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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Tinlaar's Avatar
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    Same thread but with surveying: are there any plans to make them less painful?

    I just got Hunting Speed 3 and began hunting for metal slabs and gems. After farming for just under 2 hours, expending 24 survey maps, I could not contain my frustration and simply logged off. I really don't see why I should subject myself to this tediousness when I could just go farm 10k right away in some random dungeon and buy it off other players at this point, aside from the fact that I am a completionist and want to max out every skill I come across.

    Surveying: Automatic map markers
    I made 40 survey maps, went right out of the inn and quickly got to work. With the speed buff from Hunting Speed 3, it's a lot easier to traverse from point A to point B, but most of my time is spent clicking on survey maps. One. At. A. Time. How is this (http://www.defenestration.co/pg/surveying/) not in the game? They just used chatlogs and javascript on a web browser and every location gets marked. Couldn't something similar be done with Unity? Give us different map tabs for default map pins, surveying, treasure cartography and war caches. I'm not fine with alt-tabbing to a different window just to look at the map, or clicking through 40 survey maps to see which one is the closest to my position, and figure out which map corresponds to which marker.

    Geology: More gems
    Why aren't there motherlodes for gems? And why aren't there more crystals in dungeons? Where are the orange crystals? Why are green crystals the lowest level crystal formation that I can mine without using a survey map?

    Mining: Why is the leveling curve so weird?
    Not enough things to mine before having access to motherlodes is a huge problem. I can mine pyrite at an easy level 5, located in myconian cave which is level 20-30, then I can mine winterprize at level 15, but SOMEHOW I don't get any xp for mining winterprize, despite it being located in a level 40+ Winter Nexus, and then I couldn't mine anything without surveying until level 30, where I could mine saltpeter in Kur, at level 30-50. Then with just 5 levels in, I have access to silver AND gold ores, located in Kur and Yeti Caves, also a level 40+ zone. 5 levels more and I could mine Iridium at level 40 mining. It's almost like the game is actively trying to stop me from progressing early on, and showering me with freebies once I manage to hit level 30 (I'm still at level 21 so one could imagine why I'm this pissed off).

    All of this culminates in a very tedious and boring experience. I couldn't mine anything off the ground with reasonable xp efficiency, and so I turn to surveying, but nothing is marked on the map, so I need to either alt-tab or check the survey maps one by one and add pins manually, then point my character in the general direction of the pin, activate the speed buff and turn on autorun while hoping I don't hit any random mobs on the way that would slow me down. Quite frankly, I see no reason why surveying should exist in the first place, when it degrades the gameplay loop so much that I find it repulsing.

    Oh, and P.S. to whoever manages this forum: please stop logging me out because I took too long to write a post, thank you.
    Last edited by Tinlaar; 07-05-2020 at 03:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Well, while I can understand your frustration, I personally thik surveng is fine as it is. Only thing I'd like to see fixed is mining nodes spawning inside mountais.

    As for optimizing your runs - rember that you can move maps in your iventory, So you could arrange them in order you want to collect them.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ranperre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinlaar View Post
    After farming for just under 2 hours, expending 24 survey maps
    You're doing something wrong.

    Mining: So you have to level mining like you do geology? What a cruel world.

    That said, giff gem motherlodes please.
    Last edited by Ranperre; 07-05-2020 at 12:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    To be honest I've always loathed surveying as well. Running around isn't really a problem, but survey maps having a cast time and trying to remember which survey map is the spot I'm standing on always makes me want to stop. It's tedious to try and use each map one by one while also trying to feel around for the spot you need to stand in to use surveying. It's either that or you need to spend time organizing each map so you can do a clean sweep of the area which is also tedious because of the same cast time making it take forever to cast each map just to read the coordinates. I get that some people LOVE surveying but I just can't stand it, it feels like a chore for the wrong reasons.

    Something that I think would make Surveying a lot less mind numbing is if maps in your inventory glowed when you were standing in the correct spot, so that way you could easily see which map you need to use when standing in the correct location so you don't have to click through a whole bunch of them. Either that or perhaps the coordinates needed to use the survey map could be on the item itself which would make them easier to organize and would make a lot of sense.
    Last edited by Yaffy; 07-05-2020 at 11:41 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaffy View Post

    Something that I think would make Surveying a lot less mind numbing is if maps in your inventory glowed when you were standing in the correct spot, so that way you could easily see which map you need to use when standing in the correct location so you don't have to click through a whole bunch of them. ...
    Oh I like the sound of that, something like how gifts showup in your inventory. If the closer you were to the site the faster the border of the highlight spun around the map item. So maybe if you happen to be near multiple nodes you could tell at a glance of your inventory. Might be a nightmare to code, but it would be neat.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Corinthia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr00cy View Post
    Well, while I can understand your frustration, I personally thik surveng is fine as it is. Only thing I'd like to see fixed is mining nodes spawning inside mountais.

    As for optimizing your runs - rember that you can move maps in your iventory, So you could arrange them in order you want to collect them.
    Like Cr00cy said. This is the way I always make my runs. Organizing first, depending on zone, usually by quadrants with dividers in inventory. Never bother with map pins. Place next survey in sidebar, so can check on the way. Use AH pet if high enough level to keep mobs off and try to make each stop a speed bonus. The more surveys the more bonuses. It's kinda fun.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Personally, i think things are fine as they are. The shear number of gems available to buy at cheap prices shows it's pretty easy. I usually just buy what I need, but don't mind running around now and then. Serb is a no danger zone, and the speed bonus is pretty much assured. Ilmari motherlodes are pretty damn simple as long as you pay attention and circle around mobs. And take some water. Kur motherlodes are probably the toughest because of mountains and water. Swimming potions help, and flying is easy mode. Gazuk motherloads take some more time, bigger zone, but it's also for level 80 jewelery (and i assume weapon and armor smithing at some point).

    If it's easier to go farm in a dungeon...well, then do that. I like doing mother loads, don't like looking for gems. So I buy my gems. Adds to the economy. And I go through a two to four hundred gems a week.

    Like everything else, things get easier as you level, work out an efficient way to do things, and get some practice.

  8. #8
    Member Clip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaffy View Post
    if maps in your inventory glowed when you were standing in the correct spot, so that way you could easily see which map you need to use when standing in the correct location
    I LOVE that idea. Especially if it was an ability granted by some skill other than Surveying to create a new skill synergy. Also, this would cut down a bit on tedious micronav with motherlodes a bit. I was able to get to the point with the survey tool where I could hit undersea Kur motherlodes on the first try, but that really takes some care and OCD.

    You could create some nice connections to other skills that don't have as many synergistic benefits, like:

    Skill: Industry, Ability: "Obsessively Organized," consumes drink "Coffee" (hint, hint, tragically missing recipe), causes survey, treasure cartography, and War Cache maps to be highlighted when standing close enough to use them successfully.


    Skill: Gadgeteering, Item: "Mechanical Map Manifold", a consumable item that for 30-60? minutes, keeps track of maps in your inventory, having the same effect, before its many tiny gears and little arms wear out. (Crafted using spider legs!)

    Other skills that might be friendly synergies are
    - Cartography for a navigation sense, but has scaling problems as zones are added, IMO
    - Alchemy for a map-highlighting potion, but already has plenty of synergies.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    I think tools like Clip's site, and PGS, make surveying too easy for players that use them compared to those that don't. IMO it means surveying is not "fine", unless these tools are banned. But I don't think it's the right thing to do. Instead, I rather see Yaffy's suggestion implemented, and some other things tuned, to make these tools less useful.

    Currently, 3rd-party tools can do this for you:
    • Show all maps location with no pin count restriction (enabling 100+ surveys at a time)
    • Calculate the shortest path from map to map
    • Highlight the map to click to collect
    • Triangulate motherlode maps

    We could have temporary pins displayed in game when you click a survey map, and some way to highlight the survey map in the inventory window when you get close to one of them (as suggested by Yaffy).

    For motherlodes, I guess using a 3rd-party tools to make them easier to find is still OK, and a reason to pay for the VIP subscription.

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