Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Calcutta's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Secondude
    Lore: Just a normal guy trying to get Mad Skills after losing his memory and being convinced he is Napoleon Dynamite.
    Combat Skills/Role: No clue, right now I do a sword/bow thing but I'm only 10 sword. Literally just started like 2 days ago. I am willing to do anything except heal. I usually tank in MMOS, but like to DPS too.
    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?: PvE all the way.

    Brand new to the game, but I've been drawn in more than any MMO since FFXI back when I started in them. I love everything about the game so far and I'm taking a blind approach to the game. I refuse to look anything up and want to discover and explore. An example, I still have a big head because I can't figure out how to get back to the starter island except some in chat said take the boat. Even if I do go back I don't know if I'll be able to kill him then either because I haven't gotten any new gear besides a ring. The thing is, I'm loving every second of it too. I love not knowing!! If I sound like someone that would fit in just let me know. Thanks

  2. #12
    Member Malice00's Avatar
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    NrDr123, thank you for invite. Is NrDr123 your avatar's name? I have dabbled in most skills. Played spell caster in most games, it would seem I am not patient enough to level one up here. BTW, I am a Texas resident...sort of...I lived in Midland for a year and changed my residency, took 53 years to get there, but I made it. Long live the lone star republic!

    Dunshin & Trapsin; I am not a big fan of PvP. Fine for others. While sometimes my head swells to where I can't remove my helm, I am just not into the chest pounding tarzan verse ape type (probably because you young whelps are to savvy with the 10 button mouse).

    My avatar is Joaquin Sword/Shield toon.

  3. #13
    Member FURY's Avatar
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    Still around and looking for cool people.

  4. #14
    Junior Member BrewMonk5000's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Gelderan
    Lore: Unknown
    Combat Skills/Role: Undeclared but torn between magic DPS or Support as mentalist/psychologist
    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?: PvE

  5. #15
    Junior Member punk7712's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Baroness and Archmanicus
    Lore: Archmanicus is strictly my animal form toon. I am looking for a guild to run Gazluk Keep with.
    Combat Skills/Role: Baroness - 70/73 Ice magic/battle Chemistry. Archmanicus - 73/74 Deer/Druid
    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?: PvE

  6. #16
    Junior Member Xarduvik's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Oberdan

    Lore: Born into the farming life, Oberdan worked to become the best cook he could for his small village. Failing that by nearly poisoning half the population in the region, he decided to join a boxing circle, fist fighting for money and fame. He did much better, and attracted the interest of an attractive woman. They dated, decided on a wedding day, and watched in utmost horror as the invasion of brain bugs killed his village, and his woman. He punched, kicked and flipped many of the creatures to death, only to be overrun... and nearly died. Left for dead, he abandoned his cestus for a sword and shield. With practice, Oberdan grew in strength once again, but still felt incomplete. Until of course, he witnessed the combat virtue of a group of adventurers who call themselves... Knights of the Holy Order! Determined to join this band of people with like minded interests, Oberdan is looking to join up.

    Combat Skills/Role: Sword/Psychology (role: DPS) - Unarmed/Psychology (role: Protector of Healers) - Archery/Psychology (role: Gather Meat/Hunter) {Okay, so I'm a shrink! A shrink with weapons!}

    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?: PvE

    Looking forward to meeting you in game!

  7. #17
    Member PezOfDoom's Avatar
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    Name: Monger

    If you want to know about me, I placed a book in the library that talks of my studies of the Muntok Fist.

  8. #18
    Junior Member Shirou's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Shirou
    Lore: N/A
    Combat skills/role: Sword/Shield (Tank) for now... might spice it up later with something different.
    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?: PVE

  9. #19
    Junior Member Celrin's Avatar
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    In-Game Name: Celrin
    Lore: I do which I can post later
    Combat Skills/Role:21 Sword/8 Shield/ 15 Unarmed
    Do you prefer PVP or PVE?:PvE

  10. #20
    Junior Member Zeiss's Avatar
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    Hi Celrin,

    Will keep an eye out for you in game, but if you run across any member of HOS they will be able to find you an invite.

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