What ways have you had success raising Endurance?
What ways have you had success raising Endurance?
here is the wiki link encase you have not seen this http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Endurance
Basically, go out and let things beat on you, advise? Well depending on your current level of other skills and such.
Id go to low level mobs so you can absorb more damage without struggling to stay alive. This may help you level it faster.
Generally speaking tho, not sure id put to much effort into trying to : Grind" this skill, but let it happen mostly thru natural progression.
Endurance is just more of something that happens along the way while leveling or grinding mobs for materials.
I've heard some mobs are better to level endurance. Specifically those that rend armor i think? Dinosaurs in eltibule, and tigers are the ones i've heard that are good for it, but i don't know quite the reasoning.
Best xp i got for endurance was invincible bulwark in rahu plains started out at over 300 xp each at around lv 50/50 on skills as you level it goes down slightly.
Just take lots of armor damage, basically. I got 700-800 endurance xp out of a fight with Warmaster Juk once but that was less about him and more about me running shield+something with no dps and taking an absolute eternity to kill him.
I always saw this as more of a byproduct of leveling combat skills, would be curious to see what/if anything alters with active skills, gear, etc against the same mob.
Endurance XP is based on taking armor damage. As a ranged combat fighter, I had a low endurance skill level after bringing archery up to 60 (max lvl at the time) and had to go back to "farm" endurance XP. The best way I found to do this was to stay in prolonged fights with Onkara mobs on Pask Hill and using my armor patch and armor healing abilities during the fight to increase the total amount of armor damage I was taking. I was getting 700+ Xp per fight plus the loot was pretty good. I suppose the best mob is going to be the one that hits you hard but not hard enough that you can't control the fight.