So I have done about 3 alts so far and get semi confused / bored around the 20's for whatever reason I just shut down. I can't seem to find the right combination of skills to play. The ones I do want to play require an intense grind or are locked behind these strange faraway zones. Even if I go and explore to try to unlock these skills most of the time I am let down. Npc requires "friends" or some type of favor. So its a slow crawl back to serbule to work on favor or look for ways to make money.

The biggest bottle neck for me is once the items start pouring in and most of the npcs don't want to buy anymore. Its a fumbling process of going through inventory, banking stuff, where and what do I sell to who. It goes from "dam I really had fun in the starter island" to a whole different game once you land in serbule. Inventory is a constant issue and the early game just seems so bland... I mean can we at least have semi decent speed to get somewhere? The pace of getting from a to b to sell in other towns is so slow. I can't even consider any cool crafting because there is zero market for low level items. I just feel like I am grinding a profession for the sake of grinding it.

I really want to try and like the game. It has an interesting appeal to it even though I am very frustrated by it. I have tried animal handling which I can't go into dungeons with because I get swarmed by 6-7 mobs in a room. The other one was unarmed and I just can't play this class it really puts me to sleep. Last class I played was because I seen someone pull like 6 mobs and just stand there doing nothing and all the mobs died. I asked what class spec was that and they said fire/shield... There I went to make a fire shield class in hopes this would be it. This was a nightmare farming those lil fire rats who by the way are fire immune so had to put ice spells. 3 hours later I finally get to research just to enter a new amazing item called sulfur. Listen does the game at any point present me with just a little bit of R&R? I just want to have fun and swing and kill things. All the small things connect to other things that connect to other things that connect to this or that. Really its just a cluster of "not fun" when its so complex.

End of rant on to my questions..

What is the cheapest and most effective class combo that isn't locked behind favor npc and is semi decent in aoe pulls mainly dungeons.

Why do people from a far that just come into range float with no movement and have their hands raised up like a crucifix?

Can you ban all deers from the game next patch thanks. Just kill them all.