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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Moving players out of Serbule to sub-hubs

    This was mentioned and it made me think about the various places I run to in the game. Serbule is currently the main hub, mainly because new folk have easy access. It also has good storage, a bank, and a large garden area. Clickable water source with small run. And lots of npc and player vendors. To move more folks away, there needs to be some reason to switch.

    Ilmari lacks a lot. I like it for gardening because it has lack of lag, and a very close clickable water source. Only one storage area is Selaxi and only ingredients for food. No bank. Forge, cooking fire. Suggestions: Storage for anything on the Urzab and Kelim and add a tanning rack. This would make it much more usable for doing tradeskills.

    Rahu City: has nearly everything but is at the end of the world. A well right at the garden area would make it much more useable for gardening.

    Kur Outpost: Actually a fine place, it's just out of the way and cold. But it has great storage, decent vendors and tradeskill options.

    Player vendors would enhance all three of these hubs. Right now it's only Serbule. Players would see less traffic in these places, but you could set rent to be less. If Rahu was 2/3 of Serbule costs and Kur/Ilmari were 1/3, you'd see players using vendors in those spots instead of Serbule.

    Just ideas based off some things mentioned in the dev blog.

  2. #2
    Member Quanzhigao's Avatar
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    I kind of don't want player vendors in other areas, it is already a pain to buy things and moving stuff all over the place would make it more so.

  3. #3
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Yeah it is a pain indeed, already time consuming shifting through dozens of them in Serb., i think would be better if we had just a portal to a marketplace, sorta like the enter the light, put such portal in a few towns, remove it from Serbule and that alone might already shift players away. What would even be better is use NPCs in some towns sort of Hurlon system that when you open a trade window with them you get option to rent, check out/restock your stall or look at them. Brings up all the active vendors stall so you can choose one and browse, also you can do a " isearch" for a specific item and whichever stalls carry it will appear.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Great topic. I've been wondering about this myself for a while. I haven't come up with any magic solutions, but I'm of course happy to share my disjointed ramblings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    To move more folks away, there needs to be some reason to switch.
    Yes, that. Serbule is a perfectly nice town with almost everything I need. I know the area, like the NPCs, have max storage, why would I want to move my home base elsewhere? To get me to pack up and leave, the new area would need some serious attractions.

    I'm not sure what those attractions would really need to look like - the suggested reduced vendor stall cost would likely work, but feels rather unfair to players who can't reach those places yet. Rahu actually already has attractions over Serbule - cotton gin, strong nails, craniometers, higher level tannin powders come to mind - but they are not strong enough to make me want to come live in Rahu.

    Why not? Well, speaking for myself only, I think a big part of my problem is just that I don't like Rahu. Of course, I have no idea if that's generally applicable or a me-problem, so this may fall into the category of non-helpful feedback: The friendly part of Rahu feels dirty, dusty and hard-to-navigate to me. The houses are kind of small, and I still get lost regularly and bump around from house to house until I can find what I need. I've gotten a bit better at this after several months but the place still feels monochrome and confusing to me, and I still have no idea how to get out of town back to the desert - it always feels I end up walking in circles when I try to follow the path there. The NPCs also feel less engaging to me than those in Serbule - the only one I really like chatting with is Sirine and she suffers from the significant problem of being stuck inside this house where I always need to spend time adjusting my camera perspective so I can see where I'm going without the house ceiling taking up my whole screen.
    Anyway, long whine short, I don't like the place and I don't want to spend time there. To get me to move to Rahu, hm, the place would definitely need a redecoration with some colors, wider open spaces and maybe a bonus like having the water be closer to the garden than in Serbule. Well, and an easy way to move my storage alts there, but that's hopefully a temporary problem.

    I'd be much happier moving to any other place - Amulna, Kur and Gazluk all feel nicer to me (they just need more amenenities to work as a main hub, obviously). I'm also really excited at the idea of the new elven town mentioned in the blog - that sounds like a cool place to hang out. The dwarf city may be ok too, but it sounds like it may be underground, and I'm really more of an outdoor person.

    I think even if we get players to spread out in general, server-wide events for a specific zone could still cause problems. E.g. the poetry jam...

    Edit: Wondering if maybe there could be a theme to each hub city - have one be great for gardening, one for toolcrafting, one with a really convenient cave, etc...

  5. #5
    Junior Member TimeBomb's Avatar
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    What keeps people in Serbule?

    - Populated: This is somewhat of a vicious cycle ("takes a crowd to attract a crowd"), but given how small the game's population is and how (I assume) more of the player base is lower leveled than higher leveled, there will simply be more players in Serbule because it is the first major city. Not much to do here other than make sure there aren't too many major cities for the game's population, and to give people enough reason to hang out in the higher level major cities.

    - Player Shops: This is a major one. If we want to stick with vendor stalls, I'd like to see vendors accessible from more towns. Maybe move shops to their own mini zone and have a portal to the shopping center zone in every major city? Have the portal leading you out take you back to where you came from. Or just mirror all shopping stalls across cities? I don't want to be in Rahu and have to go to Serbule to access Serbule's shops. But I still want to be able to access the shops from Rahu.

    - Accessibility: (Very minor, low level spoiler in the next sentence): Right now, there's a specific way to easily access the two main cities, Rahu and Serbule. All new major cities should be accessible in the same way.
    Additionally, ideally all major cities have at least 2-3+ (useful) zones that can be accessed from the major city's zone, to match how accessible things are from Serbule.

  6. #6
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    Why not? Well, speaking for myself only, I think a big part of my problem is just that I don't like Rahu. Of course, I have no idea if that's generally applicable or a me-problem
    I, for one, like the desert setting of Rahu and to a lesser extent Ilmari. I actually found Serbule Keep more difficult to learn to navigate than Rahu City.

    For me, i don't really see my hub being anywhere except where there's the greatest amount of storage. Most of the time when i need to go "home" it's to drop stuff off.

  7. #7
    Junior Member RogueChoi's Avatar
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    Make teleportation be less of a shit show to level and use, honestly. Even in AC's early years, we had multiple portal hubs, portal bots, lifestone recall, two portal ties, portal gems,etc. That helped other areas be accessible and made it worth camping out in other towns to do things because if we needed to trade someone or meet up for a hunt halfway across the world, we had access to good options for it. Make Rahu a bit more accessible earlier on even without the sewer portal?

    Vendors can stay in Serbule, it's good they're in one central area. However, maybe consider putting a well/water spout in the garden so less people are camping around well or running to it. Make a garden at Rahu with a convenient water well, I wouldn't mind going there to have a less laggy gardening experience. Maybe make the gardens at Rahu & Ilmari give special bonuses like "Veggies mature 5 seconds faster grown in Rahu" or something similar to spread people thinner.

    NPC favor is also rather exhaustive, and with it not being account bound and rather frustrating, most are going to focus their efforts on the ones in Serbule from the start, and focus only on using those NPCs the majority of the time. I think if NPC favor was account-wide and a bit more relaxed requirements to get them up in Rahu/elsewhere and buy the items they need, you'd find more people using those towns. Player work boards should also be global, but maybe have a better sorting/search functionality. Right now you're wasting your time putting an order in Rahu because nobody will see it. We also need more quests in Rahu, Kur, Ilmari NPC hubs. There's a ton to do in Serbule. Maybe give us a higher tier of Pennoc quests/giver in Rahu as a good mid point?

    Serbule Keep also could benefit from being spread out just a bit. Everything useful is clustered up, meaning MOST people that are shopping, questing, talking to npc's, dancing, etc are in one little eyeshot view. Maybe spread shops out, create a courtyard in the middle for the sake of our music/instrument playing fun times. Make the garden have easier access to water.

    If all else fails, casual reminder that AC had "portal storms" to force people out of crowded areas lmao. Good ol' Eastham portal storms.
    Last edited by RogueChoi; 05-08-2018 at 06:30 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    I, for one, like the desert setting of Rahu and to a lesser extent Ilmari. I actually found Serbule Keep more difficult to learn to navigate than Rahu City.
    I love desert themes in general, and I think the individual elements of Rahu are quite pretty. It's just something about their actual combination that causes me problems. The only landmark in Rahu that I reliably recognize are the docks - the rest of town is just vaguely identical NPCs dressed in vaguely identical clothes living in vaguely identical boxy houses to me. Given that there is a giant garden in the middle of town, I think the problem is likely to be with me - the garden just doesn't register on my puny navigation senses at all. It's mostly just another gray-brown thingie to walk around...

    My second favorite NPC in Rahu is probably Zhao - because of the bunch of bright flowers outside his door. Unfortunately, they are only visible from one side and I usually end up approaching from the other side, and coming from that way, it feels to me like random chance whether I'm going to be talking to Zhao or Shirogin when I actually enter the house. Well, that's probably more than enough about my impaired navigation.

    Quote Originally Posted by RogueChoi View Post
    We also need more quests in Rahu, Kur, Ilmari NPC hubs. There's a ton to do in Serbule. Maybe give us a higher tier of Pennoc quests/giver in Rahu as a good mid point?
    This is also a good point - Rahu feels like a bit like a dead-end where I only go to train stuff if I have to. I know there are some quests and things to do there and more being planned but it just can't compare to Serbule right now. And for me to want to switch, it needs to be notably better than Serbule since there is some hassle involved in moving.

    Also, from Serbule, I can easily reach Eltibule and Serbule Hills. From Rahu, I can make a long trip across the desert to get to Ilmari, except I already have my recall circle set to Amulna which is vastly more convenient. Likewise, the new Gazluk connection is nice, but in practice my mushroom circle is bound to the New Prestonbule Cave and covers all my Gazluk needs quite nicely. Serbule just feels far more like a real hub.

    (Incidentally, Lakrea in the Rahu inn is pretty similar to Pennoc. I like her quests, it's just that often they send me two zones or so away, which again makes Rahu feel less relevant.)

  9. #9
    Member HardRock's Avatar
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    In an effort to move to different towns perhaps a +30 storage space weekend is in order? Call it moving day and give us a suitcase icon.

  10. #10
    Member snowe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RogueChoi View Post
    Make teleportation be less of a shit show to level and use, honestly. Even in AC's early years, we had multiple portal hubs, portal bots, lifestone recall, two portal ties, portal gems,etc. That helped other areas be accessible and made it worth camping out in other towns to do things because if we needed to trade someone or meet up for a hunt halfway across the world, we had access to good options for it.

    Rahu isn't bad at the moment, and if two things were changed it would likely become preferable to Serbule for higher level players:

    - Get rid of 'Enter the Light' and instead give players some form of permanent recall widget (a stone, a tattoo, a semi-permanent enchantment, whatever) which can be attuned to some lore-appropriate location (a tavern, a bank, local mages in various towns, whatever) and have that offer an equivalent to the 'Enter the Light' Rahu/Serbule portals as an alternative to 'Respawn' with a four hour cool down. Doing something like this actually abuses 'dying-to-bind' as a mechanic less than the current 'Enter the Light' mechanic and allows people to make better use of would-be hubs as they level (and not just Serbule/Rahu).

    - Move some of the player vendor stalls and higher level golem combat tests from Serbule to Rahu. Perhaps have the Rahu stalls offer better rates for Raksasha players (note: I don't play a Raksasha, but it seems to fit within the lore of the area to do so). Hogans keep could make other good place to move one room full of Serbule player traders to, and you could always add another building to the Kur outpost which house less costly player vendor stalls.

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