Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #41
    Junior Member p1881's Avatar
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    The fundamental question to be answerd: "Why are there no zones/dungeons designed for high level players to get the same materials/opportunity to level skills without having to go to low level dungeons"?

    Is it a certain design philosophy of enabling every player to go where he pleases, thus pursuing "the path of least resistance" when farming materials/skills?

  2. #42
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    The game is in beta, and still under development. There will be more content, new items and new recipes. New zones to farm them. It's not like the current situation is designed on purpose, it's temporary.

  3. #43
    Member Raviollius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by p1881 View Post
    The fundamental question to be answerd: "Why are there no zones/dungeons designed for high level players to get the same materials/opportunity to level skills without having to go to low level dungeons"?
    The thing is, a higher-level player can kill 4-10 lower level mobs in the same timeframe he kills one mob of his level.

    So to create the scenario you want from drops alone Citan would have to do one of these:

    - Throw big amounts of loot/exp on your face at higher levels, so killing one enemy is as profitable(or more!) materials-wise as killing many lower-leveled ones. Issue: monsters become piñatas as we scale to level 125.
    - Make the drop rate of materials/exp lower on lower-level mobs to make them less attractive. Issue: might still be more efficient to just farm them en masse, and it hurts newbies that can't do so.
    - Multiply the number of ranked materials, so you have to constantly change farm spots because the loot quickly becomes useless. Issue: hurts the economy, creates material bloat.

    Pick your poison.

    By the way, I want to say I don't see this happening near as much - except during weekends. I believe it's more of a population problem.
    Last edited by Raviollius; 07-02-2018 at 04:34 AM.

  4. #44
    Junior Member p1881's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raviollius View Post
    The thing is, a higher-level player can kill 4-10 lower level mobs in the same timeframe he kills one mob of his level.

    So to create the scenario you want from drops alone Citan would have to do one of these:

    - Throw big amounts of loot/exp on your face at higher levels, so killing one enemy is as profitable(or more!) materials-wise as killing many lower-leveled ones. Issue: monsters become piñatas as we scale to level 125.
    - Make the drop rate of materials/exp lower on lower-level mobs to make them less attractive. Issue: might still be more efficient to just farm them en masse, and it hurts newbies that can't do so.
    - Multiply the number of ranked materials, so you have to constantly change farm spots because the loot quickly becomes useless. Issue: hurts the economy, creates material bloat.

    Pick your poison.

    By the way, I want to say I don't see this happening near as much - except during weekends. I believe it's more of a population problem.
    The "path of least resistance" is the default stance most people converge to, especially if you're familiar with other MMOs/MMORPGs: you go to that one place with a decent droprate of a certain item you want, which ideally is inhabitet by masses of enemies that die to a single press of a button - and you stay in that place until you either 1. hate your life due to a prolonged grind or 2. you've looted the item you wanted to farm.

    There's a reason similar games tie different tiers of materials to different level ranges and typs of enemies across different areas:
    1. Killing starter area enemies that drop the whole range of different crafting tier materials is just plain illogical
    2. The playerbase gets stretched out over different areas, thus not cluttering in a single area and freeing up the starter areas
    3. An actual choice where to farm: if I want item X and Y I farm at spot A, you only need item X and for that spot B is better

    That would be the poison I'd pick: spread the different tiers of crafting materials across different enemies, which inhabit more than one area.

    LotRO or WoW do something like that: shared loot tables of certain typs of enemies in a fixed level/expansion range that drop a certan item, and those enemies are available at different areas across the word.

  5. #45
    Member Leodane's Avatar
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    I think we might also be seeing the side effects of a mixture of limited inventory space and unlimited crafting potential. Whenever a character wants to start a new crafting skill and is unable to generate the huge sums of money to just buy their way through it, they must essentially start the sequence of zones over again, putting L70 players to work gathering shoddy skins/strawberries/oak/basic slabs/uncommon L30 items. Because there is no limit on the number of crafting skills a person can have but there IS a limit on what someone can carry/store, it necessitates higher level players going to lower level areas every time they start a crafting skill.

    I've been experiencing this a lot lately. I'm at a point where it's too expensive for me to just brute-force-purchase my way through a new skill, so I take my L65 Bard/Ment self back to the starting areas when I started ice conjuration, transmutation (goblin dungeon,) alchemy, fishing, and gardening. That's 5 different times my high level character was in the newbie zone, doing newbie things.

    AND I LOVE IT. I like running around near other players, sharing space. It feels like the world is more alive. BUT I can see how it's a big problem, and it's going to be an even bigger problem when the game takes off. Right now, most times when I log in, I see 200-350 active players online. Imagine 1000?

    Of course, as more players start, it might become easier just to pay for crafting goods, rather than compete for the limited oak nodes/strawberries/etc. There will be less competition for harvest nodes in high level areas (initially, anyway,) so it'll become a comparatively better investment to spend time there, get that stuff, make money vendoring it or merchanting it, then buy lower level stuff from 10 newbs who were all competing over the same nodes.

  6. #46
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    I was playing last night and ended up running around the Goblin dungeon in Elt for a couple of hours. Why? Paintings and flesh. I need to appraise paintings so I can identify poetry books. Wish i had started long ago when i was leveling my character the first time. And I need cold resist potions for foraging in Gaz and Ice Fishing.

  7. #47
    Junior Member VanHelsing's Avatar
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    I wish they kept the old loot system in place, when all you had to do was tag a mob to get your own individual set of loot. This problem wouldn't be occurring if that was still a thing, as it wouldn't encourage high level players to kill something before others get a chance to claim your loot. I understand that back then the developers didn't like that the high level players would take a group of 40 to high lvl zones and have them get geared, but may i suggest adding a rarity lock that makes it so that your individual loot is not guaranteed to be blue or higher unless you are the appropriate level for the area? this would encourage high level players to organize more dungeon clears for lowbies and would eliminate the need to kill steal.

    *just what id prefer*

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanHelsing View Post
    I wish they kept the old loot system in place, when all you had to do was tag a mob to get your own individual set of loot. This problem wouldn't be occurring if that was still a thing, as it wouldn't encourage high level players to kill something before others get a chance to claim your loot. I understand that back then the developers didn't like that the high level players would take a group of 40 to high lvl zones and have them get geared, but may i suggest adding a rarity lock that makes it so that your individual loot is not guaranteed to be blue or higher unless you are the appropriate level for the area? this would encourage high level players to organize more dungeon clears for lowbies and would eliminate the need to kill steal.

    *just what id prefer*
    Has personal loot been removed? I wasn't aware of that. I thought all players got loot drops for contributing.

    I think the problem here is that high level players mow through mobs before lowbies can even tag them. I went to meet a friend on Anagogue. He was new and I followed around healing and buffing him. I also needed dino scales and bones to add rep for that one NPC. The thing is at level 30ish I can casually one-shot stuff. So even though I'm there for legit reasons my presence upsets the balance of play in the zone and that's just in the 30s.

    There's a reason why all the systems people here hate were put into place, because this kind of setup has issues too. There's no easy answers either.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Agree Celler , I do bury for respawn and the main issue for others is the respawn and wanting the items from same mob . only way I foresee issue being resolved is for higher npc's dropping those items . most are aware as my myself am . if I'm in lower dungeon I always offer my help on bosses . I think best way to fix issue at hand is have those items drop at higher levels .

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