I'm currently writing an application that can display the content of PG chat (Global, Help, Trade, Guild) even if offline or on a computer without PG installed. This app is based on reading chat logs of people playing the game with the "LogChat" special setting set.

I believe this doesn't break the EULA since it doesn't touch the client program nor read communication between the client and servers. Chat logs look like public files that we are free to parse or use as we want. But I would like to be sure, because to finish my proof of concept I need a few people to use it together and I don't want to ask them to run anything that could break the EULA. When it's ready I intend to make it public (unless it creates problems).

This app will not be able to send messages to players until the game supports it. As far as I know, this particular feature has been postponed.

Looking forward to look at Global drama from the office.