Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    What I don't like about Project Gorgon


    I'm playing a new combat skillset and feeling like the first day (I won't tell ye sleuths what skills because I like to be unique).

    It has me thinking about builds and I wish there was a pulling build with Feign Death and an ability to attract monsters without the ! icon appearing, but have little in the way of offense/defense.

    Keep the good work up, Devs and Community. This game better than therapy.

  2. #2
    Member Tigerwyld's Avatar
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    I'd like to Hijack this thread (it's ok, i'm a bunny - so i'm allowed) and take it into the actual title.

    Rok's a great guy, definitely an asset to our PG community But when I saw this thread title - I was excited... ..i've been wanting to make a similar thread, but was unsure how to word it. So I'm going to hijack it - BUT into an old IMDB style. Long ago - used to be a board on IMDB called "best and worst" where we would discuss not just great movies and bad movies.. but what was bad about great ones and vice versa.. So I want to iterate PLAINLY - this ish NOT a bitch fest thread. Please do not post complaints without solutions, no bein a dick to someone who posts somethin you don't agree with.. .. ... .... ....
    And most important - for every bad thing you put, you have to put a good thing

    So; I'll start..

    I find the game very wearing.. ..we all come here because its complex of course. We prefer Chess to "checkers" (won't mention which MMO is checkers.. but it will WoW you when you find out... ) But some of the grind is ...well, not "complex" but.. just randomly convoluted -- that or its TOO simple but too long.

    A good example of both is:
    Randomly convoluted ~ cheesemaking. It's not very complex, You just find out you need 116 different things to use in 428 ways to then work up 17 skills to ... ...40 min later - you forgot which cheese you were making. There's no complexity; just randomly convoluted.
    Too simple but long: Two good examples - take Meditation or Industry.. ..they involve skills you're already using / leveling; and a good way to lvl said skills --but you either out pace your goal like with Industry or out pace your patience to go get another 5 damn potatoes like with Meditation.

    Now all 3 of these are GREAT skills and provide a great value to a player -- but while tolerable now... ..what about when they go to 150? lol people of the future are gonna wonder about our sanity "wow.. you lvld Meditation past 100? ...were you just bored to death or are you OCD"

    Another thing I worry about is the skill leveling... ..While I love the turnabout from "quests" as I feel "questing" has taken over MMO's ever since EQ oddly had NO quests and Blizzard fixed that with Vanila wow.. ...it seems in PG The best way to lvl is to hit up your best zone solo and go from there.
    This has lead to - well, the talk that some skills are OP an such and why would a player chose skill f,g, or h when skills A, B, C are hot stuff - especially for soloing. Take it from a Bunny / AH. Leveling life aint all cookies an beer - life as a Fire Mage / Archer would be so much simpler. but ish no way i can give up my cute lil bunny form with his cute bunny nose!

    Speaking of Animal Forms; they're great. No other game has ever had this kind of brilliant creativity... ...but we gotta flesh these things out. Wolves (while OP - but that's on the to do list) are good.. ..but ...Bats ..kinda don't really fit in in any roles except possibly support? We've enforced the grouping (which wash a good change) ...but now we gotta ask ourselves "why would I be a spider? am I going to fit into any groups?"
    Pigs and cows are ok - some tweaking needed; but they're stable at the moment. Bunnies are lost in the sauce; they're 50% GREAT Calvary.. and 50% absolute shit Calvary. I say make bunnies a Calvary spec -- like Monks in EQ; your pullers that can fade to the back and assist. And threat minimizing technology (we can make the bunnies faster. smarter. stronger.) to allow them to be a tertiary melee dps in a pinch. But bunnies should not have advanced buffs. On that lvl; bunnies are good. There's just a lack of defining utility.

    And my last one; is while we got a lot of great players --that guy Tigerwyld, I think he's the true Hero of the game. Ish sad that he has no monies. We should all band together and gives him 1 million councils. Yupyup.

    As always; I loves this game - Citan, Srand, Silvonis -- please keep up the hard work! I can't wait to see what the future holds

  3. #3
    Member Tigerwyld's Avatar
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    Also Rok... ..no one's sayd syke since 1995 and it's Psyche. like the t.v. show... ..as in Psychology... i psyched you out..
    (bunnies have feign death.)

  4. #4
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    I kind of like "randomly convoluted skills" like cheesmaking. After all, it is the craft of the mentally infirm.

    And I like imbalanced classes, its realistic. I come from the land of Norrath, where, as a max level (60) warrior with epic and full cobalt, couldn't even put a dent in the level 50 mage pet.

    That shitty pet certainly couldn't tank a Dragon though, where if I made a single wrong move 50 people would wipe in an instant, and then have to re-do the dungeon with out backup set of armor, because when one died, one had to retrieve the corpse in order to get the gear back.

    Basically, I like shit that is unbalanced and unfair. It's realistic.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerwyld View Post
    But bunnies [...]
    I realize I'm a terrible person, but for some reason I was reading that as "bat bunnies" and now I can't stop thinking of cute fluffy bunnies flying around on giant bat wings... swooping in on Therese's garden....

    Um, anyway. I'm in an oddly happy mood, and can't really think of anything I really really dislike in PG. Well, ok, targeting - trying to click on something and selecting something behind whatever I clicked on. But it will be fixed sometime, so it's all good.

    I quite agree with Tigerwyld's comments above. Except for the idea of giving my hard-earned money to Tigerwyld! I assume all the skills and the grouping are on the list for some some touch-ups, so I can't quite work myself up to the level of disliking them yet but they could definitely use some revision. I like the idea of convoluted skills on principle, but I have gotten lost in subcombines many times before, and it might be nice to have things a bit more streamlined or at least have some kind of recipe tracker help in the game to remind me why I was collecting toxic sludge for fletching.

    @Roekai - a pulling build would be interesting. Right now, it all seems to come down to clever body pulling, and while it does put everyone on an even footing, having more variety in pull options would be nice. There are a couple skills with mods that prevent a mob from shouting for help - marking cut from knife fighting has a mod for that, but I didn't find it all that useful since it only prevents the mob from shouting for the initial marking cut attack. And walking into melee range to hit a mob once and then walk back while draining my power seems more complicated than just getting close enough to body pull.
    Rabbit form also has a feign death, although it doesn't quite work the way I keep excepting. It should actually work pretty well for bringing an enemy back to a group, though...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerwyld View Post
    While I love the turnabout from "quests" as I feel "questing" has taken over MMO's ever since EQ oddly had NO quests and Blizzard fixed that with Vanila wow..
    Did you actually play EQ? I did for 10 years. There were questlines that took months to complete with dozens of intermediate steps, quest that involved 10 minutes of feeding muffins to guards, and hundreds, thousands? of little quests all over the world. I'd have killed for PG's quest tracking system in EQ.

    Animal forms: I think they will get there, but you have to know how they came about. Added temporarily by different events and curses and then became permanent. Things don't always get put into an alpha/beta game fully enabled. Give them a bit of time and I expect they will be better when they get to skill balancing. While the game is in great shape, it isn't done.

    Leveling skills will always be a debate. Some people like complex, some don't mind a grind. Some like to focus on one thing and get frustrated if it goes slow. I pushed on Nature and Flower arrangement and am now sick to death of growing flowers. Probably should have taken more breaks. Cheesemaking I do a bit each week and enjoy it. I wait until i get a dozen stomaches, and make one type of cheese. I'm enjoying this method and taking my time. Meditation? Grab 3 stacks of something and just read a book while it repeats for an hour. Each of us will have different takes on skills. And I think we need to adapt to what is fun for us to do. If a skill isn't fun, do something else.
    Last edited by Mikhaila; 06-22-2018 at 09:28 AM. Reason: Fixed to attibute quote correctly

  7. #7
    Senior Member kazeandi's Avatar
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    Well the wolf would be a tanky dps class with pretty much consistent, high damage and low burst. Spider is all burst, less tanky and has pets. Cow's the tank, Pig's the buffer, no idea what a Bat is, and the Bunny is.. hmm cute I guess.

  8. #8
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    EQ had no quests.

    Did you actually play EQ? I did for 10 years. There were questlines that took months to complete with dozens of intermediate steps, quest that involved 10 minutes of feeding muffins to guards, and hundreds, thousands? of little quests all over the world. I'd have killed for PG's quest tracking system in EQ.
    My point is not that there weren't quests (as I told you before, I had my epic, so obviously I know there were quests), but rather that for a game called EverQuest, questing was certainly not the focus of the game. I played a warrior to level 70 when I quit, and I did, literally 5 quests. Epic, Jboots, two pieces of Crafted (I think that's what the blue warrior level 35 quest armor was called), and helped my brother with the RoTC.

    Whereas, I have probably done between 50-150 quests in DAoC/PG, and like 400 in WoW and I only played WoW for like a month.

  9. #9
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    somebody buy me a computer please

  10. #10
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roekai View Post
    My point is not that there weren't quests (as I told you before, I had my epic, so obviously I know there were quests), but rather that for a game called EverQuest, questing was certainly not the focus of the game. I played a warrior to level 70 when I quit, and I did, literally 5 quests. Epic, Jboots, two pieces of Crafted (I think that's what the blue warrior level 35 quest armor was called), and helped my brother with the RoTC.

    Whereas, I have probably done between 50-150 quests in DAoC/PG, and like 400 in WoW and I only played WoW for like a month.
    err....Tigerwyld said there were no quests in EQ.....where did you say that? Sorry, should have made sure that quote was attributed to TW.
    Last edited by Mikhaila; 06-22-2018 at 09:26 AM.

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