Quote Originally Posted by Fifth View Post
Sry if I came across as overly negative. It doesn't mean I don't like the game as a whole. I do, I actually like it a lot. It's just the new direction I can't really dig... But that's prolly just me.

It's just one persons subjective opinion, nothing more. If everyone else is super excited about it then everything's fine.
I do believe, by the way, that the best thing to do if you really care about the future of the game is to give honest feedback.

Besides, we haven't even seen the end product yet. Let's wait and see... and hope for the best.
I agree with you mate, not sure why people think putting gambling into games is a great idea ?
I have been disappointed in the way the game has been going in the last few updates and this one is not giving me much hope for the final product.

We are allowed to give our opinion as we have paid to play and those morons that only want to hear their opinion repeated as they like to fan boy for some unknown reason.
The idea of these threads is to give feed back as I donated and then bought two copies as the game started as i hoped it would and therefore I was happy to put money towards it, now though I have barely logged in for the last month as it's just getting stagnant now and the last thing that would interest me is a casino.
Hopefully they wake up and go back to the game rather than waste of time fluff.