal, I could likely use a bunch to make the Pinneal Juice to get her to the favor level I need for the skill you mention and still have a boat-ton to sell or do other things for.
I searched the wiki (very inefficiently) to see if any other NPCs like the Willpower Gel. Off the top of my head, Kleave likes them but I've got him to something like Friends or Best Friends already. I am thinking of doing Leatherworking much later on down the road so that could be a decent use as well. Flia takes them as well but I haven't felt she's of much use to me, frankly. Although her spending limits seems sweet if you get a ton of recipe books and the like.
Kleave likes skins and loves onyx, so I find her favor quite easy to level using that and probably wouldn't bother with other stuff. If a person likes a specific item as opposed to a general item category, giving them that item will usually result in greatly increased favor, so her loving onyx instead of just "gems" means you are going to get a lot of favor for your onyx gift. Most players also find skins pretty easy to accumulate.
Flia - yeah, I don't talk to her much either now that I've finally gotten the last of my unarmed abilities. It looks like she likes willpower gels because they are in the general "potion" category, so while it seems like a decent way to level up favor with her, you will most likely not get quite as much favor as when gifting it to an NPC who specifically likes "willpower gel". Of course, I'm not sure if there is such a person...
Kleave likes skins and loves onyx, so I find her favor quite easy to level using that and probably wouldn't bother with other stuff. If a person likes a specific item as opposed to a general item category, giving them that item will usually result in greatly increased favor, so her loving onyx instead of just "gems" means you are going to get a lot of favor for your onyx gift. Most players also find skins pretty easy to accumulate.
Flia - yeah, I don't talk to her much either now that I've finally gotten the last of my unarmed abilities. It looks like she likes willpower gels because they are in the general "potion" category, so while it seems like a decent way to level up favor with her, you will most likely not get quite as much favor as when gifting it to an NPC who specifically likes "willpower gel". Of course, I'm not sure if there is such a person...
I hadn't really thought about it that way but what you say makes perfect sense. The part about a specific item versus a more broad category of item that your specific item falls into. Gems versus Onyx. That's handy.
I looked through the wiki checking almost every NPCs favor item list and I did not see anybody who specifically like "Willpower Gel". Oh well. I think I'll probably use a bunch of them to make the Enhanced Pineal Juice and give them to Yagreet and then sell the rest to get cash towards unlocking Harvesting and/or some BC skills now that I should be able to unlock that tonight. Very exciting times for me in P:G
Sure, I'm only trying to collect a few things at a time... But there are always stacks of inconvenient items or leftover food in my bank, and I would really, really like a 'consolidate stacks into bank button'.
That would save me soo much time.
Btw I'm level 49/36 and have 113 inventory slots, of which 31 are equipment. I can fill that inventory very quickly in a dungeon, and if I want to actually take down bosses I can't just be wearing my pocket gear!
What's been suggested before a ton of people changed the topic. Also, I don't think anyone has suggested unlimited storage but I see a lot of people arguing against it for some reason.
* +10-20 basic inventory increase
* Change the main bank to show -all- storage in the game you've unlocked for universal access.
((In my opinion, we've already got it, being forced to run back and forth around the map spending countless hours and playing micromanagement isn't that fun. There are also a lot of storage areas I personally don't use because of this, serbule hills and kur for instance.))
* Add auto-sort to storage
* Maybe add a favor level after soul mates for storage related NPCs for more storage space so people that have played a long time have something to work toward instead of using alts.