(Not sure if alchemy is counted as trade skill, but it fits here most, so here we go)

SO yeh, after last big update, adn changes to in-combat regen, i found myself looking for alternative wasy of boosting power regen, other than food. I checked out Alchemy recipes, and found out that there are quite few nice recipes that can help in everyday life. And few that could help, if not for fact that they are gimped - either they need too rare ingrediens for they lv, or effect are underwhelimg, or both. So here are few recipes that i think could use some buff (either by making recipe easier, or buffung effect):

1) Cold damage potions - all of them needs teh effect buffed. Adding 3 damage is, at best, minor boost, even at low levels. At 20+ its basicly unnoticeable. Granted ingredients are not very hard to find, adn duration very long, but still such minor effect are not worth it.

2)Holistick ink - out of all special inks they have hardest to get ingredients (save form bscik one). Also Amazign version have lowest return (giving only 3 inks) while getting hairballs for it is WAY harder that mats for other 2. I suggest increasign yeld to 5 to mach other 2 special inks.

3) Resistance potions. They could use longer duration, and maybe higher-level versions. Also it would be nice if all of them had "shield" potion version(like fire shiled potion)

4)MAX HP-boosting potions - i fell like every one of them is simple not worth the effort. They need ingediens that are too hard to come by. Combined with not so great effects (+40 hp for 30 min is not so great when i have over 400 hp without food buff), they are really not worth the effort. I would suggest changing recipes to include more common ingredients.

5)Pinela juice - well. i actualy think this potion is rather good. What it, imo, needs is tooltip update - so it include duration and info if its boost in-combat power regen too.

6)Rage ointment(adn by extension Rage inhibitor) - Beak is far too hard to come by at such low level - even witha ll this chickes runig around serbule, and south serbule its hard to find one. I thionk it should be replaced with somethign else.

7) Toxinflesh Onitment - similar ot above - too hard to come bay ingredients, considerign recipe level, and effect.

8) Perfect memory inhibitor - unless im missing something, this potion seems to be useless.

9)Shroom suspensions - well its nto liek thsi recipes are too hard or anything, but i think they shoudl be moved to mycology. just my tought.

Also, it woudl be nice if w got lv cap increas for alchemy/mycology/fishing (and with it new ransk in correspondign off-bar skills). With announced lv 70 content having them stuck at lv 50 is a bit sad.