Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
I disagree. I think Bhorgild is perfect. The mixed mobs, different attacks, moving mobs, and different weaknesses make it a great dungeon. I learned more about how to play my character there than anywhere else. I soloed there for at least 10 levels. It was no problem pulling 1 or 2 to the zone, clearing and exploring. This was my first character, so nothing OP. Best gear I had was what dropped there.
The Death Touch mobs are balanced. Slow as crap, warn you they are coming, and drop great loot. They get you some of the time, you run back,kill them and loot a high value item.
Bohrsguild, without reliable stuns, is a terrible waste of time... and several skill sets have few, if any, reliable stuns (even when mods are considered).
If you happen to be working on skills that are blessed with reliable stuns, then Bohrsguild is still overly crowded, filled with wandering mobs and hamstrung by the developer's choice to batch respawns of mobs in a way that prevents you from safely breaking up the respawn cycle as you crawl. In this way it's like most other group-oriented dungeons in PG.
Bringing it back to the topic of AE though, when the developer chooses to routinely deploy mobs (wandering or static) too densely for the assist radius in game and then adds batch respawns into the mix, they should not be surprised people end up liking AE builds. It 'fixes' a part of the game players apparently don't find very entertaining. Then turning around and nerfing AE without acknowledging or fixing those design problems just forces players to take in that unentertaining aspect of the game. Diminish enthusiasm enough and you end up having 'special event' giveaways every other night in an effort to keep player interest/retention up.
Thank you for starting to improve the market experience.
Mob agro range is too large.
Every MMO I play limits the number of mobs an aoe can hit.
This is the longest a player is expected to be very slow of any game I've ever played. The pain is extreme with everything spread out so far.
Inventory should be separated into bags to make keeping things organized easier. Leather workers can make bags of larger sizes.
Communication in this game between company and customers is excellent, thanks for the effort, it is noticed and appreciated.
I think it's more the case that developers should never be surprised by gamers finding "the best" way to do something. AOE builds were the best way to clear mobs, kill fast for farming, and run around tossing out as much damage as possible. They've been popular in any game that they can be built in.
It's not because of "flaws" in the game. It's because you can kill stuff fast and with little risk. No worries about targeting or over pulling. In fact, you deliberately try to gather up as many mobs as you can. What was death to non-aoe builds is a benefit to AOE. Farm panthers and wolves all day long. Clear out dungeons. It's fun, your OP, you don't have to think to hard. You see things as a "flaw" because it's not how you want the game to be. Might be the developers have a different idea.
Thank you for starting to improve the market experience.
Mob agro range is too large.
Every MMO I play limits the number of mobs an aoe can hit.
This is the longest a player is expected to be very slow of any game I've ever played. The pain is extreme with everything spread out so far.
Inventory should be separated into bags to make keeping things organized easier. Leather workers can make bags of larger sizes.
Communication in this game between company and customers is excellent, thanks for the effort, it is noticed and appreciated.
As you level skills, you'll get bags to separate your inventory.
I think it's more the case that developers should never be surprised by gamers finding "the best" way to do something. AOE builds were the best way to clear mobs, kill fast for farming, and run around tossing out as much damage as possible. They've been popular in any game that they can be built in.
It's not because of "flaws" in the game. It's because you can kill stuff fast and with little risk. No worries about targeting or over pulling. In fact, you deliberately try to gather up as many mobs as you can. What was death to non-aoe builds is a benefit to AOE. Farm panthers and wolves all day long. Clear out dungeons. It's fun, your OP, you don't have to think to hard. You see things as a "flaw" because it's not how you want the game to be. Might be the developers have a different idea.
I see. The game is without flaw because the developers intended it to be that way.
- Having clunkier targeting mechanics compared to other MMOs isn't a "flaw", the developers just have a different idea.
- Having more tightly packed mobs, with larger aggro and assist ranges isn't a "flaw", the developers just have a different idea.
- Having batched respawns to disallow breaking the respawn cycle in mob-populated areas isn't a "flaw", the developers just have a different idea.
Unfortunately, even developer-intended features are sometimes flaws, and PG has several like that. The point in my original post is simply about obvious consequences of design. If you design a system that punishes single target classes, people are going to migrate away from them when they have the option to do so. If they don't have that opportunity, well, your game better be worth the hassle.
For what it's worth, past trollish statements like "you don't have to think hard", I actually agree with you that AE probably needed to be nerfed. That doesn't mean the game isn't poorly designed in some regards, and AE was an effective way of looking past that.
I wasn't trolling. By "you don't have to think to hard" I mean exactly that. There is no decision making of how to use your skills. You can do the same think to kill one mob as a dozen. People bragged about this, about how easy it was to kill a dozen or more panthers at once. How they could run into DC and just spam keys.
If you could do the same thing each time, no decisions: No, you didn't have to think to hard.
And no, I don't think the game is without flaws. But something isn't flawed just because you think it is flawed. Case in point, the one you keep bringing up, batched respawns. You say it's a "flaw". That may indeed by how Citan wants it to happen. Yes, in other games you can kill them in a certain pattern so respawns happen nicely on a schedule that lets you keep killing them easily. Does that have to happen in PG? Is it now a "flaw" because that was how it was in EQ or WOR or AC?
Just because you don't like something, or you think that's not how an mmo works, does not make it a flaw.
And I don't see single target classes being punished at all. I see AOE being adjusted.
The problem is not your opinions, @Mikhaila, but your aggressive-defensive way to present them: This is like that for you, and therefore valid for everyone else, and whoever doesn't agree is a complainer.
I do agree with @snowe that the way things are placed and spawning makes single target combat painful. Some places are worse than others, for example Wolf Cave, first intersection, where the patrols come and come and come.
There are spots that lead to a domino-aggroing-effect, like the long corridor before the Nameless Guardian, where the archers pull you in and you add 4-5 new mobs every step you take, until you aggrod exactly half the corridor, which is roughly 10 mobs - and then you walk a few steps and corridor batch 2 aggros, another 10 mobs. Or the DC corridors, where mobs are put down so closely and so few means to break LOS that you don't have a chance to aggro "only a few" at certain places, and end up with 10-20 angry mobs on you.
This kind of spot is not only not level-appropriate, the respawn behavior ("everything at once") kills all builds that are based on slow-and-steady/single-target: You better kill fast to reduce incoming DPS before it breaks your tank, or you die. You can't take it apart piece by piece and "break through" if you're not fast enough to outpace the respawn timer, which will not respawn 1 or 2 of the old mobs, but everything.
There are spots that lead to a domino-aggroing-effect, like the long corridor before the Nameless Guardian, where the archers pull you in and you add 4-5 new mobs every step you take, until you aggrod exactly half the corridor, which is roughly 10 mobs - and then you walk a few steps and corridor batch 2 aggros, another 10 mobs. Or the DC corridors, where mobs are put down so closely and so few means to break LOS that you don't have a chance to aggro "only a few" at certain places, and end up with 10-20 angry mobs on you.
You don't even need to look at dungeons for this sort of thing, the Rahu desert is a pretty prime example as well. It looks like it's trying to overcompensate for Ilmari's relative emptiness by spawning too many randomly wandering mobs into the desert, then generously dusting them with a mix of significant slows, hookshot pulls, knock backs, stuns and for shits and giggles some death touch as well. Skeletons, floating skulls, cockatrice, rhinos and beggars alike are all mixed together, and totally cool with one another. I can count the times I've seen people actually trying to level or farm that uniform mess on one hand, with the overwhelming majority of folks flying over or running around it.