Spoilers below for people who haven't been there yet.

I'm curious what the intended group size and level range is supposed to be for the goblin dungeon area past the Fog? Judging by the loot that dropped, I'd assume it's supposed to be 5 players 35-40 but has anyone actually done that?

I originally tried duoing this area with a friend in our 30s but we were completely unable to make any progress in the elemental hallway due to the rapid respawns. We did a tiny bit better in the other hallway but died to the watchers rather early on.

We went back this week with skill levels in the 60s and were able to take care of the elementals quite easily but almost had one death in the boss crystal room. I'm not sure if a full group of at-level players could actually handle this... It seems to require a lot of dps to keep up with the elemetal repops, but maybe I'm underestimating what a full group could do.

Going the other direction, the hallway mobs were again easy at level 60 but then we had a rather embarrassing wipe at Ciervos. Part of the fault was definitely ours since we just rushed in without worrying about rage or adds, but whoa, we were not expecting him to turn both of us into deer almost immediately. I had expected a curse like Maronesa's, which should have given us a comfortable time window to kill him. I had also assumed only one person at a time would get stuck in deer form. Well, wrong on both counts. And again I'm wondering, can a full group at lower levels actually handle this fight? It's of course possible my friend and I just sucked at this fight. (For comparison, we went to the No-Name Cave in Gazluk after undeering, and we both thought that that was too easy for us...)