Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Member RancidAngel's Avatar
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    Thank you!!

    I love the Dev blogs.

    My two cents on the players market.

    Now that I have read a bit on the intentions and direction, it makes more sense why this system is set the way it is.

    I love the idea of keeping more of a focus with the vendor, not opening the market to the mercy of simple price competitions.

    I am just truly grateful for a searchable data base, you said it so well

    "if you want to buy something right away, first you have to browse 100 player shops" is FAR too difficult and irritating. I'm okay with there being a little friction when shopping, but not anywhere near that much. So this vendor-stall-search feature is a step in that direction, and we'll evolve the game as needed, until we find a good balance of buyer convenience and shopkeeper control.


  2. #12
    Junior Member kellewic's Avatar
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    Quite happy about the Catalog Golems - even a basic search like the isearch would be nice. Unless I really need something I don't bother with the player shops. I have no time to search 100+ vendors every time I want to buy especially since a good portion of them don't have anything in their shops that matches the descriptions by the names. I've seen shops like "Cheese All Day Long" and not a single damn cheese in the entire shop.

  3. #13
    Junior Member Drugan's Avatar
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    Catalog Golems: great idea, the sooner the better.

    On the augment installation: why not let players offer this service through the vendor stalls, together with transmutations, pockets, maximized gems and other such services? This would allow players to get a little back for the time and money invested in those skills (am looking at you transmutation!)

  4. #14
    Member PezOfDoom's Avatar
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    Conversation Topic:

    One thing I've noticed is that some players are making multiple shops (one for each character) and stacking them right next to each other. With limited space of shops, I was wondering what Dev and player thoughts are on that practice.

    My personal opinion is that I would like to prohibit more than one ship per city market per account, rather than by player. With two or three characters those extra shops can just be personal banks or just to sell more stuff. Normally I wouldn't say that's bad, but since there are a finite number of shopkeeps, this would be a serious problem when we get a larger player base. Not to mention the annoyance of prime location shops then just being constantly held by a select few.

    Not saying that's happening all that frequently now (I can't tell unless it's some goofy theme shop series) but you could see how that would become a problem.

  5. #15
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PezOfDoom View Post
    Conversation Topic:

    One thing I've noticed is that some players are making multiple shops (one for each character) and stacking them right next to each other. With limited space of shops, I was wondering what Dev and player thoughts are on that practice.

    My personal opinion is that I would like to prohibit more than one ship per city market per account, rather than by player. With two or three characters those extra shops can just be personal banks or just to sell more stuff. Normally I wouldn't say that's bad, but since there are a finite number of shopkeeps, this would be a serious problem when we get a larger player base. Not to mention the annoyance of prime location shops then just being constantly held by a select few.

    Not saying that's happening all that frequently now (I can't tell unless it's some goofy theme shop series) but you could see how that would become a problem.

    I absolutely agree with this. One shop per account. During Alpha this wasn't really an issue but now that the game's population is increasing it's becoming difficult to find an open vendor stall. If your counter to that is not enough spaces on the vendor, then state your case for more slots. Also consider than if/when retail management gets it's cap raised that should happen automatically. But as Citan has mentioned, more vendor enhancements are coming.....so state your case now so you don't have to complain about after it comes.
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  6. #16
    Senior Member Greyfyn's Avatar
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    Question What is actually going on with crowding at the player market?

    Player market shops ARE one per account. IF that is not working, then it is a bug!

    There might be more than one issue to dissect here. Can we tease out what the actual issues are?

    Market stalls were never meant to be dominated by players using multiple accounts. So if people are using multiple accounts to open shops, that sounds more like an issue of multi-boxing, which has been disallowed. As it has been expressed in the past, alt accounts were only allowed for mule storage only! NOT shopkeeping. (Let alone anything else outside of storage.)

    So what is really going on?

    Maybe there are multiple players working in a guild to have similar stalls. That makes sense. Guilds could work together to do that. Is that what people are seeing?

    I'm just curious at this point. But the market does seem exceptionally crowded.

    --UPDATE--I went to every store and examined who owned it. The market looks really clean! Of course I can't tell what accounts are second accounts, but I recognize most all of the names. (And I spend a lot of time looking at player names!) I don't think there's an issue beyond perception. One player did say Greenberg Industries, who wasn't Greenberg. But having conglomerates could be more like roleplay! My hunch is that things are fine.
    Last edited by Greyfyn; 06-19-2018 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Update--tested every shop.

  7. #17
    Junior Member Baldrith's Avatar
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    Thanks for the awesome blog!

    I haven't done much with transmutation and augmentation aside from level them up a bit by breaking down gear. It would be nice if there was a tutorial on how to actually do those things in game. I haven't been able to figure out what to do with the items I get from breaking things down or how to even enhance my gear at all. In game tutorials are really helpful for some like me who are not very good at min/maxing or improving basic crafted gear. I pretty much just craft my stuff, hope it's yellow or purple and then back to the game. If augmentation and transmutation are really needed in high levels, then I'd love to have an NPC who could explain it to me and even give me a little quest letting me learn how to do it.

    Thanks so much!

  8. #18
    Member Raviollius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baldrith View Post
    I haven't been able to figure out what to do with the items I get from breaking things down or how to even enhance my gear at all.
    Go to Serbule, inside Marna's shop, on the back, there's an item workbench(either that or something that looks like a world globe, not sure which tbh). Use it, it'll ask you to select an item. Put a magical equipment you wanna reroll there, it'll ask which magical property you want to reroll, and the cost in Phlogiston. If you have the required amount in your inventory, just proceed and bam, you just used transmutation. It's that simple.

    Augmentation is a totally different beast though.

  9. #19
    Junior Member Baldrith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raviollius View Post
    Go to Serbule, inside Marna's shop, on the back, there's an item workbench(either that or something that looks like a world globe, not sure which tbh). Use it, it'll ask you to select an item. Put a magical equipment you wanna reroll there, it'll ask which magical property you want to reroll, and the cost in Phlogiston. If you have the required amount in your inventory, just proceed and bam, you just used transmutation. It's that simple.

    Augmentation is a totally different beast though.
    Interesting Thanks for the tip...I will give that a try. Nevertheless that proves my point that we need more tutorials in the game...haha

  10. #20
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacksj1 View Post
    There's a fundamental issue across the game that the AE nerfs highlight. Mob Aggro range is generally too high combined with mob density often being too high.

    I suspect the plan is mob density is high combined with sometimes longer respawns means you have to'break' an area by carefully pulling smaller numbers of mobs away which then medium term makes an area slightly more relaxed.

    What's actually happening is that many areas are simply unplayable unless you go in mob handed. Borghild is a prime example. If someone has been in recently and cleared the entrance then you have a chance at pulling one or two mobs solo to the entrance. If it's a full spawn likely as not within a couple of pulls you are going to get swarmed by up to a dozen mobs unless you are significantly OP for the area (as an aside don't get me started on mobs that insta kill you death touch style, I'd respectfully suggest no mob in an MMO should be able to one shot you outside of potentially bosses without significant caveats - eg stationary).

    The majority of people are playing solo (repeated surveys in the past have shown north of 70% of MMO players preferred play style in solo and I'd suggest that number is low ball for a game with the systems and design of Project Gorgon). Significant portions of the game are out of bounds for solo exploring players due to aggro range and mob density.
    I disagree. I think Bhorgild is perfect. The mixed mobs, different attacks, moving mobs, and different weaknesses make it a great dungeon. I learned more about how to play my character there than anywhere else. I soloed there for at least 10 levels. It was no problem pulling 1 or 2 to the zone, clearing and exploring. This was my first character, so nothing OP. Best gear I had was what dropped there.

    The Death Touch mobs are balanced. Slow as crap, warn you they are coming, and drop great loot. They get you some of the time, you run back,kill them and loot a high value item.

    I've been able to solo everywhere with the exception of GK and Labs. It might take a bit of time to learn the mobs, the attacks, the patterns so that you can move around a cave or dungeon, but that's all part of the fun. And with a group they become much easier.

    I really don't think much of the game at all is out of bounds for solo play.

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