Hi wona talk about necromancy here , So ingame im Paz and Mirro , got both my characters with necro at lvl 80.
I always play necro and take my pets anywhere.

Theres a lot of WRONG information and rumors out there about necromancy,
thats why im making this post to give correct information about necromancy.

I take my pets in fae world and gazluk keep highest lvl areas without any problems.
My pets almost never die because i know where and how to control them and place them .

Keep em in the middle of the party so they dont get shot and aggroed , keep em on assist not guard , use fire or dots with them so they attack continusly.
Crossbow is great with this also has necromancy able.

I stack tons of mods with them to give them good damage output makes them more vulnerable but i keep em safe and heal them when i need.

AI , animal handling ai is a bit broken , after attacking and killing something pet might go attack something else,
Necro pets dont do that , theyre ai is very good and well made , they obay me in what i tell them to do .
The damage is very good end game so dont give up , like any class ul need to stack mods.

Theres talk about dungeons and pets that they dont work well in dungeon party , but i run with groups down in gk all the way to bottom without any problem , they dont run in aggro stuff or die , its all about the player how much time u spend with ur pets to understand them and learn how to use them.

I do carry a stack of fuil oil with me at all times in case i need a graveyard but rearly happens.

Lets talk about Provoke undead. thats ur main damage giver , its going to make them take about 400 damage health armour at max torture.
but damage boost is great .

Fire mages i dont use because they can not withstand max torture , also after armour is depleted on pet they take double damage from provoke.
Archers i find are the best great armour and good damage , the heals are important to get theyre health and armour ready for another torture.
Swordsman ive been playing around with , they do not do a lot of damage but they stun after filling theyre rage bar.

It seems like the more damage and higher lvl of swordsman more stuns come in because they fill ragebar faster so my lvl 81 swordsman with max provoke fills his bar rather fast almost guarenty one stun from one of them on each mobs , very handy.

Necromancy is a powerful very well balanced class that needs no change, but u do need to think a lot take care of your pets give them some love and be totally aware of ur suroundings or else ul loose em in a fight, very viable end game with another class.
hope that helps a bit sins i do know a lot about em playing them all the time ,
anyone can message pazzuzra or Mirromorka for infformation about them or help to get necro if not busy .

Take care.