Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Orlando FL, USA
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    Patch Notes: January 22, 2017

    NOTE: If you get an error in the launcher, don't worry, it's just temporary due to the large number of downloaders right now. Please wait a bit and restart the launcher! When you restart, it will automatically remember the progress you'd made.


    A new high-level zone is available! Gazluk can be reached via a portal in Kur - look for the portal in the northeast corner of the map, where the werewolf-infested woods transition to mountains.

    Note that this is just the "bones" of Gazluk, with many more elements planned. Most of the planned caves are already accessible, although most just have basic content (monsters, some loot spawns, some solo-dungeon chests, etc.) The Orcish city, Gazluk City, is accessible, but the major group dungeon there is not yet ready.

    Gazluk itself is a bit colder than Kur, so if Kur is too dangerous for you, Gazluk definitely is!

    Skill Cap Increases

    The following skills can now be raised to level 70. In addition, treasure can be found for the combat skills in this list with up to level 70 loot mods.

    Skill Level 70 Trainer
    Battle Chemistry Mox Warcut in Gazluk
    Blacksmithing Kodan in Animal Town, or Falkrin Overstrike in Amulna
    Carpentry Amutasa in Rahu
    Endurance Lamashu in Kur Mountains
    Fire Magic Sand Seer in Amulna
    Leatherworking Sirine in Rahu
    Lycanthropy Altar of Norala during the full moon
    Mentalism Rohina in Sun Vale
    Necromancy Daniel Murderdark in Rahu
    Psychology Nissim in Amulna
    Staff Roshun the Traitor outside Serbule
    Survival Instincts Sanja in Kur Mountains
    Sword Janet Lews in Kur Mountains
    Tanning Sirine in Rahu
    Toolcrafting Amutasa in Rahu
    Unarmed Furlak in Rahu

    The following skills can be raised to level 70. However, due to time limitations, some of their loot mods do not yet scale to level 70. These skills can still get good loot, but not all of their gear mods scale to the highest loot-tiers yet.

    Skill Level 70 Trainer
    Animal Handling Gisli in Serbule (for now, until the Rahu NPC is ready)
    Archery Alravesa the All-Hunter in Rahu
    Cow Raul in Animal Town
    Deer Jumper in Animal Town
    Druid Lady Windsong in Rahu
    Giant Bat Yavazek in animal town
    Hammer Falkrin Overstrike in Amulna
    Ice Magic Ichin the Ice Master in Rahu
    Knife Rick Snapley in Gazluk
    Pig Norbert in Animal Town
    Shield Sir Johnson in Amulna
    Spider Legs in Animal Town

    In addition, the following skills can now be raised to level 60:

    SKill Level 60 Trainer
    Fishing Rugen in Rahu (for now, until the Fishing NPC in Rahu is ready)
    Fletching Bellema Deftwhisper in Gazluk
    Cheesemaking Braigon in Eltibule

    In addition, various trainer NPCs have higher-level versions of the abilities that they teach. For instance, Hogan now teaches higher-level versions of Heed the Stick and Phoenix Strike. So check with your trainer!

    Similarly, many recipes now have higher tiers as well; they are learned from the same person that sold the last-highest tier. E.g. the person that taught you Spore Bomb 5 can now teach you Spore Bomb 6.

    Other training notes/changes:

    • A few high-level werewolf combat abilities are now found as random loot scrolls. In addition, Sanja in Kur has one of them. The rest are learned from the altar during the full moon.
    • The battle chemistry mutation "Extra Heart" was trainable from the NPC Zealo, and also from the Chemistry Placeholder NPC - the difference being that Zealo did not have the Pathology prerequisites, but did have Favor prerequisites. Zealo is now the only trainer for the ability, and has only Favor prerequisites. (Which means this is a nerf to the usefulness of Pathology!)
    • Added a few missing levels of abilities for Spider in the 51-60 range: Terrifying Bite 4, Incubate 4, and Web Trap 2. They can be learned from Legs in Animal Town. Terrifying Bite 3 is learned automatically at 49.
    • Elahil now trains the Fletching recipes separately from the Archery abilities that use them. This allows one to become proficient in fletching without being an archer, or vice versa.
    • Flia no longer teaches the knife abilities Poisoner's Cut or Hamstring Throw. These are taught by Rick Snapley in Gazluk. (Flia still teaches the other knife techniques she previously taught: Surprise Throw, Backstab, Fan of Blades.)
    • Training for the level 1 Word of Power recipe is now available from Velkort instead of Elahil.
    • The Wombat in Sun Vale can now teach carpenters how to make crafted Clubs.
    • Higher-level recipes for crafted cow shoes and deer shoes are now taught by Falkrin Overstrike in Amulna, not Sirine in Rahu.
    • Previously, the recipes for Evasion Armor (leatherworking) and Camouflaged Armor (tailoring) mostly dropped as loot scrolls, but a few of the levels were taught by trainers. These recipes are now ALL learned from loot scrolls.
    • The recipe-scrolls for Evasion and Camouflaged armor now teach both the regular and the Max-Enchanted versions of those recipes. (Previously, these came on different scrolls.)
    • The "regular" tailoring clothing, e.g. "nice cloth shirt", was (and still is) taught by a trainer. However, the Max-Enchanted versions had to be found on loot scrolls. These recipes are now ALL taught by trainers.
    • There are now fewer recipe scrolls to be found in loot (since the regular and Max-Enchanted versions are now always found together). The ones that are now obsolete are marked as "OBSOLETE RECIPE BOOK". They should be sold to an unsuspecting vendor NPC, because they will soon cease to exist.
    Last edited by srand; 01-22-2017 at 05:07 PM.

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