I cant seem to produce a large or even medium leg bauble to save my life, I have crafted gear, looted gear, of all levels, except lvl 80. I can decompose large prisms and medium prisms from higher lvl gear but i never seem to get a medium leg bauble or a large one. My skill is only 62 ish i think if that could have anything to do it. 5 hours of hunting in gazluk Keep (level 70 gear) produced none despite me leveling armor augmentation quit a bit and getting over 200 small leg baubles.

I had my guild do an I search and people only had small baubles. When I went to global with the request kellyy came up with 52 but couldn't seem to be able to produce anymore so I think they are from before the patch.

As a quick fix to this issue, perhaps a vendor that allowed bartering them; much like we have the option to with prisms.

i know I am not the only one aware of this, Sorry if this has already been brought up but I didn't see it on the boards.

Take care.