Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Kora's Avatar
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    "Wolf Pack" - Lycanthropes, Werewolves and Friends


    Wolf Pack is a beast friendly clan for Lycanthropes and friends. While we welcome animals of all kinds into our den, one must be a Lycan first and foremost to be promoted within our ranks.

    Our members are friendly, helpful and interested in all aspects of the game. We emphasize slow, steady clan progression and having a LOT of fun! We are always looking for more players who want to be part of a positive, dedicated, yet easy-going community.

    Our members are free to use any combination of skills, beast or not, but promotion to higher ranks is only granted to characters with Lycanthropy.

    Quick Information

    ► Fair and attentive leadership team
    ► Active Discord (mic optional)
    ► Member-organized groups, clan quests, etc.
    ► A solid group with a cheeky sense of humor
    ► Newbie and Veteran players are welcome!
    ► Activities are based on USA time zones
    ► "Beast speech" and roleplay are encouraged, not required

    Vision & Focus

    We aim to be a close-knit brotherhood/sisterhood that promotes positivity and open-mindedness. No drama. No power-hungry staff members. No toxicity. Just hard work, fun, and lasting friendships. We aim to build a strong network of players that also recognizes the importance of having good interactions with the rest of the Project: Gorgon community. So, we maintain a high standard of behavior: our members are known for displaying respect, courtesy, and sportsmanship.

    We believe in a clan community where all members are equal regardless of rank or status. Members are to be judged fairly by their character and decisions are to be made in the best interests of the clan. We know who we are and we're here to stay. We aim to go as far as our dedication will take us. We're a group of hardworking individuals who never forget to laugh and have fun along our journey.

    Currently, we are focused on building a strong and positive core team.


    Weekly Clan Quests: if you are online and have the skill levels to help, please do so.

    Be active: please note that we do not remove players from our clan discord for 'inactivity', but if we reach the clan character count limit we reserve the right to remove inactive characters from our roster (e.g., haven't logged in for 30 days). That said, we will not remove characters for inactivity unless we have less than 10 open character slots in-game.

    Positive & Respectful: the clan is something that requires teamwork, so we are looking for players with a positive mindset who can work well in a team. Also, the way you treat others here matters, whether they are in or outside the clan. A clan member must be able to handle themselves well when they are off in their adventures.

    Join Discord: Discord is our prime communication channel for announcements and other notifications. You can download the app to get push notifications on your phone. Participation, whether you mic up or not, is required as it will let us all get to know each other and allow us to communicate much more efficiently than being limited to in-game chat only (and having to repeat things a hooooowl times).

    Interest in participating: in all aspects of the clan: Crafting, Quests, Dungeon runs, etc.

    Concerning Beast Skills

    We have one rank in our clan for our non-wolf allies. Wolves may be promoted to higher ranks once they have joined Discord and have given their character the Lycanthropy skill. Likewise, other beasts (cow, deer, etc.) will be promoted once their character has demonstrated their character having Lycanthropy.

    Our members do NOT have to remain in Wolf form all the time – everyone is free to use whatever skills they want and switch back and forth freely as the moon goddess allows! This means you may play and work in ‘humanoid’ form, or another animal form, as the moon phase allows. But once a month during the full moon, we will have clan events, and hooowlings together in Wolf form!

    The Rules of the Pack

    Seek no vengeance, help any who ask, do only good.

    1. No hacking or partying with a hacker
    2. No exploiting
    3. No scamming or lying
    4. No harassment or discrimination of any players
    5. No trash talking

    Application Process

    Application submissions will not be required until we are closer to the character count limit in-game.
    Download Discord and create an account.
    Join our Discord and have fun! (you can find our Discord URL in-game, or you can message me here for it)

    In-Game Contacts
    Last edited by Kora; 07-10-2018 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Kora's Avatar
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    Ranks & Roles

    Unturned – this rank is for our non-Lycan friends and allies, including new recruits who have not yet been turned. This rank does not showcase our clan name. And fair warning – if you are a human you may have to scoop a lot of wolf hooowl behind us! Grr.

    Pup – these adorable ones are our newest members who have not experienced their first full moon yet. Such an exciting time... ah, to be a pup again! Once our pups have attended a full moon hooowl with the pack, they may be promoted.

    Omega – this rank is for the lone wolves in our clan. They often have a lot of spare time and freedom to do as they please, but these ones usually go hungry for food if there is a food shortage. Although, it is not all bad being an Omega! All the free time you have on your paws lets you solo, scavenge and get into all sorts of mischief while the rest of the pack is off busying themselves. While we sometimes joke and give these ones guff for not sticking with the pack, we value them as one of our own because they often get to see and do things many of us do not, and in turn help teach the pack new and obscure things.

    Packmate – the standard rank for our pack, our brother and sister hunters and gatherers! It is these that we call on to help defeat our strongest foes. Strength and safety in numbers!

    Sigma – these are our seasoned veterans and this title distinguishes them as highly skilled Werewolves (level cap). Their rank has access to our prized clan chests exclusive to their rank and those above them. These are who you should seek for advice when you want to know how to not only survive but look and feel fabulous while doing so.

    Zeta – if we had sheriffs, this would be the wolf sheriff. But we don’t have sheriffs because we don’t tolerate hoooowl brown-nosers. They are a wolf’s wolf – they remind us that our own rules exist to protect us. They remind us all that there is a right way and time to challenge leaders. And that they know how to work the system and stay on the right side of the grey lines. They are the ones who cover our tracks and watch our backs, one and all.

    Delta – no, no, this is not someone who has lost their teeth! Gamma is the pack protector and enabler. They are highly skilled craftsman and gatherers, making sure each Wolf has sufficient supply and gear for the task at hand. To be clear, they take it upon themselves to help other wolves acquire/achieve for themselves, not to hand out free stuff to them (usually). They make sure the pack is prepared on all fronts, that no weakness is left exposed.

    Gamma – Deltas are essential to the pack. They act as mediators, counselors, and messengers (i.e., helping to make sure everything important is communicated in Discord). Being a Delta is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. Deltas love to start group howls and play when they're not working, and as a Delta it is your job to help newcomers feel at home in their new pack.

    Beta – have the same duties as Deltas though their primary role is to serve as an Advisor/Helper to the Alpha(s). They often lead clan activities (raids, dungeon groups, etc.) so the Alphas can tend to the pups, the den, and other important affairs …such as getting rid of lice and looking after for those cursed with additional animal forms.

    Alpha – the leader(s) of the pack, and a pack must have at least one Alpha if not a pair. Because they often hang around the den and take care of the pups, they also do the lions share of the administrative work (because we don’t have administrative lions in our clan, duh).

    (This is just a draft for our ranks – very subject to change-y.)
    Last edited by Kora; 07-10-2018 at 05:17 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Zeraf's Avatar
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    This is wonderful!

    Sign me up - hoooowwwwl!

  4. #4
    Member Taledar's Avatar
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    Lycan guild that welcomes other animals....sounds like a trap.

    Seriously though, best of luck.
    Last edited by Taledar; 07-10-2018 at 08:34 PM. Reason: :P to :p

  5. #5
    Junior Member Kora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taledar View Post
    Lycan guild that welcomes other animals....sounds like a trap. :P

    Seriously though, best of luck.
    Haha, thank you.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Kora's Avatar
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    I guess there's no interest in a type of guild like this yet so, going to stop recruiting for now and try again in the future.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Oxlazr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kora View Post
    I guess there's no interest in a type of guild like this yet so, going to stop recruiting for now and try again in the future.
    The forums are pretty slow these days, you may have more luck trying to recruit in-game.

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