Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    Huh... Y'know I see this type of comment a lot among the blow hards in the line for Pantheon... Instead of throwing an iTantrum, would you care to explain why you feel so strongly about hitler instances?

    Since you've taken such a strong stance on the issue, could you be more specific about the types of instances that would make you out? Like, I think we were leaning toward, as Crissa called them, channeled instances... Is that still hitler?

    I doubt anyone would want you to be out

  2. #22
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    instances ruin immersion for me (when you go to a crowded restuarant, is there another instance of the Ripe Tomato or do you have to wait?) and damages the community (I met most of my closer friends by competing for the same resources with them, which ended up sparking conversations after multiple encounters).

    comparing instances to channeled instances, to me, is like comparing rape to statutory rape. yeah, one is clearly better, but i'd prefer no rape.

  3. #23
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    I definitely do not like dungeons instanced per party, and I'm not a huge fan of channels either, honestly, but when we talk about competing for loot I'm not sure we should be including level 40+ players in Serbule Crypts... On level players can't compete at that level

    That's what the original post was about, but it also brings up the issue of what might happen when 50 on-level players hit a dungeon at the same time... There's competition and then there's reasonable competition

  4. #24
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    So bear with me....

    When a level 10 player says "Fire magic is too expensive!", we don't worry about it because we know that it's just a new player problem, and soon a couple hundred councils won't matter at all to him.

    When someone says "i'm having trouble leveling, there need to be more pigs!" we don't worry about because in a couple of hours he'll move past pigs and it's not a problem.

    Similar to those two examples, part of the current problem is due to 1) An influx of people from steam release 2) The game isn't finished and we don't have all the zones. Adding instances isn't a fix, it would take months to do in the current schedule with 3 developers. But in that same amount of time we'll see more new content, the player bump from steam will even out and people will be into more high end content, and this problem will mostly pass.

    So yes, it may be an issue for some people right now, but they will be past it pretty quickly, and eventually the game will add more areas.

  5. #25
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    Its fine to have opinions, such as this isn't a problem and never will be, but bolstering your opinion with a presumption of how long implementing stuff would take is probably a step too far

    I may have missed a blog post detailing how Eric's back end is setup, but unless you have some inside information none of us would know how difficult anything would be to add to the game

    I know enough about Unity to be very impressed with what Eric's been able to accomplish so far, and based on what he has said in dev blogs he's charted a pretty clear path to finishing what will be a pretty awesome game that a lot of people with have fun playing for a long time... maybe we should talk about theory and leave the practical considerations to him?

    High level players in low level areas can potentially create problems, and it interests me to think about solutions and compromises that players might accept, and there have been some suggestions here so far... Maybe you're right and it isn't really a problem, but maybe the discussion might be valuable some day too

  6. #26
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    As you said, it's an opinion. I don't understand why you are upset that I posted an opinion, and further upset that I explained my reasoning?

    But where do you get that I don't think it's a problem? I said "part of the current problem", then said "while some people have issues.." Both of those statements acknowledge that it is a problem

    You start with "its fine to have opinons" , then tell me I shouldn't bolster my opinons, make presumptions, and should stick with talking theory.

  7. #27
    Member preechr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    Similar to those two examples, part of the current problem is due to 1) An influx of people from steam release 2) The game isn't finished and we don't have all the zones. Adding instances isn't a fix, it would take months to do in the current schedule with 3 developers. But in that same amount of time we'll see more new content, the player bump from steam will even out and people will be into more high end content, and this problem will mostly pass.

    So yes, it may be an issue for some people right now, but they will be past it pretty quickly, and eventually the game will add more areas.
    I'm not upset, and I apologize if my wording is confusing

    I highlighted the part where it seemed like you were saying adding instances would take months to implement

    We couldn't know that

    I does seem like you were saying that the OP's issue wasn't really a problem, or at least a temporary issue due only to EA that wasn't worth fixing, which is, as I said, fine

  8. #28
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Setting up a dungeon isn't a problem that would take months to solve. I built dungeons in Unity in a day. Let's assume it's more difficult here, for whatever reason (for example, no proper world building tools - I have no clue if that's a problem), we're still talking days, not months.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Not that it wasn't worth fixing, and not that it's not a problem.

    And I say months just because Citan seems to have a list of things he is doing now and wants to get done in the future. So yes, he could drop that current schedule and work on something and get it done in an earlier timeframe. But if he's keeping to his current schedule, then it would happen in a matter of months, even if he made the decision today to do so.

    What I actually wrote was "it would take months to do in the current schedule with 3 developers.". The second half of the sentence is important. If he made an instant decision, and it's as easy as Kazeandi thinks it is, and it works correctly with minimal problems, then it might be done in days.
    Last edited by Mikhaila; 06-27-2018 at 12:09 PM.

  10. #30
    Junior Member PhoenixDown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    So bear with me....

    When a level 10 player says "Fire magic is too expensive!", we don't worry about it because we know that it's just a new player problem, and soon a couple hundred councils won't matter at all to him.

    When someone says "i'm having trouble leveling, there need to be more pigs!" we don't worry about because in a couple of hours he'll move past pigs and it's not a problem.

    Similar to those two examples, part of the current problem is due to 1) An influx of people from steam release 2) The game isn't finished and we don't have all the zones. Adding instances isn't a fix, it would take months to do in the current schedule with 3 developers. But in that same amount of time we'll see more new content, the player bump from steam will even out and people will be into more high end content, and this problem will mostly pass.

    So yes, it may be an issue for some people right now, but they will be past it pretty quickly, and eventually the game will add more areas.
    I see your point however... I moved on to the next group mobs right now. Goblin dungeon. Still pretty crowded. When does that stop?
    On the upside there's plenty overworld mobs to kill, but loot is really bad. Mostly rings, amulets and junk for crafting/gifts.

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