Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member PhoenixDown's Avatar
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    low level dunegons overcrowded by high level players


    I started playing project gorgon few days ago. It was quite a struggle at the beginning, but finally I figured out what actually works. I hit a level comfortable to go to dungeons and oh my. Why there are high level players 3 times my hp AoEing everything before I get a chance to hit anything? Is it really that profitable to farm low level dungeons? I went to 2 and it's the same story in both of them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    It depends on which dungeon, and what it has to offer. But for instance, lets look at the goblin dungeon.

    Transmutation is a high end skill. Using Trans and Augmentation you can reroll mods, move things around, and get the gear combos you want. Slow and expensive, but a very big deal. And you need to speak goblin to learn parts of it. To learn goblin you need to kill them and translate their business cards.

    Next is art history. You need it to identify poetry books, and you want poetry for bard and the bonus levels. The best place to get lots of pictures the goblin dungoen.

    Or maybe you just started augmentation/trans and need lots of level 1-30 gear to break down?

    Or need to kill the aberattions for flesh for cold resist potions or ice fishing bait.

    There are reasons high levels keep coming back to the low level dungeons.

  3. #3
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    There's not much left to kill during US prime time. I'm based in Japan, so my time is off a few hours, and it's still barely tolerable - certain places are always farmed (tower view cave, wolf cave).
    That's not a highlevel player doing lowbie dungeon problem, but related: Not enough spots for the number of players.

  4. #4
    Junior Member PhoenixDown's Avatar
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    So in short: there's plenty of reason to go back and farm lowbie dungeons pushing newer players out. It's not a good design if you ask me.

  5. #5
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Since the AoE nerf I've seen places that used to be camped pretty much empty that is in higher lv zones, coincidence ?

  6. #6
    Junior Member mcast's Avatar
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    I AoE farm lower dungeons purely for xp levelling alt skills. You get to the point after a few months when money is almost meaningless anyway. I guess this is what you're seeing.

  7. #7
    Member Arundel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixDown View Post

    I started playing project gorgon few days ago. It was quite a struggle at the beginning, but finally I figured out what actually works. I hit a level comfortable to go to dungeons and oh my. Why there are high level players 3 times my hp AoEing everything before I get a chance to hit anything? Is it really that profitable to farm low level dungeons? I went to 2 and it's the same story in both of them.
    I believe the primary reasons are two. The first is a high level helping his buddy or guildmate through something.

    The second reason is that this game requires high level players to gather materials (for crafting) from all types of enemies - and some of them can only be found in high quantity in lower level zones. I will give some examples of high density of items and the dungeons you see them in, but please don't take this as "nah there is a higher level zone for that" just a reason a high level might go there.

    1. Spider legs = serbule crypt spider packs at start. one shot and loot quickly, hard to beat that rate if you really just need spider legs (for mushroom farming mainly)
    2. Myconian cave = mushrooms, lots of them. and other random items that are nearly unique to the zone.
    3. Kur tower (lower) = guano, I think its the only really good place to farm it in the game.

    Tons of other examples of certain items that are in high quantity or only really available in a low level area. I mean sure you can go kill single pulls of that monster type in a higher level area but why do that when you can kill 8 or so of that thing at once and probably with a close to 100% drop rate.

    This should be helped by creating more high level areas with these monsters, more zones, etc. Which they are doing, but its something for our developers to keep in mind as they add more zones and more monsters: don't forget to keep adding new places to get certain items if you want to avoid this issue especially as the game grows.

  8. #8
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    There's other skills you need to visit lower level places for, phrenology comes to mind. Only so many places to farm goblin or fae skulls.

  9. #9
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    what this guy is complaining about is a major draw for me.

    i'd be willing to bet my ballsack against a bag of peanuts that if this noob pm'ed whoever high level was in there like "hey im trying to level here - do you wanna switch to a different set and group with me or PL me through let me get a hit on the mobs as you collect your skulls or whatever" they'd be like "sure, and heres a bunch of advice and shit and a potential long lasting relationship with an guild or whatever"

  10. #10
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    I often farm in purple goblin and lower Kur tower, I try to be respectful and will leave if I feel I'm ruining it for others.

    Have always felt the way game works would fall apart with larger player numbers. Too be honest am surprised it's worked as well as it has.
    But then I imagine it's a little different from my viewpoint.

    This often appears with folks rightly bitching about others burying stuff as there are not enough mobs for them.
    Now on the face of it I agree it would be nice if folks buried there dead for other players.
    I always do, not because I care greatly for others but because I always loot the corpses and burying is just one click.

    But many are not so worried about the loot, they do not interact with the bodies at all. I honestly do not think it is right to expect a player to open the corpses to bury them when they don't even want to open them to loot them.
    This is a floor in the game design, It's nice that we can choose to influence the respawn speed for ourselves, but should we really be expected to control the repawn speed for others too?
    In tough dungeons I'd expect to be given shit if I started burying everything.

    Perhaps an item for the racial slot that auto buries everything you kill after 15 seconds would allow those that do not wish to interact with the corpses to not get RSI.

    Despite easier mobs in the lower lvl dungeons, soloing the bosses can still be good challenge for players that are a higher lvl than the dungeon.

    Also as stuff is added it's often only added to lower lvl loot tables. All these staff,knife and flamestrike starter recipes drop from starter stuff.

    When lower lvl dungeons are added obviously the higher end player still want the kudos for killing the bosses, so some will just blast through not giving a crap, though thankfully most I've met are more aware of others and will at least try to pass without causing havoc.

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