Um I dont know if im the only one who saw the huge flaw in the steam trailer
Welcome to Project: Gorgon!
Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Um I dont know if im the only one who saw the huge flaw in the steam trailer
In the steam trailer it says theres vamperism but it doesnt exist in the game yet cant believe no one other then me has noticed this since the steam realease and screamed false advertising not that I would care enough to flood forums with more daily drama rage but dont you think that part should be edited out of the trailer dont get me wrong not trying to start sh** but still kinda is like big slap in the face that its on the steam trailer and its one of the skill I wanted before priest and weather witching but yet doesn't exist yet but is advertised on the trailer
Ps.please dont ban my forum account for posting this or deleting the post
I think this should be categorized as a slight oversight as opposed to a huge flaw. While true vampire skills are yet to be added, it was a stretch goal from the kickstarter and you can probably get a jump on the skill and a near experience by playing giant bat. Isn't the promo video actually the same one as the kickstarter's video? I think people realize that or get that impression and are willing to accept the wait.
Silvonis started a thread looking for people to submit gameplay footage probably in an effort to aid in developing a newer version of the promo video. So if you are worried about the current video maybe drum up attention to getting new video so a new promo can be made.
The game isn't finished yet, which is why it's in Early Access. We haven't cut vampirism from the full game. We haven't cut dwarves or housing or horses either. We've promised things and we're delivering those things, so there is no misrepresentation here.
I'm not going to waste my precious development time cutting new videos every month when something changes. We'll do an updated video eventually, and people will have something new to bitch about and the circle of life continues. It's never possible to make a video that people don't bitch about.
And Spider, you know that people always complain about every game trailer... so this whole post frankly seems like just a new way for you to complain about wanting vampirism again. But it won't make it come sooner. At this point vampirism is probably six months away or more. It has to come after horses and fairies because it uses tech features from them. If I was pressed to do vampirism right now, with the tech and assets I have, vampirism wouldn't be nearly as fun and impressive as it will eventually be. Early Access requires patience.
The game isn't finished yet, which is why it's in Early Access. We haven't cut vampirism from the full game. We haven't cut dwarves or housing or horses either. We've promised things and we're delivering those things, so there is no misrepresentation here.
I'm not going to waste my precious development time cutting new videos every month when something changes. We'll do an updated video eventually, and people will have something new to bitch about and the circle of life continues. It's never possible to make a video that people don't bitch about.
And Spider, you know that people always complain about every game trailer... so this whole post frankly seems like just a new way for you to complain about wanting vampirism again. But it won't make it come sooner. At this point vampirism is probably six months away or more. It has to come after horses and fairies because it uses tech features from them. If I was pressed to do vampirism right now, with the tech and assets I have, vampirism wouldn't be nearly as fun and impressive as it will eventually be. Early Access requires patience.
Yeah that makes sense thank you for at least letting me its not being cut out that was my only main concern probably should have just straight up asked the question instead of went on a semi half rant but this questions been eating away at me since 2015 rather hear the answer from the guys in charge then hearsay from others
But it won't make it come sooner. At this point vampirism is probably six months away or more. It has to come after horses and fairies because it uses tech features from them. If I was pressed to do vampirism right now, with the tech and assets I have, vampirism wouldn't be nearly as fun and impressive as it will eventually be. Early Access requires patience.
So, the spitball estimate is that horses are six months or less away? That's awesome.