Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
Thanks for the feedback. Some of these are bugs, such as the lack of higher-level meat sources. Others are things I just need more feedback on to make work better.

The other thing to remember here is that the complexities of the game mean there's lots of manual work involved. For example, I've tried to manually adjust recipes that use cheese-based ingredients to have something else nice going for them, to justify that extra work. But it's an entirely manual process. I may have missed some, not done enough, etc.

I guess my point here is that specific details make me happy. I can work with specifics.
An issue from the player side is we have no tools or information to collate and report this specific information to you.

You're asking for detailed feedback on your game that's cheap, good, and easy. You're trying to cheat your way around the Project Management Triangle.

Some issues I see:

1) We can't collect any metrics automatically. In order for us to collect information we have to sit at our computers with a pad of paper and a pencil (or equivalents) and write down every action we take (every hit, every bit of damage, every mob we kill, every item those mobs carry, every step of every recipe we craft, etc.)

2) You don't provide specific, detailed information in updates. You make vague statements like "I tried to improve how useful cheese is in recipes" or "I increased drop rates in ZONE-NAME". You deliberately obfuscate the intentions behind your changes by using vague wording. If we don't know what you're specifically trying to do, we can't tell you if you've done it.

3) Information that should be available to us as alpha-testers isn't available to us, because this is an old-school mysterious game and we should discover it all for ourselves. You deliberately hide the numbers from us and expect us to reverse-engineer what you've done.

4) There's a lack of dev maturity and ongoing passive-aggression in responses on known bottlenecks that repeatedly frustrate players.

Some "fixes":

1) Better logging.

2) Better communication on the forums. To preserve the mystery of the game, this could be in a special sub-forum. Start with the "Five W's" and expand from there. Every update should be recorded with details as to expected damage numbers, drop rates, comparisons to other/known systems, xp tables, old and new versions of recipes, level ranges, etc.

3) More information recorded/revealed server-side. When a bug can be pinpointed by making server-side changes that track the nature of the bug, then make those changes. Don't offload tracking those changes onto the community.

4) Tell us what your expected metrics are and define terms for us. If you change a drop rate, how many mobs should we kill before we have a "good" sample size (10? 100? 1000?). Tell us what you think should be profitable for recipes, what the expected DPS is for various skills, which skills are basic and which are advanced, etc. Tell us what you were thinking when you made specific decisions so we can respond to whether your thoughts match up to our experiences.

4) More respectful forum communication. Let us know what can't be changed due to server limitations, what won't be changed due to resource limitations, and what's open to discussion. Trust to shut up and stop "whining" if you explain why something won't happen, instead of jumping to complaining that we're "whiners" for wanting specific things to happen. Drop the passive-aggression and player blaming.

tl;dr - in order to get specific responses from the player base start out by providing specific information from the development team.