Hello, I go by Pyyedowne in game and I recently became a new ViP for PG and am greatly enjoying the game. I have brought several friends over recently as well to start our adventure. As I have played through, I have taken some notes and some things that would help give the player a better experience and perhaps might get some to stick around a lot longer. I appreciate that this may even be looked and discussed by the Dev team as I also have a background in game design. There is nothing better than a great game to sink into with a great community!

Skill Combinations and Gear Storage
One of the greatest things about this game is the way the skills interact, and how specific gear drops to support those skill combinations. But the storage is not set up at all to assist with this great skill system. I believe, in order to support the player wanting to experiment with different class combinations, they should have up to 5 tabs of storage space, that is specific to that skill combination. Let the player decide which skill combinations they want to keep moving forward.

So If I was playing a Staff / Shield build, and I wanted to switch to my Archery / Shield build, I would simply go to my gear storage, click on the Staff / Shield tab, unload the gear, click on the Archery / Shield tab, put on the gear. Perhaps at higher levels, players can get up to 10 tabs. This could all be earned of course. But as it stands currently, this awesome skill design is not supported like it should be.

Innate Run Speed and Alchemy
Innate run speed in this game is super slow, as it probably should be at the start. But this continues to be a problem for certain class combinations. The great solution to this is Alchemy, another reason to make this great skill super viable.

The one thing that would make this whole thing better, is have the Spider Speed potions last 15 minutes instead of 5 minutes. No one likes to micro-manage buffs and because these only stack to 5, it is also an inventory nightmare. The higher end speed potions should last an hour, to match the other buffs you get from food and flowers etc...

I actually had one friend leave because this innate run speed was such a pain for them. I think this simple solution would make all the difference.
I also heard mounts are coming, but I am not a big mount person and would much rather have a solution coming from Alchemy, something you build and earn as a skill. This is a big one for me too, as several times I struggled to play certain classes because it was such a hassle getting around. Please look into this fix!

Targeting NPCs
It would be nice to have an option to cycle through nearest NPCs (with a range of 5 to 8 meters). The way it currently is, it picks up distant NPCs / Mobs and makes it difficult to cycle mobs quickly.

Another thing that would make targeting much better is have the "targeted" mob's overhead text enlarged and in Bold, to make it stand out better. You could also solve this by offering a separate text color to "Targeted NPC or Mob"

It would be nice to have a separate overhead text color for corpses. Corpses should stand out once an enemy is killed. A great example is in Ghost Dungeon, the sneaky little things called Face of Death, when they die, it can still appear that they are alive. It would be a smart idea to offer a different look.

Corpse Collision
It would be nice to be able to pass through a dead corpse. There are circumstances where the corpse can block a passage way or get you stuck in a corner.

Keep in mind, these are just some suggestions on things I found new players definitely struggle with... There are MANY great things about the game that are already in place, so nicely done! If you need to reach me in game, my name is Pyyedwone. Thanks for listening...