Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
It's really long... and this is the shortened version! There's just a lot of topics to cover. But if you want to skip over boring technical stuff, you can jump to the "Treasure and Skill Changes" section about halfway down.
Serbule is a complete town it has it all, no other town compares . Can't expect people to move to others areas when they feel incomplete. Kur Outpost can't hang around when in between the 2 buildings you freeze to death, how about a few huge fire pits bin between them and create a non freeze zone. I know Almuna is in arid area that's fine why would I want to hang around there when I have to constantly make sure I'm not dehydrated and die, how about putting a few palm trees in the outer walls and these cast shade into town, can't believe Almuna doesn't have a tanning tack! Rahu was in need of tlc and the addition of transfer chest and extra NPCs storage has been most welcomed.
To add to previous reply, Serbule is also the only town that has player stalls currently which is probably one of major reasons also. Either having other towns with stalls or global auction house type of thing would help spread players as well.
Interesting read nonetheless, looking forward to all the changes and additions.
I think storage is one of the main things keeping people in serbule. As a newb you spend a lot of time getting favors up, it's easy to unlock ivyn's chest and easy to get joeh/marna to soul mate by giving skins/bacon. Then you get to the next few zones and all the NPC's want way different stuff, generally harder to get.
Maybe increasing the base council storage slightly and changing up where some of the storage is located; I don't think there's any storage NPC's in eltibule keep which is the core place in eltibule, maybe move the council storage to that keep and move all the storage in the zone to there(ie move sie antries storage to yetta, maybe let kalaba store a few pieces of equipment)
@Citan This was a fascinating read. I don't always bother with updates from Game Devs, because patience is my middle name. And usually, the game is finished and is simply pushing out content updates every 3-4 months. I'm a little more invested in PG though, and have been been looking forward to these posts, since you announced they were coming.
I still a newbie to PG, but not to MMO's, and I agree with other comments already in this thread. PG does need 2-3 cities with full features. At very least access to the 8 slot chest that allows for multi-toon item sharing, and access to the Council chest. I'm not going to ask that we have access to all the NPC boxes we have all over the world except in Serbule, or the player shops, because that's really themepark'ish.
But the amount of people in Serbule is just crazy on the weekends, and even with all settings optimized, getting anything done in Serbule during a poety event is just impossible. I STAY AWAY during those events.
So this is my official vote for a 2nd hub city that is SAFE. No cold/hydration issues. Hopefully before level 40 or 50.
Also, I know some people are going to be disappointed that you did not mention Vampirism, but a Healing Support Class is a great step. Not a fan of that class, but I'm glad to see it's coming.
Finally, about the "all at once" versus "slow updates" for the combat updates. My vote would be "all at once". It will SUCK for your team, because there will be a lot of screaming, but more people will probably be active, which means it's easier to find bugs and stuff, right?
Last edited by IndigoBlue; 05-07-2018 at 10:05 AM.
Reason: Forgot something, typos
My characters aren't 50+ so impact on me would be minimal but I'd prefer a more dramatic nerf-cyle for combat scaling rather than slow. I suppose it depends on how close you feel you are to your target values. If you're really close then a few slow incremental nerfs makes sense to me. If you're not close then I think ripping the bandage off makes more sense.
The knife update and dual wielding sounds great.
I think it's a mistake to make Priest (or any skill line) group focused. You're painting yourself into a box and arbitrarily creating content divisions where there doesn't need to be any.
The client offload system sounds so interesting to me. I have a reasonably powerful computer (4790, 16GB, GTX970, 1TB 850 EVO) on a gigabit fiber connection. I have noticed times where I'm the only one around in a dungeon or area and performance is spotty. Maybe in the future, this could be an opt-in feature for accounts with adequate hardware and network bandwidth.
Thank you Citan! This was a great read, and a really interesting look "behind the curtain".
I agree that Serbule is OP in terms of resources, and maybe a simple solution of moving some of the existing storage or caves there to Eltibule would encourage people to thin out a little...
A tanning rack in Ilmari would be great, as others mentioned, since most of the work orders there are for leatherworking+tailoring unless this is an intentional hindrance.
I'm very excited about the changes to Knife as I have been interested in testing it in a secondary off-hand role with some of the higher DPS skills, and Priest sounds like a lot of fun (and step towards weather witching perhaps?). . . New towns (outposts) sound like a blast too!
I would prefer the rip the band-aid off approach on the changes. Seems more reasonable to be annoyed once then a few times. I think we will be able to handle it :-)
Also I quite like Rahu. It is a big city with a number of vendors. I think it has the potential to be another player hub. It received the player work order board. If it got a few player vendor stalls and some equipment storage and poetry podium I see no reason it would not be as useful location as Serbule. These 3 things seem to be the ones that make any location less desired. Many players would still visit Serbule to buy lower tier resources, however there is no reason not to move some trade to a different location when the market for higher level tear items could be moved maybe?