Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Justarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    If you're going to limit players to effectively damaging 3 mobs at a time for full value then can we please have a way to pull only 3 mobs at a time? (that doesn't require jumping through a flaming hoop while under the effects of a jump potion)
    This concisely says I think what I've been trying to say. I feel like my level 50 fire is best used as a way to survive in Kur now. Hooray.

    There are just too many mobs to solo in most dungeons when adds are pulled so easily. When I started the game I was like, "Oh, it's a 'toss massive amounts of mobs at you' kinda MMO; I'll go for AoE."

    Now it's seeming to turn more into a forced grouping MMO which isn't necessarily a terrible thing, but it's sad that solo play is limited to running around the outdoor areas and trying to find that one mob you can actually pull without getting any 'friends' involved.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    And yet many of us have no problem at all pulling one or two mobs at a time and clearing dungeons.

    I think there is some bias here: The people doing AOE have played for a long time not having to worry about what they pull. In fact, they try to pull as many as they can. Time to learn how to just pull a couple at a time. Maybe mix an AOE skill with something that gives some CC or healing or durability.

  3. #13
    Member Leodane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    And yet many of us have no problem at all pulling one or two mobs at a time and clearing dungeons.

    I think there is some bias here: The people doing AOE have played for a long time not having to worry about what they pull. In fact, they try to pull as many as they can. Time to learn how to just pull a couple at a time. Maybe mix an AOE skill with something that gives some CC or healing or durability.
    This expresses my thoughts pretty accurately. Body pulling isn't really hard to do, just slower, which I think is where many complaints are coming from. I appreciate any game adjustment which results in people having to be more thoughtful and diverse - mix in a CC or two, rather than a full loadout of AoE's. Even though it hurt, I like the nerf. I was BC/Bard before the nerf, and boy, did that patch change my play style. I switched over to Bard/Ment, and am enjoying a more even-keeled build. The first time 8 bears in Elt killed me after the patch was a little humbling, but we adapt.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Golliathe's Avatar
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    Know what's really wrong with the game right now?

    Head on over to gorgon explorer and type in: jhtb9b9d

    This is an incomplete build mind you and something I put together extremely quickly.

    Fire Base Damage: +26% (head), +18% (neck), +26% (mainhand), +18% (offhand) = 88% dmg increase from armor. On top of that every spell is going to add up to +72 daamge.

    That is beyond completely insane without looking at any other modifiers. At a guess it seems like Aoe Damage might be fine for fire post nerf (using that as the example) if you had every possible bonus stacked.

    It is possible to stack bonus damage with % bonuses and + bonuses to be about triple the base damage. This imho is why aoes felt broken when you didn't have any. So how about we make armor not do that?

    Armor should do cool things, but I don't think it is right that I can put on one piece of level 50 gear and have a +43% damage bonus to my epic attack. It makes me automatically discard any armor I get as a potential upgrade that doesn't offer that bonus.

    Likewise it becomes silly when you get a helmet and it doesn't have +dmg % to both classes you are using. That is automatically a "junk item" even if it is yellow. I mean honestly at some point if that's how we're making the game you pretty much need to have +dmg % as a "base" drop on all armor pieces that can have it (or massively reduce that bonus and put it in the base higher tier spells).

    I can look at unarmed and say having a ring/pants combo that makes barrage suddenly into an AoE and sets those targets on fire..... that's really cool. But thinking about fire that is able to stack hundreds of extra damage on 2-3 skills via + dmg and % damage is a recipe for disaster.

    I don't want to have to look at 50 purple- yellow chest pieces and say "nope" to all of them because they didn't have +50% damage from two separate mods for two of my abilities.

    The reality is that when I stopped playing unarmed around level 38 I was still using some level 10-15 gear. It is impossible to give up that combo of +aoe dmg / +fire attacks. And before you ask I was getting some dungeon runs to bosses from my guild.

    I don't want to highlight the problem without suggesting a solution so here it is: Keep game changing modifiers. I absolutely love modifiers like the ability to make dragons breath into an AoE.

    Tone down all the +/ % damage bonuses and have those be part of the base spells at higher levels. Reward people more for leveling up and buying the top level spell. So instead of a 26% damage boost on my helmet how about we put 19% damage increase on the base skill and let the helmet have a 5% damage increase.

    I really don't think we should have +40-50% damage boosts to abilties based on armor either.

    Otherwise we end up with spells like firebolts. You get the 88% dmg boost for all fire, 94% dmg from head/neck, +85 dmg hands, +116 armor damage hands, up to +72 damage from chest/feet, and another 48% dmg from main/offhand with a 4 second cooldown to reuse.

    And the 185 base damage ability turns into a 425 base damage ability that still gets +116 armor damage and up to +72 damage more.

    Who wouldn't want to use firebolts on an 11 second cooldown for 51 power/cast to deal 613 damage to everything within 25m?

    I say that combo is broken and yea the aoe nerf you guys added is appropriate to all that stacking. So how about we remove all that ridiculous stacking (make up new mods for many.. not all of the %dmg stuff) and then undo the AoE nerf..... unless you plan on allowing us to do 3-4 pulls in an area that otherwise usually pulls 8-12 things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    And yet many of us have no problem at all pulling one or two mobs at a time and clearing dungeons.
    Yea lemme see a video of that in Borghild or Gasluk. Even the mushroom dungeon is designed so that it is insanely easy to get 8-10 mob pulls in multiple areas (which is why aoe folk love to xp there).

  5. #15
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    GK is designed for groups, not solo, so I don't see that as a great example.

    Gazluk plateau i solo in all the time, outside and in the caves.

    Borghild is just fun I soloed there for many levels. Died a lot, it's a very challenging dungeon because of layout, clutter, mob mix, etc. And yet still possible to pull one or two mobs at a time. It's just hard to explore the whole thing. You can move room to room, take your time, and slowly advance. You have to accept that at times your going to die and start over. But even right at the entrance it has some very good loot.

  6. #16
    Junior Member Bigiss's Avatar
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    I support this change to the previously unchecked infinite scaling of AOE damage. I believe people are blowing this out of proportion- Fire magic is still totally viable, and vitriol saying its just for warmth now is helping no one.

    I do think the proposed change that some number of targets always take full damage make sense though.

    I would be interested in hearing the Developers give their reasoning to why it was set up the way it is, because it could be the correct path and we just dont know it yet.

    Edit: New forums account because I couldnt remember my login info... Ive been playing since Feb 2016.
    Last edited by Bigiss; 05-30-2018 at 11:00 AM.

  7. #17
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    One thing I would like to add to this discussion...

    He doesn't really want us body-pulling single mobs. There used to be 2 skills in the game that allowed for single pulls and he changed them to not work.

    The game design seems to be that he does in fact want us to face multiple monsters at once in group play, we have just been avoiding it.

    The way respawns work currently backs this up. You are meant to be killing 5-6 mobs ( at least) at a time to be able to beat the repops.
    Last edited by ErDrick; 05-30-2018 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golliathe View Post
    Fire Base Damage: +26% (head), +18% (neck), +26% (mainhand), +18% (offhand) = 88% dmg increase from armor. On top of that every spell is going to add up to +72 daamge.
    Be careful not to overestimate base damage modifiers, as they're quite a bit weaker than you think. Base damage modifiers only increase damage based on the original damage of the skill and don't have any effect on other modifiers such as flat damage or modifiers that effect specific skills. They do however get multiplied by percentage buffs to damage types and other outgoing effects (Ex. Fire damage +10%, Enemies take 50% more fire damage, etc).

    This means that if you don't have many other properties, then they're excellent because they boost the damage of your skills by the listed value, but if you have other modifiers then they will give you a significantly smaller bonus to damage. They're basically one of the most fair mods in terms of boosting damage while avoiding huge amounts of mod stacking, because if you're stacking a huge number of damage boosting mods, the amount of damage you get from base damage bonuses is minimal in comparison. So while it's helpful when starting out a set, don't worry too much about it being a necessity for a full set!

    However on the other hand the other effects of the modifiers do multiply with each other, especially the flat damage modifiers which get multiplied by % boosts to the skill. This actually puts the damage of the fire bolts you're describing at 816 to 990 damage, so that sounds like you'd dislike it even more! (The armor damage doesn't get multiplied though). This kind of damage is honestly very normal though for a maxed out AoE.

    I wouldn't call this kind of damage broken by any means, especially because the modifiers in question are level 80 which is ten levels higher than the current content. But you are right in that damage is heavily reliant on gear, which means that character strength is based mostly on gear. Personally I see a good reason for having character strength be based on gear, because that's what makes players and builds unique. The reason why players can't just switch builds on the fly and do everything in a game where they can use every combat skill is because they're limited by collecting gear.

    Now there is a big argument though on just how effective gear mods should be when it comes to character strength, and the devs have lowered gear mod strength and increased base attack damage in the past, and they might do it again if they're looking at reducing damage. Right now character strength is heavily based on gear, especially when it comes to damage, but there is a reason for it.

    Sorry if my post isn't that helpful, it doesn't really feel like it, but it's just my two cents.
    Last edited by Yaffy; 06-02-2018 at 10:22 AM. Reason: Missed a word

  9. #19
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaffy View Post
    My personal suggestion for the developers is to allow the primary target of the AoE (Whichever monster you have targeted) to always take full damage from the AoE ...
    I really like this part.

    I'm considerably less clear on what I'd like to happen after that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yaffy View Post
    and for two additional enemies to always take full damage or at least 50% damage minimum.
    This also seems reasonable. I could also go for aoe that only hits at most 3 enemies at a time rather than reducing the damage done per enemy. Of course, deciding which additional enemies beyond the main target will get hit is a bit of a problem, so the current blanket style reduction may be easier. Plus limiting the aoe hit to just 3 enemies would be a considerable nerf to aoes that have non-damage effects.

    We could also have mods that allow us to switch from one aoe style to the other? Or mods for smart aoe that allow it to skip over mezzed targets?

    One thing I'm also wondering: Under the current system, once we get level 100 and level 125 gear mods, won't everyone's aoe damage go up to the point where they can still solo large groups of lower level mobs?

    Finally, I think the aoe ability description should make clear what's actually going to happen when multiple mobs get hit - I found the patch notes rather confusing in that respect since my immediate reaction was "how much exactly?". ( Thanks for testing that, Yaffy! It seems like INXS had different results??)

    Edit - forgot a couple other things I'm curious about:
    Does the aoe change apply to player-dropped items, i.e. explosion sigils? What about mobs hitting players - would their aoe damage be reduced if they hit 6 players instead of 3?
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 05-30-2018 at 02:27 PM.

  10. #20
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    The Lizard

    My two cents is that I think it's the right thing done the right way. We wouldn't be having this discussion if it had been like this from the start.

    Really, the notion you can AOE 10 mobs at once isn't so good and I always found it not to make sense.

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