Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    I can see that PG needs better tools to group; it's clumsy to start and add and change groups right now.

    But why would it need to penalize people for not running the top-level dungeons? What the heck kind of idea is that?

  2. #22
    Member Ells0430's Avatar
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    I agree with those who say you might want to look into guilds. I am in a group for much of my game time because of my membership in active guilds. It might be to explore the high level dungeons, work on the guild quests, help with a curse, lead a group through a dungeon, group up with a couple people to farm for mats or a group for chatting while you garden or survey. I don't however want to be penalized for not being in a group all of the time or discouraged from heading out on my own to explore. I love that this game gives us choices. Also, I saw someone mention making sure bosses drop better gear than crafted gear. I would think the amount of time put into leveling crafting skills should make you able to craft comparable gear at the top of your skill to that found hunting in the top skill dungeons or what is the incentive of learning a skill? I don't agree with changing that at all. The crafting in PG is fantastic and I adore the fact that I can make so much stuff by learning a craft. I think on both counts PG offers an excellent balance that may wobble a bit one way or another during the testing process but always stays in a very comfortable place of encouraging grouping while allowing you to enjoy the game as a solo player if you wish and also finding or crafting excellent suits (and honestly usually both)

  3. #23
    Junior Member Wolfhowl's Avatar
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    Good points. My boss suggestion really isn't a better then crafting drop, just better then now. I would suggest a boss to have the possibility to drop a max-enchanted item out of a smaller pool or timed cycle as well as lower dungeon bosses dropping max-enchanted craft items. GK 70 gear one boss drops ring/necklace, one drops helm/hands, etc and Labs one boss will drop Vervadium kind of deal.

    Right now some dropped gear are already slightly better then regular enchanted versions so I know he has thought of it. For example a Hammer that drops level 70/60 has a higher base % damage mod or can have a generic epic attack mod on it. This game is all about grinds, make this combat drop on level with the time needed to make a max-enchanted item. Can you make a gold in the first attempt or the 100th? Will the boss today drop a green again or the gold I have been looking for the last 4 months?

    I think this thread fell off the tracks on this point. It wasn't about not being able to group, it was about the game not creating content driven reasons to. So my suggestion isn't to change anything but to add. Besides that from the PG team side, this suggestion would extend the life cycle of your dungeon content as well. That was my personal reason for the suggestion. After returning to the game I went to GK twice before trans/aug hit 70, the completionist in me then defeated the bosses and now there is no game driven reason for me to go again. So for me GK was new content that had a life cycle of two weeks. Now I go just to go and don't even bother to pick anything up unless I hear a very big ding. That isn't to say that I do not enjoy going as I like the game and time spent in it, but just thinking of ways to add to the game not change it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ells0430 View Post
    I agree with those who say you might want to look into guilds. I am in a group for much of my game time because of my membership in active guilds. It might be to explore the high level dungeons, work on the guild quests, help with a curse, lead a group through a dungeon, group up with a couple people to farm for mats or a group for chatting while you garden or survey. I don't however want to be penalized for not being in a group all of the time or discouraged from heading out on my own to explore. I love that this game gives us choices. Also, I saw someone mention making sure bosses drop better gear than crafted gear. I would think the amount of time put into leveling crafting skills should make you able to craft comparable gear at the top of your skill to that found hunting in the top skill dungeons or what is the incentive of learning a skill? I don't agree with changing that at all. The crafting in PG is fantastic and I adore the fact that I can make so much stuff by learning a craft. I think on both counts PG offers an excellent balance that may wobble a bit one way or another during the testing process but always stays in a very comfortable place of encouraging grouping while allowing you to enjoy the game as a solo player if you wish and also finding or crafting excellent suits (and honestly usually both)

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